From Pontiac, Michigan, USA
aka Cyib Lings/General Motors/BAE/Nissan/On Shape/Lawrence Technological University/State of Michigan/Continental &International Academy-Central
Rookie Year: 2000
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 469 was 69-20-1 in official play and 93-27-1 overall in 2014.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 469 ranked 8 having earned 237 points.

Howell FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Howell, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 469 was Rank 2 with a record of 16-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 67
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 3548

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 66
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
226 4390 469 3656 4776 3688 81 75
201 548 469 2612 3603 245 76 125
469 1189 2612 27 3707 2075 157 145
469 3668 4840 4390 288 216 136 15
469 3536 1076 3322 4568 201 68 181
2612 1504 4776 3322 469 5220 22 73
469 1504 3603 910 5229 5222 74 46
5220 5231 244 469 3655 3548 69 152
1504 4390 4216 469 3707 4961 55 155
3322 308 4961 910 469 3570 53 181
469 4362 67 3548 3570 548 186 79
5222 226 3655 308 4776 469 93 191
3548 67 469 1504 2612 3322 206 26
67 469 3548 2612 3322 1504 111 52
469 3548 67 4568 910 226 146 112
3548 469 67 226 4568 910 181 78
67 469 3548 548 27 3536 171 161
67 3548 469 27 3536 548 250 136

Waterford FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Waterford, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 469 was Rank 9 with a record of 11-5-1 and won the following awards:

  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 2137
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 4998

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 48
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1718 5073 573 3619 469 5239 271 115
51 5008 5073 3098 3632 469 141 210
5197 5144 5224 3096 469 4851 33 146
68 3632 5050 67 469 4680 71 186
5048 240 469 3302 5084 5081 156 17
3539 4994 469 5224 3535 1 165 122
469 5238 3535 5048 573 5197 165 70
1718 68 5216 469 5050 3773 270 100
5233 68 469 5144 5239 3535 180 121
3538 469 1 5216 2137 302 109 171
4758 469 5144 3098 5225 240 111 111
5224 469 2612 573 3632 4680 220 86
469 4998 2137 5216 3707 4680 305 122
2137 469 4998 3707 4680 5216 291 58
469 4998 2137 3773 1718 3098 217 216
4998 2137 469 3773 1718 3098 211 285
2137 4998 469 3098 1718 3773 121 125

Troy FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Troy, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 469 was Rank 4 with a record of 13-4-0

Captain 469
Pick 1 3534
Pick 2 5053
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
469 4811 3538 245 5197 4779 126 29
4130 3534 469 818 322 2224 260 27
3539 2832 226 4961 245 469 160 126
2591 4961 4779 5048 469 5053 33 93
4737 217 4507 5223 910 469 75 201
469 5046 5193 5053 2224 4737 188 85
4130 453 4811 469 2960 2604 58 122
5223 5226 5046 3302 469 1941 38 113
469 5201 33 5048 4854 4815 200 34
5197 4854 469 4815 1941 5053 127 104
245 3302 5214 4815 469 2337 116 126
4507 2591 469 2960 33 4810 60 231
3534 469 5053 453 4130 5048 170 123
3534 469 5053 453 5048 4130 257 118
33 910 5193 3534 5053 469 186 192
910 5193 33 3534 5053 469 237 183
33 910 5193 3534 469 5053 208 167

Michigan FRC State Championship

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 469 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-6-0

Captain 2337
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2834

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 48
Alliance Points 45
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 123
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
469 4362 3098 1023 3688 2771 230 205
5162 469 3175 5193 68 280 165 191
245 67 3534 33 548 469 140 182
862 3548 3322 51 469 3539 156 285
2619 1189 4988 245 469 910 197 325
2474 2337 70 1711 1023 469 201 191
3548 469 815 503 3641 1918 172 201
3098 2959 5053 469 4003 857 116 271
469 453 494 4003 3604 74 150 161
4967 1718 1506 2604 469 3620 165 200
3667 469 4819 2604 815 2137 210 93
469 4956 314 4779 1250 4362 285 273
469 2337 2834 51 862 68 182 91
2834 2337 469 51 68 862 255 214
2834 2337 469 27 314 33 165 190
2337 2834 469 33 27 314 137 211

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 469 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

Captain 254
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2848
Pick 3 74
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5036 4055 469 2013 230 3161 145 144
3230 2619 191 469 1723 11 110 186
294 1629 469 4171 4161 118 180 120
125 540 1676 469 4969 236 166 145
2227 177 222 3476 4819 469 102 280
3042 2073 4977 2648 3562 469 93 215
469 1732 4334 2478 2080 2543 306 92
469 1323 3990 418 987 1902 240 187
469 3843 180 4125 5125 447 267 139
3932 3301 2016 865 3794 469 78 195
469 2848 254 624 987 3476 270 175
2848 469 254 624 987 3476 270 185
469 74 254 359 118 4334 250 260
469 2848 254 359 118 4334 201 125
469 2848 254 359 118 4334 270 206
469 2848 254 1718 2451 573 231 226
469 2848 254 1718 2451 573 270 215

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 469 had a record of 4-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

Captain 254
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2848
Pick 3 74
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1477 2590 1625 469 2848 254 235 320
1477 2590 1625 469 2848 254 245 261
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 236 361
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 240 153
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 250 280

Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition

in Monroe, MI, USA

Team 469 had a record of 11-4-0

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 469 had a record of 13-3-0

Captain 2056
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 1625
Pick 3 4039
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
225 195 2614 45 368 469 166 216
1625 1619 233 469 2451 1806 166 247
2175 469 27 71 1741 20 280 240
20 399 469 1732 234 51 144 176
179 254 624 494 2481 469 220 200
469 2013 148 3098 1806 461 266 128
2867 1108 1817 469 1730 1718 80 311
469 3683 2468 1241 2928 503 205 143
469 2590 340 868 4039 359 222 198
2056 469 1625 359 148 910 325 220
2056 469 1625 359 148 910 255 206
2056 469 1625 118 16 67 217 227
2056 469 1625 118 16 67 316 168
2056 469 1625 118 16 67 335 244
254 1114 330 2056 469 1625 281 321
254 1114 330 2056 469 1625 230 280

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