From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
aka KPM Power/Toronto District School Board/Optimist International/Deloitte/The Kingsway Digital Company/Outlook Promotions&Runnymede Collegiate Institute
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1310 was 31-16-0 in official play and 46-25-0 overall in 2013.

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 1310 was Rank 10 with a record of 11-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 610
Pick 1 1310
Pick 2 3756
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1310 4372 4678 772 610 2702 80 140
3571 2386 4152 4039 1310 781 21 138
3756 1310 1241 4678 3571 2852 148 80
1334 1310 3949 772 1241 3161 50 108
1305 4519 781 1310 4525 610 81 132
3494 3571 1310 3949 4200 4525 74 28
2056 3683 4039 2386 2852 1310 189 86
1241 1334 1114 1305 2702 1310 151 134
865 2056 3756 1114 4777 1310 100 181
3494 2625 2056 1310 772 865 135 97
4618 4152 1310 4777 1305 1846 68 7
2200 1846 1310 2386 4069 4372 59 37
3756 1310 610 4519 1305 781 129 71
1310 610 3756 4519 1305 781 111 78
1310 610 3756 2852 4618 2702 96 70
3756 610 1310 2852 4618 2702 114 121
3756 1310 610 4618 2852 2702 123 110
4069 2056 1114 1310 610 3756 166 139
2056 4069 1114 610 3756 1310 239 168

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 1310 was Rank 6 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 1334
Pick 1 1310
Pick 2 4716
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2185 1310 4783 854 3560 3705 42 33
1503 3571 1241 4039 1310 2634 120 153
772 2994 4688 4754 4069 1310 63 120
3683 4732 771 1310 1241 3117 27 118
3117 4343 4595 2013 1310 2935 79 120
2013 4083 1547 771 4518 1310 64 50
2185 2935 2056 3571 1305 1310 85 90
190 1310 1114 4814 4754 4039 166 120
1310 4688 3756 4783 907 4825 116 84
4704 1310 3560 1334 4716 3756 93 100
1310 854 1075 1241 2013 4817 34 130
4716 1310 1334 3571 4069 3683 198 125
4716 1334 1310 3683 4069 3571 192 98
1310 4716 1334 1241 2013 1325 129 93
4716 1310 1334 1325 2013 1241 126 98
1114 2056 4814 1334 1310 4716 227 141
2056 4814 1114 4716 1310 1334 194 90

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1310 was Rank 5 with a record of 8-3-0

Captain 1310
Pick 1 3824
Pick 2 1684
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 1310 was Rank 3 with a record of 11-4-0

Captain 1310
Pick 1 67
Pick 2 3476
Pick 3 862
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
829 2338 1732 3539 469 1310 155 173
447 20 1310 987 4265 2451 104 140
1592 461 1310 2337 45 16 121 68
48 862 1310 1741 3847 2175 147 145
2252 234 1310 4814 696 3641 175 86
33 4039 3476 195 1310 11 148 161
1310 27 68 3947 1538 2056 134 154
1024 51 4334 1310 303 2474 94 158
111 1310 148 2648 1592 624 232 183
1310 67 3476 3947 624 245 276 218
1310 67 3476 3947 624 245 223 189
1310 67 3476 359 148 1477 247 189
1310 67 3476 359 148 1477 175 113
1114 2056 1334 1310 67 3476 236 173
1114 2056 1334 1310 67 3476 260 251

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