From Pontiac, Michigan, USA
aka Cyib Lings/General Motors/BAE/Nissan/On Shape/Lawrence Technological University/State of Michigan/Continental &International Academy-Central
Rookie Year: 2000
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Robot Name: Cornelius XII

Event Results

Overall, Team 469 had an average qual score of 113.83 and an average playoff score of 136.89 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 469 ranked 20 having earned 207.0 points.

FIM District - Woodhaven Event

in Brownstown, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 469 was Rank 12 with an average qual score of 52.00 and an average playoff score of 89.57 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 27
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 3542

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 54
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5531 469 201 3539 4405 280 28 62
3539 5688 5531 3542 469 1076 60 67
5144 469 2611 5263 2676 4395 57 27
3604 1941 469 2611 3322 4390 84 70
123 5050 835 5257 469 3668 15 12
2620 835 469 5756 5090 1076 38 35
469 123 2832 2676 240 5144 56 20
5688 1023 5567 5090 469 3539 100 34
815 2832 5523 469 1023 5263 19 136
815 4405 469 4390 5068 123 44 18
469 5068 5498 5619 5577 3604 6 53
5050 27 3322 5688 2612 469 116 62
469 27 3542 2611 280 5688 94 50
469 27 3542 2612 835 5756 92 68
469 27 3542 1076 3668 2832 104 96
469 27 3542 3539 3322 5263 100 76
3604 1023 4405 469 27 3542 148 48
3604 1023 4405 469 27 3542 182 110
3604 1023 4405 469 27 3542 162 79

FIM District - St. Joseph Event

in St. Joseph, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 469 was Rank 11 with an average qual score of 95.08 and an average playoff score of 146.86 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 3452
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 5501

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 30.0
Award Points 5
Total Points 66.0
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5227 5246 5152 469 5056 5676 50 70
4377 5246 5502 3452 5610 469 86 120
4377 3547 469 5182 5204 2767 99 126
5182 5194 4368 469 2959 5623 30 38
469 2474 4237 3452 5056 4855 134 118
2959 5501 3452 2767 469 1254 96 80
5227 4325 469 2474 1940 5623 110 108
5152 469 3688 4237 4325 4395 122 82
4409 469 468 5462 3875 1254 16 11
5462 469 5194 5535 1677 5674 72 27
5676 3547 3620 5675 5745 469 104 126
1254 494 5675 5069 469 5246 98 154
469 3452 5501 5056 3547 5745 148 89
469 3452 5501 5674 4377 5610 146 99
469 3452 5501 5069 2767 4325 127 132
469 3452 5501 5056 3547 5745 161 98
469 3452 5501 494 70 5623 156 158
469 3452 5501 494 70 5623 156 120
469 3452 5501 494 70 5623 134 132

FIM District - Troy Event

in Troy, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 469 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 100.08 and an average playoff score of 177.43 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 33
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 1188
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
469 5223 5167 3398 4130 5048 96 55
5214 5650 818 226 4854 469 44 79
5517 1188 3302 469 4380 5214 72 91
2676 2591 469 3539 5053 5167 78 106
469 4811 5065 2676 4130 3096 74 29
4854 5436 4961 469 818 3538 76 156
5239 469 4961 5167 5555 5774 113 69
5555 4840 469 5065 5239 3619 111 18
4380 5053 3096 469 5650 4815 74 68
3548 469 4130 5217 33 5201 112 144
469 5436 4994 4811 5555 4380 144 19
4840 5223 5662 3534 469 5774 34 79
469 33 1188 5053 818 2591 157 78
469 33 1188 247 4961 3534 155 101
469 33 1188 4130 5048 4815 222 94
469 33 1188 247 4961 3534 185 93
469 33 1188 2337 226 5217 181 84
469 33 1188 2337 226 5217 178 141
469 33 1188 2337 226 5217 164 142

FIRST in Michigan District Championship

in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 469 was Rank 38 with an average qual score of 144.00 and an average playoff score of 132.00

Captain 70
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 4003

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 42
Alliance Points 45
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 87
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Hopper Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 469 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 158.50 and an average playoff score of 168.00

Captain 469
Pick 1 2590
Pick 2 1817
Pick 3 11
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Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition

in Monroe, MI, USA

Team 469 was Rank 14 with an average qual score of 84.82 and an average playoff score of 99.50

Captain 217
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 245
Pick 3 1528
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 469 was Rank 51 with an average qual score of 185.22

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
829 2502 5254 2338 4143 469 260 156
548 217 118 1711 2614 469 234 184
3641 48 111 107 469 548 154 180
1325 20 1625 316 469 27 97 82
469 1023 5413 226 3824 1720 198 142
1310 1024 5413 379 469 68 183 275
4039 469 5254 1619 234 340 213 240
2826 469 5188 330 3015 33 192 222
469 4678 67 1114 2122 1218 187 285

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Robot Name: Cornelius XII

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