From Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
aka General Motors/Pratt & Whitney Canada/Johnston Industrial Plastics Limited/CSC/Zerox/DBG Canada Limited/Symcor/Rev Creations/Rakla Tires/Click N Print/Trans Canada/99Cent Depot/Dreams Convention Center/Studica/City of Mississauga/Peel District School Board&Rick Hansen S.S
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: Nightcrawler

Event Results

Team 1241 was 78-17-0 in official play and 107-34-1 overall in 2018.

As a member of the Ontario district, Team 1241 ranked 5 having earned 340 points.

Canadian Pacific Regional

in Victoria, BC V8T 4J2, Canada
to Week 3

Team 1241 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1241
Pick 1 6390
Pick 2 7173
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1241 6458 6390 6351 6563 5118 424 40
1868 7170 1241 7167 6563 5787 431 65
7189 5078 6408 7169 1241 6406 178 383
6485 6390 7158 7190 1241 7135 206 351
4334 1241 6351 7262 4627 7135 405 160
7170 6351 6403 6364 6408 1241 73 427
7167 1241 6485 6403 6364 6458 393 231
7190 2643 4334 5787 5118 1241 289 144
1241 3985 4625 6485 6406 7189 149 317
7189 4625 6563 1241 7169 7262 46 418
1868 7173 5078 1241 7158 6403 257 416
7287 7173 1241 7170 1482 6364 421 207
6390 1241 7173 6485 7287 3985 439 152
6390 1241 7173 6485 7287 3985 463 226
6390 1241 7173 1868 4334 5118 447 245
6390 1241 7173 1868 4334 5118 433 232
6390 1241 7173 7190 4627 5078 453 224
6390 1241 7173 7190 4627 5078 414 196

ONT District University of Waterloo Event

in Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
to Week 4

Team 1241 was Rank 4 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Chairman's Award
  • District Event Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2056
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 4777

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 10
Total Points 65
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6461 5024 2852 1241 2056 4595 163 477
5589 4525 4814 7058 6331 1241 279 354
4248 4917 3683 3756 1241 2852 510 266
1241 4777 2609 4595 2852 7058 476 213
6875 1241 2634 1334 772 3683 245 287
4678 2634 2702 1241 7022 5024 261 435
1374 4917 6856 772 1241 3739 219 465
1241 6856 6342 6875 2609 3756 432 263
6461 7022 5032 2702 3683 1241 191 458
4917 1241 4678 6331 1334 6875 446 122
5589 4595 1374 6052 4814 1241 212 450
4704 3161 1241 7022 4777 4814 427 204
1241 2056 4777 3739 6342 4595 477 49
1241 2056 4777 3739 6342 4595 506 122
1241 2056 4777 2852 1334 4814 509 169
1241 2056 4777 2852 1334 4814 512 169
1241 2056 4777 3683 4917 7058 332 399
1241 2056 4777 3683 4917 7058 312 393

ONT District McMaster University Event

in Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada
to Week 6

Team 1241 was Rank 3 with a record of 16-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2056
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 6135

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 71
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6135 6130 4902 1241 5776 6323 240 432
1241 5921 6339 3161 6461 6070 437 220
4069 6339 4992 1241 2056 6070 298 534
6323 4308 4618 3560 1241 5406 378 480
6130 1241 4308 2200 4519 4618 459 276
1241 5699 188 2056 4976 2386 261 398
6070 4902 4039 5409 1334 1241 163 469
1325 4618 1241 5776 5409 3571 459 139
4519 1241 4976 6537 4069 5409 414 304
6342 4069 1241 3683 4519 4932 475 292
6339 6632 3560 2386 1241 6135 303 460
4932 1374 1241 188 2056 2609 310 494
1241 2056 6135 6632 6070 1334 473 159
1241 2056 6135 6632 6070 1334 566 262
1241 2056 6135 188 4069 6878 374 182
1241 2056 6135 188 4069 6878 383 322
1241 2056 6135 5406 4976 4308 410 331
1241 2056 6135 5406 4976 4308 463 339

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - Technology Division

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 7

Team 1241 was Rank 1 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1241
Pick 1 1114
Pick 2 4308

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 66
Alliance Points 48
Playoff Points 60
Award Points 0
Total Points 174
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4704 4968 7267 5596 1241 6070 121 450
1241 4939 7013 6009 2708 4917 323 225
4039 865 4939 1360 1241 6110 211 478
1241 6135 4525 907 1114 4704 320 408
4525 4939 771 4039 1241 4308 334 522
4976 6854 1241 4946 2634 5885 395 257
5039 4976 2708 865 4704 1241 275 502
4688 6878 5596 2634 2708 1241 248 449
4992 4917 6854 1241 2609 4069 309 496
6632 4917 1241 7200 6135 2609 467 277
1241 1246 5406 1310 6070 865 336 448
4968 1241 5885 6854 7058 1114 279 470
1114 1241 4308 5039 4525 6632 486 224
1114 1241 4308 5039 4525 6632 390 268
1114 1241 4308 4976 865 7267 450 303
1114 1241 4308 4976 865 7267 293 346
1114 1241 4308 4976 865 7267 405 244
1114 1241 4308 4917 5406 4939 362 451
1114 1241 4308 4917 5406 4939 226 441

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship

in Mississauga, ON L4Z 4B6, Canada
Week 7

Team 1241 won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 0
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 30
Total Points 30

No matches played.

