From Hilo, Hawaii, USA
aka Hilo High School Foundation / Ryan Nakasato / Hawaii Electric Light Company / Subaru Telescope NAOJ / Rotary Club of Hilo Bay / BAE Systems / Submillimeter Array / Institute for Astronomy / Hilo Steel Works / Stick-It Hawaii / Hawaii Community College / Islandwide Appraisers L.L.C. / Hawaii Con / Solidworks / Home Depot / Ekocycle & Hilo High School
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 1378 was 13-12-0 in official play in 2013.

Hawaii Regional sponsored by BAE Systems

in Honolulu, HI, USA
to Week 6

Team 1378 was Rank 12 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 1622
Pick 1 1378
Pick 2 4253
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2090 4830 3132 3800 1378 2443 69 76
2504 1378 2465 2437 2438 3132 41 63
2441 3008 3721 2896 1378 3878 14 4
2348 1378 2441 3008 2453 2465 14 17
4774 3881 2439 1378 3880 1622 59 92
4158 3132 1378 3880 2504 2439 86 59
4270 4774 1378 4218 4537 4158 19 50
2348 3800 3882 1378 2453 2439 16 60
2853 1622 2443 2444 1378 359 71 98
2896 359 2455 4374 1378 3685 112 22
1378 3721 3882 3881 4529 2444 86 22
3881 4253 1378 4374 2477 4218 26 14
1378 4253 1622 4270 2445 3881 38 58
1378 4253 1622 3881 4270 2445 55 48
1622 4253 1378 2445 4270 3881 74 40
1622 1378 4253 2439 4158 3008 39 73
1378 4253 1622 2439 3008 4158 39 85

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1378 was Rank 51 with a record of 4-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1378 1726 192 2481 1425 1710 46 167
3284 2338 1378 4601 329 95 83 101
4522 3944 2337 245 1378 2512 36 189
610 1218 2199 222 1378 2907 122 140
4579 2403 3941 1429 1378 1912 101 33
70 447 2000 4334 2259 1378 116 78
1378 125 2834 744 1405 1675 142 119
111 3528 4627 2474 4481 1378 119 132

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