From Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
aka Windsor Plywood/Country Grocer/Moby's Pub/Bellavance Welding Ltd./Gulf Islands Secondary Parent Advisory Council/Salt Spring Island Lions Club/Uptown Pizza/Salt Spring Island Firefighters Association/McCreary Centre Society Grant/Celebrity Accents/Microsoft/FIRST Robotics&GULF ISLANDS SECONDARY SCHOOL
Rookie Year: 2017
Last competed in 2018
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Event Results

Team 6406 was 12-5-0 in official play in 2018.

Canadian Pacific Regional

in Victoria, BC V8T 4J2, Canada
to Week 3

Team 6406 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6406
Pick 1 2643
Pick 2 7167
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1868 6403 7287 3985 4334 6406 246 243
6390 6406 7190 7173 7169 6364 409 143
7189 5078 6408 7169 1241 6406 178 383
4334 6563 2643 4625 6364 6406 163 330
6458 1482 7173 6408 6390 6406 142 289
6406 6458 7167 4625 6390 4334 290 234
7170 7287 7262 6406 5787 4627 225 349
6403 6406 6563 4627 6351 7173 319 255
1241 3985 4625 6485 6406 7189 149 317
6406 7135 7287 7190 6408 7167 337 175
6406 5118 7262 6563 6458 7135 370 173
6390 3985 7169 2643 6406 7158 318 247
2643 6406 7167 6364 7169 6458 247 295
2643 6406 7167 6364 7169 6458 289 288
2643 6406 7167 6364 7169 6458 322 198
7190 4627 5078 2643 6406 7167 289 246
7190 4627 5078 2643 6406 7167 343 265

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