From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
aka Crescent School/Doc-Chef Culinary Enterprise/Heliolytics/Telus/Taplytics/Extrude-A-Trim&Crescent School
Rookie Year: 2001
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Event Results

Team 610 was 46-11-0 in official play and 55-15-0 overall in 2013.

BAE Systems Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 610 was Rank 1 with a record of 15-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 610
Pick 1 4124
Pick 2 3609
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
172 58 4034 610 1058 3566 51 68
1058 3467 3323 230 610 1922 25 161
610 4124 229 95 1153 238 124 18
610 175 1073 166 4546 1517 53 26
1973 610 1512 213 509 166 72 37
3609 4124 61 3323 610 133 82 101
1153 610 78 1831 1729 1247 101 13
151 229 1519 3467 610 319 83 81
1277 885 3360 131 3609 610 96 142
610 172 138 1991 1073 2342 92 36
4124 3609 610 2791 3467 78 128 53
4124 610 3609 78 2791 3467 124 85
610 4124 3609 885 133 1519 108 81
3609 610 4124 885 1519 133 157 123
4124 3609 610 61 175 172 158 49
610 3609 4124 175 61 172 131 92

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 610 was Rank 3 with a record of 15-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 610
Pick 1 1310
Pick 2 3756
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4618 781 610 1334 2852 2625 91 52
1310 4372 4678 772 610 2702 80 140
610 2200 3683 3494 4618 1846 131 44
3571 865 4200 610 1114 4372 20 148
2200 781 4777 4678 610 4069 12 127
1305 4519 781 1310 4525 610 81 132
610 3756 1334 3949 4777 3161 79 37
4777 2625 610 4525 3756 3494 109 47
2386 610 4519 4200 3494 1241 88 84
610 3949 1846 3161 2625 1114 67 135
3756 3571 4372 610 4039 3161 58 145
1241 610 2852 4678 4519 772 142 90
3756 1310 610 4519 1305 781 129 71
1310 610 3756 4519 1305 781 111 78
1310 610 3756 2852 4618 2702 96 70
3756 610 1310 2852 4618 2702 114 121
3756 1310 610 4618 2852 2702 123 110
4069 2056 1114 1310 610 3756 166 139
2056 4069 1114 610 3756 1310 239 168

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 610 was Rank 14 with a record of 12-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Division Winners - Galileo

Captain 1241
Pick 1 1477
Pick 2 610
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
358 2648 1429 610 3189 295 92 115
4567 4472 125 70 4481 610 93 126
447 2729 610 2809 384 2341 80 79
610 1218 2199 222 1378 2907 122 140
2337 610 4627 4026 2046 1801 152 59
1405 4641 4522 610 4039 4607 56 168
610 1114 111 842 2481 2512 160 117
2630 118 45 4579 3641 610 162 144
2630 3641 111 1241 610 1477 199 181
111 3641 2630 1477 1241 610 201 216
2630 3641 111 610 1477 1241 193 203
1114 4039 118 610 1241 1477 243 207
1114 118 4039 1477 1241 610 203 230
1114 118 4039 1477 1241 610 219 235
610 1241 1477 3284 2169 2175 164 59
610 1241 1477 3284 2169 2175 193 174

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 610 had a record of 4-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3476 303 1640 1477 610 1241 199 176
3476 1640 303 1241 610 1477 200 225
303 1640 3476 610 1241 1477 192 224
33 1519 469 1477 1241 610 200 184
469 33 1519 1477 610 1241 195 210
33 469 1519 610 1477 1241 164 191
