The Blue Alliance is the best way to scout, watch, and relive the FIRST Robotics Competition.
Encrypted Manual Password: *wg*F1N4LLY!2025
Event | Webcast | Dates |
Cezeri Robot Ligi Week 0
İstanbul, İstanbul, Türkiye |
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Blue Twilight Week Zero
Eagan, Minnesota, USA |
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Becker Week Zero Day Two
Becker, MN, United States |
Offline | |
Sussex Scrimmage
Sussex, WI, USA |
Offline | |
Pregional by ORBIT
Binyamina, Hazafon, Israel |
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KnightKrawler Week Zero
New Brighton, MN, USA |
Offline | |
ISR District Event #1
Hadera, M, Israel |
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