From Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
aka General Motors/Pratt & Whitney Canada/Johnston Industrial Plastics Limited/CSC/Zerox/DBG Canada Limited/Symcor/Rev Creations/Rakla Tires/Click N Print/Trans Canada/99Cent Depot/Dreams Convention Center/Studica/City of Mississauga/Peel District School Board&Rick Hansen S.S
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1241 was 52-33-0 in official play and 70-37-0 overall in 2014.

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Toronto, ON, Canada
to Week 1

Team 1241 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Volunteer of the Year (Arti Javeri)
  • Volunteer of the Year (Florence Lee)
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Nathaniel Milani)
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Ronika Makkar)
  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 1241
Pick 1 2852
Pick 2 3541
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5091 2852 1241 4001 907 886 215 56
610 188 1241 886 746 1310 125 199
610 5076 4308 1241 865 4001 130 115
1241 907 4946 610 772 2185 130 105
772 3541 4939 886 4343 1241 75 115
1241 4716 2185 3541 5076 4001 146 52
3705 4716 2185 1241 3560 2852 38 185
1310 4308 1241 188 3705 4951 125 70
1241 3705 3541 5094 4716 188 120 53
3560 4914 188 1815 1241 2935 121 230
746 1241 4914 4716 4939 4951 235 16
4951 2852 3541 4250 1241 2634 95 101
3541 2852 1241 4951 746 886 176 38
1241 2852 3541 746 886 4951 120 58
3541 1241 2852 188 2935 3705 105 146
1241 2852 3541 188 2935 3705 71 115

Greater Toronto East Regional

in Oshawa, ON, Canada
to Week 2

Team 1241 was Rank 14 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Thuvishan Rajagulasingam)
  • Regional Finalist
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Captain 3710
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 3173
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3161 244 3986 4618 1241 4783 96 132
1114 1285 1075 1241 5158 244 150 131
886 1325 4783 2609 3550 1241 61 131
1241 5036 4252 4627 3360 3988 58 105
1285 4825 1241 4476 1075 4252 132 118
288 1241 3988 907 3710 919 90 176
288 746 4248 1241 5051 2013 18 150
1241 1404 2198 5036 3985 3173 116 110
4825 1219 3683 4627 5031 1241 180 44
1241 1075 4248 216 2601 1547 147 96
1241 3173 3710 3988 781 3386 137 96
1241 3710 3173 781 3988 3386 152 71
3173 1241 3710 4618 3986 1503 131 130
3710 1241 3173 3986 1503 4618 106 92
2198 4476 1285 3173 1241 3710 147 60
1285 4476 2198 1241 3173 3710 79 57

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 1241 was Rank 11 with a record of 11-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Captain 3683
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 4992
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5039 1241 4732 1285 781 5032 120 100
4069 1334 1241 3161 4039 2609 99 205
5032 254 4069 3949 3683 1241 170 250
1305 1241 771 4917 4943 5032 100 166
1334 771 2056 3161 1241 254 105 266
3756 3949 4678 2702 1241 865 66 82
4992 1241 865 4519 2609 4039 115 119
1114 3161 3683 4943 1305 1241 187 90
1241 4525 1285 4519 254 4907 176 256
1285 5033 1241 4777 865 3683 161 112
3756 5033 865 2609 5039 1241 74 170
3756 1241 4519 4039 4069 4992 69 216
3161 2702 2056 1241 1114 4907 118 265
3683 1241 4992 781 5033 4678 301 146
4992 3683 1241 4678 5033 781 315 150
1114 4039 4907 4992 1241 3683 156 186
4039 1114 4907 1241 4992 3683 210 166
4039 1114 4907 1241 3683 4992 215 236
1241 3683 4992 2056 254 865 189 255
3683 1241 4992 254 865 2056 128 256

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional

in Windsor, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 1241 was Rank 3 with a record of 13-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration
  • Regional Finalist

Captain 1241
Pick 1 1285
Pick 2 4940
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1241 4923 4922 4938 781 4595 102 66
4525 4940 1241 555 3530 4015 156 85
772 4932 1325 1241 4921 296 110 76
4678 4519 4903 1241 4595 4015 160 137
4525 4716 4917 1241 2809 3117 126 274
4932 451 1241 1114 3117 4678 111 153
1241 4938 3560 2809 4921 781 207 101
1559 1846 5024 4903 1241 4814 106 108
1114 1241 4936 1325 2056 854 235 138
141 555 1241 854 296 1305 194 37
4940 4921 4814 1241 5221 3530 30 116
4920 3560 772 1285 5288 1241 31 126
1241 1285 4940 141 1325 555 180 176
1285 1241 4940 1325 141 555 140 171
1241 1285 4940 141 1325 555 187 142
4940 1241 1285 2809 4814 4678 107 147
4940 1241 1285 4814 2809 4678 130 102
1241 1285 4940 2809 4814 4678 161 99
1114 2056 5288 4940 1241 1285 241 133
5288 1114 2056 1241 4940 1285 186 70

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1241 was Rank 38 with a record of 6-7-0

Captain 135
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 11
Pick 3 68
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 1241 had a record of 6-3-0

Captain 118
Pick 1 16
Pick 2 67
Pick 3 1241
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1241 461 359 4265 71 573 132 86
3683 195 1241 1817 2013 399 222 190
11 1625 494 1108 33 1241 180 163
179 340 330 1024 118 1241 148 191
4488 1241 1741 1732 67 1806 210 133
1241 2337 868 1730 107 20 143 76
27 225 51 1241 447 340 115 96
469 3683 2468 1241 2928 503 205 143
910 1023 1310 1241 254 2056 166 312

Rah Cha Cha Ruckus

in NY, USA

Team 1241 had a record of 12-1-0

Captain 1241
Pick 1 610
Pick 2 378
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