From Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
aka General Motors/Pratt & Whitney Canada/Johnston Industrial Plastics Limited/CSC/Zerox/DBG Canada Limited/Symcor/Rev Creations/Rakla Tires/Click N Print/Trans Canada/99Cent Depot/Dreams Convention Center/Studica/City of Mississauga/Peel District School Board&Rick Hansen S.S
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 1241 was 49-21-2 in official play and 58-32-2 overall in 2013.

Greater Toronto East Regional

in Oshawa, ON, Canada
to Week 2

Team 1241 was Rank 5 with a record of 13-4-1 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration Award
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Harsh Shah)
  • Regional Finalists
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

Captain 4343
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 216
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1325 4476 4727 1241 4685 4001 6 39
1241 3387 781 3530 4015 4808 62 2
4252 2013 3988 1241 3541 4727 0 58
865 244 4015 1241 4718 4476 9 46
1114 865 1241 3985 2185 781 100 22
1325 2852 3386 3985 1241 2809 13 116
2013 288 1241 1114 3988 4807 74 74
2994 4807 2013 1241 4015 1547 44 97
4343 3541 4015 2185 1241 2852 55 51
3543 2809 3550 1241 2994 1075 36 72
4343 1241 244 288 3387 4685 123 11
4252 216 1241 4476 2056 288 69 101
1241 216 4343 3386 3387 2852 148 54
1241 4343 216 3387 3386 2852 129 85
1241 4343 216 4718 3985 4476 119 60
216 4343 1241 3985 4476 4718 92 85
1114 1325 2056 216 4343 1241 196 119
1114 1325 2056 1241 4343 216 171 118

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 1241 was Rank 5 with a record of 10-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 1241
Pick 1 1334
Pick 2 3949
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4372 4777 3494 1241 3949 4152 9 76
4618 1241 1305 3949 2625 2200 87 27
3756 1310 1241 4678 3571 2852 148 80
1334 1310 3949 772 1241 3161 50 108
4152 3161 3683 3571 1241 2056 67 179
2200 4039 1241 2056 1114 1846 81 277
4525 781 865 1846 2702 1241 57 77
1241 1334 1114 1305 2702 1310 151 134
2386 610 4519 4200 3494 1241 88 84
1241 3683 4069 3756 4200 4039 46 90
2702 4069 3949 4519 1241 865 85 67
1241 610 2852 4678 4519 772 142 90
3949 1334 1241 3161 4678 3683 119 95
1334 3949 1241 3683 4678 3161 108 118
1334 3949 1241 4678 3683 3161 129 58
2056 1114 4069 4525 1241 1334 212 100
4069 1114 2056 1241 1334 4525 220 78

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 1241 was Rank 5 with a record of 10-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 2013
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 1325
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4595 4083 1815 1241 4069 4688 43 114
1503 3571 1241 4039 1310 2634 120 153
1547 1241 2185 3756 1325 4595 76 41
3683 4732 771 1310 1241 3117 27 118
3560 4754 190 1241 3161 4704 29 57
1241 4039 1075 1334 4343 2994 120 51
4732 1241 1815 1114 4783 2013 61 138
3117 3705 2056 1241 1305 4659 182 74
4518 1241 1114 4069 2935 3571 195 74
1241 190 772 4688 1503 2185 151 43
1310 854 1075 1241 2013 4817 34 130
1241 1325 2013 772 907 3756 140 97
1325 2013 1241 907 3756 772 177 75
1310 4716 1334 1241 2013 1325 129 93
4716 1310 1334 1325 2013 1241 126 98

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1241 was Rank 6 with a record of 12-3-1 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Division Winners - Galileo

Captain 1241
Pick 1 1477
Pick 2 610
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1675 1114 1806 1241 4334 1477 141 150
1241 2259 4641 2729 422 2630 114 177
2169 2175 1241 4502 1218 1726 201 109
3459 2502 4039 1987 1241 467 85 85
1241 2403 337 1629 2337 3211 102 75
2978 2809 842 4601 4452 1241 78 122
118 4627 1241 1429 3018 70 124 105
1241 125 2199 4522 447 578 204 53
2630 3641 111 1241 610 1477 199 181
111 3641 2630 1477 1241 610 201 216
2630 3641 111 610 1477 1241 193 203
1114 4039 118 610 1241 1477 243 207
1114 118 4039 1477 1241 610 203 230
1114 118 4039 1477 1241 610 219 235
610 1241 1477 3284 2169 2175 164 59
610 1241 1477 3284 2169 2175 193 174

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 1241 had a record of 4-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3476 303 1640 1477 610 1241 199 176
3476 1640 303 1241 610 1477 200 225
303 1640 3476 610 1241 1477 192 224
33 1519 469 1477 1241 610 200 184
469 33 1519 1477 610 1241 195 210
33 469 1519 610 1477 1241 164 191

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 1241 was Rank 41 with a record of 5-6-0

Captain 195
Pick 1 1538
Pick 2 1241
Pick 3 111
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Rochester Ruckus

in NY, USA

Team 1241 had a record of 4-5-0

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