From Penfield, New York, USA
aka L3Harris/Capone's Italian Eatery/Lee & Hayes/Dematic&Penfield High School
Rookie Year: 2005
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Event Results

Team 1511 was 24-20-1 in official play and 44-41-1 overall in 2014.

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Troy, NY, USA
to Week 3

Team 1511 was Rank 7 with a record of 9-7-1 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration

Captain 1511
Pick 1 578
Pick 2 3015
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3044 229 3936 1511 174 379 37 98
1665 4122 3059 2228 1126 1511 30 116
174 4134 2911 3990 3015 1511 91 165
340 5236 358 2053 1511 3936 29 132
145 4134 1511 1708 2791 250 87 52
2228 4975 870 229 1511 20 130 116
1511 4203 870 578 3003 2791 117 148
1511 2911 3059 4975 4508 53 82 82
1511 3044 3003 1126 20 1708 115 150
5030 4508 1511 3936 3193 5149 82 34
358 3687 1493 1511 116 1708 135 133
3193 2053 174 1511 578 1665 93 112
379 1493 3003 1511 3015 578 57 152
379 3003 1493 1511 3015 578 230 107
3003 1493 379 3015 1511 578 111 152
20 229 1126 1511 578 3015 169 121
229 20 1126 3015 1511 578 152 121

Finger Lakes Regional

in Rochester, NY, USA
to Week 5

Team 1511 was Rank 10 with a record of 8-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award

Captain 1511
Pick 1 1551
Pick 2 3003
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3838 174 3181 3017 1511 1551 23 109
1551 334 341 1511 4093 250 151 116
1591 1511 3799 4930 743 3181 92 103
3003 4930 639 1511 2340 3015 176 180
3044 1559 1511 2340 5254 578 68 97
1511 1405 3157 1559 191 1155 106 55
1559 1405 250 3181 1511 1585 58 138
2228 1511 1765 1126 5349 4508 112 170
1450 1511 5349 4023 3044 3173 111 52
1511 5240 2265 1585 2791 1493 131 158
1511 3951 1507 1518 378 2228 170 67
191 1592 1511 1765 5240 2809 143 40
1591 801 2265 73 1511 340 66 235
1507 378 20 1511 1551 3003 210 141
1507 378 20 1551 3003 1511 246 170

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1511 was Rank 30 with a record of 7-6-0

Captain 2054
Pick 1 314
Pick 2 1511
Pick 3 2283
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Beantown Blitz

in Boston, MA, USA

Team 1511 had a record of 8-10-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
195 1511 3461 1965 839 4048 58 83
4473 1058 125 2877 1687 1511 230 69
1519 1511 1071 4048 2648 3461 178 62
172 78 4761 175 1768 1511 108 71
839 2648 1511 1519 172 2877 57 122
1511 4473 69 1058 3461 1768 66 126
1071 839 175 1058 1511 1073 112 81
2423 69 1100 1511 4761 1965 71 122
1073 69 4048 1100 1511 125 51 55
88 2648 2877 1511 78 2423 68 96
2423 195 1519 4048 1100 1511 77 168
1519 2423 195 1100 1511 4048 101 87
2423 195 1519 1100 4048 1511 48 125
1511 1100 4048 1058 1073 4473 159 219
1511 1100 4048 4473 1058 1073 201 143
1100 4048 1511 4473 1073 1058 221 147
1100 4048 1511 2648 175 125 108 170
4048 1511 1100 2648 175 125 141 181

Tech Valley Robot Rumble

in NY, USA

Team 1511 had a record of 6-7-0

Captain 5236
Pick 1 4203
Pick 2 1511

Rah Cha Cha Ruckus

in NY, USA

Team 1511 had a record of 6-4-0

Captain 1511
Pick 1 20
Pick 2 5254
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