Tesla Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 1241 was Rank 2 with a record of 16-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2056
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 2869
Pick 3 6090
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3098 5090 319 525 3038 1241 324 333
6802 1241 3770 1506 573 743 337 254
3258 3623 4939 4678 1676 1241 264 412
1241 1310 4472 527 1360 3550 420 310
5114 6911 5528 1241 3641 4391 210 371
2869 6077 2590 1241 3546 291 310 515
4039 6090 85 3667 5172 1241 328 395
2169 1241 708 5567 4810 2056 459 405
2168 1241 6618 4680 3641 3197 389 257
314 1712 1241 7226 2609 4618 430 301
2869 2056 1241 291 1360 5675 394 290
2869 2056 1241 291 1360 5675 447 0
2869 2056 1241 238 319 340 425 336
2869 2056 1241 238 319 340 520 112
2869 2056 1241 2590 2614 708 302 420
2869 2056 1241 2590 2614 708 454 292
2869 2056 1241 2590 2614 708 367 336

Einstein Field (Detroit)

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 1241 had a record of 3-2-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Tesla and were eliminated in the Round Robin Bracket (Rank 3).

Captain 2056
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 2869
Pick 3 6090
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4541 868 4003 2869 2056 1241 441 342
2869 2056 1241 4027 27 2767 430 281
2869 2056 1241 217 4967 3357 357 361
51 494 4917 2869 2056 1241 269 463
333 3707 195 2869 2056 1241 343 383


in Toronto, ON, Canada

Team 1241 was Rank 6 with a record of 14-10-1

They are 0-0-0 in the Finals as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2.

Captain 865
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 6070
Pick 3 4992
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4992 1334 3683 1241 1310 865 38 59
5406 1241 2852 1310 4976 1075 426 227
1334 3571 2702 1075 1241 4939 246 330
1334 3571 4939 6070 1310 1241 147 459
1334 4039 1241 5406 3571 1374 392 54
865 1374 4039 5719 1241 1075 408 268
3683 4976 5719 1241 1374 1075 240 164
2702 1241 865 4992 6867 2852 0 0
4039 4992 1241 4618 5719 2702 341 270
6867 1241 5719 4976 5406 1334 255 312
3571 1241 865 4618 3683 5719 367 187
1374 4939 1075 6070 6867 1241 128 432
4976 4992 6070 1334 3683 1241 240 461
4939 1241 1374 5406 865 4992 142 466
2852 6070 4618 1241 5719 1310 390 211
4939 6867 1310 1241 2852 4976 325 140
4039 4618 2852 1241 1334 6867 288 418
1075 865 3683 2702 6070 1241 183 363
1241 1374 4976 2852 4992 3571 309 331
6867 1075 2702 1241 5406 3571 423 183
3683 4992 1241 6867 4039 2852 407 287
4618 1241 4976 3683 1374 2702 320 417
3571 4618 1241 4039 6070 5406 162 455
865 6070 1241 2852 3683 6867 323 274
865 4992 1241 4976 3683 6867 506 280
5406 2702 4939 1241 865 6070 *
5406 2702 4939 1241 865 6070 *
5406 2702 4939 1241 865 6070 *

No matches played.

Fall Fiesta Varsity

in Toronto, ON, Canada

Team 1241 had a record of 3-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2935 6632 1310 1241 9987 5834 181 324
1241 6336 610 9987 6378 2708 250 440
6336 4343 5596 6867 4476 1241 261 309
1075 1241 1285 865 6867 3683 165 372
5031 1241 2706 5834 610 1075 281 400
1325 9987 907 4678 4343 1241 222 300
1325 1305 4343 3683 6378 1241 436 256
1325 1305 4343 3683 6378 1241 455 323

The STEMley Cup Championship

in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Team 1241 was Rank 5 with a record of 12-2-0

Captain 1114
Pick 1 1241
Pick 2 4308
Pick 3 7509
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6342 2056 1360 1241 7623 3161 380 245
2604 7509 5039 1241 5719 4069 175 377
4678 6378 1241 3683 1285 1325 352 193
4678 4343 6878 2056 4618 1241 272 501
1114 1241 6336 1075 4917 865 519 198
2852 1241 4917 2013 2702 3015 369 298
7623 7475 3739 1075 1241 2609 249 412
1241 1114 4308 1285 865 4069 456 212
1241 1114 7509 4069 865 1285 515 176
3739 2013 3683 1241 1114 7509 200 502
2604 2013 3683 1241 1114 7509 202 478
2056 6878 4917 1241 1114 7509 369 269
2056 6878 4917 1241 1114 7509 277 354
2056 6878 4917 1241 1114 7509 346 350

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Robot Name: Nightcrawler

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