From Montreal, Québec, Canada
aka DRW/Lester B. Pearson School Board/Promett/Fondation J. Armand Bombardier&LaSalle Community Comprehensive High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 3985 was 19-16-1 in official play in 2013.

Greater Toronto East Regional

in Oshawa, ON, Canada
to Week 2

Team 3985 was Rank 22 with a record of 6-10-1

Captain 4476
Pick 1 4718
Pick 2 3985
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3550 4001 4343 3985 3387 3543 56 10
4685 3541 1547 4252 865 3985 53 31
4718 3985 4807 4808 1075 216 38 60
2185 4001 3988 3985 1547 1075 38 38
1114 865 1241 3985 2185 781 100 22
1325 2852 3386 3985 1241 2809 13 116
1325 3985 3530 1075 865 3543 37 0
4476 3985 3386 4727 4252 2056 38 84
244 2809 4476 2013 3550 3985 75 80
3985 216 4015 4718 4343 3386 48 96
1114 3985 2056 3530 3541 2809 160 10
3985 3541 244 2994 1547 3387 51 82
2809 1547 4252 3985 4718 4476 0 108
1547 4252 2809 4718 4476 3985 75 69
2809 4252 1547 4476 3985 4718 31 73
1241 4343 216 4718 3985 4476 119 60
216 4343 1241 3985 4476 4718 92 85

Festival de Robotique FRC de Montreal Regional

in Montreal, QC, Canada
to Week 3

Team 3985 was Rank 4 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 3386
Pick 1 3985
Pick 2 3530
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1075 3988 3530 4594 3969 3985 21 40
3382 3987 3386 3975 509 3985 50 49
3985 3987 3396 296 3532 3710 61 14
3530 3985 3533 4526 3975 3996 16 70
296 1075 3981 3550 3977 3985 10 61
3979 4007 4167 3985 4492 1075 51 94
3386 1517 4594 3985 3983 3990 69 104
3986 3985 296 3533 4491 3379 86 56
3969 4492 3996 3985 3387 3981 49 94
3988 3985 509 296 3360 3990 58 67
3985 4007 2626 4010 3117 3544 142 49
4491 3985 3544 3710 3989 3983 63 0
3386 3530 3985 3988 4492 4007 87 62
3985 3386 3530 4007 3988 4492 98 94
3985 3530 3386 3360 296 2626 119 83
3530 3985 3386 3360 4491 2626 76 82
3530 3386 3985 2626 3360 4491 87 38
1075 3990 3387 3386 3985 3530 110 78
3387 3990 1075 3530 3386 3985 119 83

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