Finger Lakes Regional 2014

to Week 5
Gordon Field House in Rochester, NY, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4930 3951 250 4508 1155 3003 13 126
3157 1507 3015 2340 1126 2265 171 100
3838 174 3181 3017 1511 1551 23 109
340 1405 578 1450 73 5240 78 13
2791 1591 3044 3173 334 2228 73 83
639 5349 5254 1585 2809 4023 248 23
1518 191 20 4093 1592 3799 147 135
801 1765 378 1493 341 743 100 137
1559 4508 4930 3017 1507 1155 58 111
1126 3157 3003 3838 1405 2809 60 150
3173 3015 1585 73 3951 4023 138 17
191 2228 5254 639 1450 2265 61 34
1551 334 341 1511 4093 250 151 116
2791 3181 5240 20 378 5349 69 181
2340 1765 1493 1591 1559 340 35 130
1518 3044 801 174 3799 578 166 67
743 1155 639 1592 341 1585 56 155
3951 2228 3003 4023 4508 191 130 61
1551 73 2340 20 5240 1493 56 154
3044 334 2265 1518 1405 1765 117 110
3017 1126 5254 3173 2791 578 109 82
1591 1511 3799 4930 743 3181 92 103
4093 174 1559 3015 378 2809 61 228
5349 1592 3838 1450 1507 340 46 230
3157 191 3173 250 801 1585 86 197
1765 1126 1591 5240 1551 3951 81 58
4023 5254 334 73 1155 174 124 33
743 578 1450 5349 1493 2265 18 47
2228 2791 341 1518 3157 1559 185 35
3044 1507 3838 1592 250 20 96 106
3003 4930 639 1511 2340 3015 176 180
378 4508 3017 4093 1405 801 68 125
340 2809 2228 3799 3181 334 100 72
191 73 5349 1155 1551 1518 97 35
3044 1559 1511 2340 5254 578 68 97
4023 1126 3015 3838 801 20 155 131
174 4508 1450 3157 2791 2265 102 82
340 3951 1585 1591 4930 4093 125 22
1405 3181 3017 743 1507 1765 84 133
250 2809 1493 378 639 3799 125 106
1592 3173 5240 341 3003 2265 106 115
2228 4508 1585 340 174 20 52 141
1511 1405 3157 1559 191 1155 106 55
3017 1518 1493 3044 3015 1551 111 128
73 1765 4930 743 3173 2809 58 123
1591 5349 334 1126 578 1592 61 161
2340 3799 1507 378 1450 3951 157 77
5254 341 4093 801 3003 3181 55 77
250 5240 3838 2791 4023 639 55 93
743 3157 5349 20 2228 3015 32 126
1591 4508 1518 3017 1450 2809 67 150
3951 1155 801 1493 3003 334 171 42
3173 1551 3838 5240 5254 4930 77 118
1559 1405 250 3181 1511 1585 58 138
4093 578 73 1507 1592 2791 146 265
378 3044 340 639 191 1126 205 105
174 2340 4023 341 1765 3799 47 122
2265 3181 1518 1493 1155 3838 30 33
1559 334 743 5240 4093 3157 66 21
3173 20 3003 639 578 1507 97 237
3015 3799 1405 5254 1591 1585 161 69
2340 1592 3951 174 2791 191 133 82
378 4023 250 3017 73 2265 140 28
2228 1511 1765 1126 5349 4508 112 170
4930 3044 2809 341 1450 801 168 105
1551 174 743 340 2791 3003 61 94
1155 20 3799 1591 5240 1405 82 93
4093 3951 2265 3017 250 639 52 122
1450 1511 5349 4023 3044 3173 111 52
3015 191 1493 341 4508 1507 122 155
1585 1765 578 3838 334 378 113 159
1126 801 1551 1559 1592 2228 180 87
2809 3181 73 2340 3157 340 142 76
1518 4930 341 5254 4508 20 215 199
1511 5240 2265 1585 2791 1493 131 158
3838 1559 3003 3951 3799 5349 62 27
1155 3157 378 3017 1591 3173 91 39
743 801 73 334 2340 1518 138 150
2809 174 639 1507 1405 2228 121 191
4023 3181 578 4930 191 1551 101 181
1592 1765 340 250 5254 3015 126 196
4093 1450 3003 1126 3044 73 81 138
174 801 334 639 3838 1591 161 123
3799 3157 2809 2265 1551 578 53 265
1511 3951 1507 1518 378 2228 170 67
4508 3173 4093 5349 2340 1559 66 198
5254 1592 1405 4930 4023 1493 212 114
20 2791 1450 3015 1765 1155 146 86
5240 743 1126 3181 250 191 86 97
341 3017 340 1585 3044 3003 156 162
174 1493 2228 3838 4023 4093 79 33
378 2265 1559 4930 334 20 110 128
191 1592 1511 1765 5240 2809 143 40
3173 73 639 4508 743 3799 117 117
2791 1551 5349 341 1405 1126 157 151
3015 578 3951 3157 3181 3044 194 81
1585 1450 1155 2340 3017 801 42 148
1507 250 1591 5254 1518 340 141 119
4093 1126 1493 174 4930 3173 67 74
3951 2809 341 3838 2791 743 162 103
639 1585 20 1450 1559 1551 217 26
3003 1507 1518 4023 1765 3157 177 48
5254 378 3181 1592 3044 4508 83 158
1591 801 2265 73 1511 340 66 235
3799 5240 191 334 3015 3017 47 119
2340 250 1155 5349 578 2228 53 87
1405 4023 1551 3951 20 3044 97 124


