From Revere, Massachusetts, USA
aka Sonos/West Coast Products LLC/Bayer/Medtronic/PTC/Revere Public Schools/Northeastern University/Greater Boston Robotics, Inc & Boston Latin School & Noble and Greenough School & Revere High School
Rookie Year: 1998
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 125 was 69-29-0 in official play and 96-39-0 overall in 2014.

As a member of the New England district, Team 125 ranked 16 having earned 177 points.

Groton District Event

in Groton, CT, USA
to Week 2

Team 125 was Rank 19 with a record of 5-9-0

Captain 2168
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 5112

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 10
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 22
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Rhode Island District Event

in Smithfield, RI, USA
to Week 4

Team 125 was Rank 6 with a record of 15-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 78
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 4761

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 68
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1350 125 4176 2168 2262 121 29 51
121 1100 61 3927 1973 125 177 65
246 121 3780 125 3623 1100 34 145
190 125 61 4048 2079 663 168 100
246 1350 4761 1965 2168 125 139 107
125 1517 4311 138 1350 190 111 75
3780 1519 125 4908 2621 3280 78 77
3719 125 2262 1517 1757 4905 70 51
3280 125 5163 78 2871 4796 161 35
3927 5112 4474 125 4761 5000 43 133
4905 5112 125 4176 1973 2621 72 5
1517 5000 5163 348 125 4048 68 181
4761 125 78 3623 246 3280 171 88
125 78 4761 3280 3623 246 181 77
4761 125 78 663 4048 1100 116 131
78 125 4761 663 4048 1100 215 119
125 78 4761 4048 663 1100 127 125
1519 5163 2168 78 4761 125 200 145
5163 1519 2168 125 4761 78 168 180
2168 5163 1519 78 4761 125 118 120

Northeastern University District Event

in Boston, MA, USA
to Week 5

Team 125 was Rank 1 with a record of 18-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 125
Pick 1 3467
Pick 2 5000
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1474 1058 1153 1973 125 1965 59 75
69 125 1757 4796 5000 4474 120 23
2262 3499 1965 125 2871 4929 58 105
237 2876 3205 97 125 5000 78 120
125 1153 2262 4151 3499 1922 117 62
4908 97 3479 126 125 2713 39 195
3958 125 501 157 2871 5347 141 51
5347 4474 125 1973 1153 126 80 78
1058 125 246 4176 2877 126 190 123
125 4796 3467 1289 246 1073 205 83
2084 3479 125 3958 1757 4151 185 23
2079 4311 2713 1474 3499 125 16 125
5000 3467 125 3479 3958 4761 230 97
3467 125 5000 3479 3958 4761 185 43
3467 125 5000 1761 1073 1153 210 107
3467 5000 125 1153 1761 1073 146 136
125 3467 5000 3499 2877 69 225 191
3467 5000 125 69 2877 3499 275 115

Pine Tree District Event

in Lewiston, ME, USA
to Week 6

Team 125 was Rank 4 with a record of 16-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Chairman's Award
  • Winner

Captain 155
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 663
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
467 5122 1027 133 3461 125 52 175
4042 4906 125 3451 1071 1027 115 137
4473 2648 319 88 172 125 99 61
125 467 155 4546 5265 3597 240 107
1721 125 4925 172 4555 4564 165 160
4546 125 5286 1831 4793 4925 96 59
5286 1027 4906 3609 5122 125 78 165
3525 125 663 3930 5265 58 155 109
4793 1071 1721 3927 4564 125 47 140
4793 1307 125 467 1721 3609 151 75
166 3597 3585 3930 125 4473 97 151
1071 125 1786 4473 4564 3609 137 103
125 663 155 4906 166 3597 115 87
663 155 125 4906 3597 166 122 75
663 155 125 58 172 319 226 151
663 125 155 58 172 319 130 172
155 125 663 319 58 172 181 121
663 125 155 3930 133 3525 200 61
125 155 663 3525 133 3930 176 180
663 125 155 3930 3525 133 170 97

New England FRC Region Championship

in Boston, MA, USA
to Week 7

Team 125 was Rank 14 with a record of 7-7-0

Captain 1153
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 4048

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 42
Alliance Points 45
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 87
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Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 125 was Rank 7 with a record of 8-4-0

Captain 180
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 1323
Pick 3 2468
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Beantown Blitz

in Boston, MA, USA

Team 125 had a record of 16-0-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
125 78 2877 2423 1687 4473 215 49
4473 1058 125 2877 1687 1511 230 69
1100 175 78 69 839 125 86 165
839 195 2423 125 1519 3461 36 146
1687 4761 125 1073 3461 88 140 102
125 88 195 172 1100 2648 195 23
1768 1965 125 4761 2423 2648 57 47
1071 4473 3461 175 2648 125 59 110
1073 69 4048 1100 1511 125 51 55
69 4761 1058 1071 125 172 78 88
2648 175 125 2877 4761 88 215 43
2648 125 175 4761 88 2877 180 67
2648 175 125 839 3461 1687 146 88
175 125 2648 1687 3461 839 135 68
1100 4048 1511 2648 175 125 108 170
4048 1511 1100 2648 175 125 141 181

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 125 had a record of 2-7-0

Captain 1718
Pick 1 2451
Pick 2 27
Pick 3 125
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3683 125 107 1024 74 1023 137 167
4488 254 11 4039 368 125 221 200
125 1310 3478 503 1114 3098 148 156
1477 1730 368 125 2928 624 148 206
4265 910 2451 1817 125 868 200 180
1732 2590 2481 33 125 234 197 177
2468 2013 125 20 624 1625 210 275
399 573 27 2590 2614 125 202 167
125 2481 233 2867 447 1640 216 112

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