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1507 20 378
Alliance 2 3015 340 3044
Alliance 3 334 1126 250
Alliance 4 341 2791 4930
Alliance 5 2809 191 5254
Alliance 6 2228 801 1405
Alliance 7 5349 1592 639
Alliance 8 1511 1551 3003

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1507 378 20 1511 1551 3003 210 141
1507 378 20 1551 3003 1511 246 170
4930 341 2791 5254 2809 191 141 142
4930 341 2791 2809 5254 191 195 169
341 2791 4930 5254 2809 191 197 190
3044 3015 340 5349 639 1592 243 128
3044 3015 340 1592 5349 639 104 45
334 250 1126 801 1405 2228 97 106
1126 334 250 2228 1405 801 150 152
1507 378 20 341 2791 4930 150 141
20 1507 378 341 4930 2791 215 151
340 3015 3044 801 2228 1405 174 123
3015 3044 340 2228 801 1405 148 142
1507 20 378 340 3015 3044 122 140
378 20 1507 3015 3044 340 190 139
1507 20 378 3044 3015 340 260 122

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1507 24 710 592 380 552 12-1-0 0 13 1.85
2 3015 22 710 591 280 423 11-2-0 0 13 1.69
3 334 20 340 526 270 297 10-3-0 0 13 1.54
4 341 18 570 602 320 372 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
5 340 18 530 585 320 380 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
6 20 18 440 626 420 339 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
7 2809 18 370 436 250 529 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
8 2228 18 360 405 250 345 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
9 5349 18 260 383 190 629 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
10 1511 16 780 496 190 245 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
11 1592 16 540 566 300 427 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
12 1585 16 490 447 230 422 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
13 801 16 470 651 300 344 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
14 5254 16 460 558 250 422 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
15 3044 16 440 542 360 277 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
16 250 16 410 406 200 403 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
17 1405 16 400 486 220 510 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
18 3003 16 340 492 220 347 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
19 2791 14 550 452 350 237 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
20 578 14 480 553 220 393 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
21 1551 14 460 395 280 390 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
22 4930 14 450 551 300 127 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
23 3951 14 430 457 230 206 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
24 3017 14 400 406 210 338 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
25 1493 14 360 367 250 247 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
26 1126 14 290 552 250 471 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
27 2340 14 260 452 210 508 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
28 378 12 360 556 230 469 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
29 191 12 360 446 210 268 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
30 639 11 370 543 330 512 5-7-1 0 13 0.85
31 743 11 290 418 210 255 5-7-1 0 13 0.85
32 4508 11 230 498 210 461 5-7-1 0 13 0.85
33 1518 10 420 505 210 294 5-8-0 0 13 0.77
34 1450 10 330 403 120 282 5-8-0 0 13 0.77
35 3181 10 280 465 200 155 5-8-0 0 13 0.77
36 174 10 240 490 180 142 5-8-0 0 13 0.77
37 1155 10 120 387 160 307 5-8-0 0 13 0.77
38 73 9 360 454 200 204 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
39 3173 9 200 401 240 299 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
40 2265 8 250 410 250 267 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
41 1591 8 240 342 170 305 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
42 4023 8 230 360 240 214 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
43 1559 8 190 316 130 378 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
44 3838 8 110 409 170 402 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
45 3799 7 210 467 220 341 3-9-1 0 13 0.54
46 1765 6 290 395 190 289 3-10-0 0 13 0.46
47 5240 6 290 312 200 189 3-10-0 0 13 0.46
48 3157 6 180 327 200 235 3-10-0 0 13 0.46
49 4093 2 260 363 170 187 1-12-0 0 13 0.15

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Clifton Park, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Liverpool, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Colonie, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Churchville, New York, USA
Ambler, Pennsylvania, USA
Newfane, New York, USA
Fairport, New York, USA
Ithaca, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Merritt Island, Florida, USA
Webster, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Lockport, New York, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Palmyra, New York, USA
Naples, New York, USA
Victor, New York, USA
Shortsville, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Team Location Image
Cocoa, Florida, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Honeoye Falls, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Brighton, New York, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Canandaigua, New York, USA
Spencerport, New York, USA
Fresh Meadows, New York, USA
Ballston Spa, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Pittsford, New York, USA
Elmira, New York, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Honeoye, New York, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Orleans County, New York, USA
Schuylerville, New York, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Potsdam, New York, USA
Trumansburg, New York, USA
Central Square, New York, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1511
Engineering Inspiration 340
Rookie All Star Award 4930
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Justin Montois (340)
Volunteer of the Year Michelle Lanphear
Volunteer of the Year Elayne Stewart
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Peter Carosa (2228)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Ryan Driscoll (378)
Regional Winner 1507
Regional Winner 20
Regional Winner 378
Regional Finalist 3015
Regional Finalist 340
Regional Finalist 3044
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3173
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 341
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2228
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1551
Highest Rookie Seed Award 5349
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3015
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 20
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3044
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 639
Judges Award 2809
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2791
Rookie Inspiration Award 5240
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3044

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1507 103.74
3015 80.78
801 77.32
1511 70.42
20 67.34
639 67.18
341 65.60
1592 63.66
2809 63.27
340 62.42
378 60.15
578 55.13
2791 55.01
1405 49.93
5254 49.82
1126 48.88
4930 47.92
1551 44.40
5349 43.61
334 43.46
1585 42.90
4508 40.89
3044 40.46
1518 35.58
2340 34.81
3003 34.73
250 28.73
1493 28.68
191 28.66
73 28.55
2265 19.33
743 19.31
3951 18.12
3173 18.02
3017 16.19
3799 15.13
1559 14.88
5240 14.15
174 14.11
3181 13.65
4093 12.33
2228 11.03
3838 7.77
1765 5.68
4023 5.48
1155 4.45
1591 1.94
1450 1.50
3157 -0.99
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