New York Tech Valley Regional 2014

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3687 250 3015 5149 3059 5236 70 51
3044 229 3936 1511 174 379 37 98
4134 1493 2791 4122 3003 1126 59 80
578 2053 1708 2911 20 5030 35 66
116 4508 870 53 527 340 46 57
4203 3193 3990 358 4975 145 115 35
1665 4122 3059 2228 1126 1511 30 116
3687 379 53 2791 229 4508 61 44
1493 5149 5030 340 4975 2053 40 47
3003 358 116 3193 5236 4134 45 147
3936 1708 3015 3990 870 578 50 80
2228 527 2911 174 4203 145 51 216
3044 250 116 20 1665 379 42 33
229 53 4122 2053 1126 5236 91 77
174 4134 2911 3990 3015 1511 91 165
4508 3003 20 3936 4975 578 176 40
3059 527 1708 2791 340 3193 41 151
4203 5030 358 2228 3044 3687 115 112
870 1665 1493 250 5149 145 97 101
3015 174 2791 20 3990 53 75 155
340 5236 358 2053 1511 3936 29 132
578 5030 3059 229 1493 3003 36 106
4134 4508 3044 4203 250 2228 27 85
379 116 4975 870 5149 1126 63 96
3687 1665 2911 527 4122 3193 31 17
145 4134 1511 1708 2791 250 87 52
3990 379 3936 1493 3059 2053 56 102
3193 3044 5030 116 4203 4122 226 46
4975 1708 5149 174 358 2228 75 136
3015 20 578 229 145 3687 132 52
527 1665 4508 870 5236 3003 41 106
340 1126 250 53 2911 3193 157 11
4203 3936 3059 4122 1708 145 85 68
2228 4975 870 229 1511 20 130 116
1665 1126 174 3990 1493 4508 141 112
5149 3003 3687 340 2911 116 141 106
2053 3015 5030 527 4134 379 152 85
5236 2791 53 3044 578 358 106 141
174 5149 20 250 2911 4122 123 40
4134 340 3059 1665 229 116 82 45
1511 4203 870 578 3003 2791 117 148
3990 2053 358 4508 3936 3687 76 63
4975 1493 3193 53 3044 3015 63 116
1126 145 5030 2228 1708 5236 176 83
379 250 358 527 20 3936 175 90
3044 870 4122 3990 229 4134 76 58
1511 2911 3059 4975 4508 53 82 82
5149 2053 2228 3015 3003 3193 47 101
4203 1493 1126 174 340 1708 245 117
2791 3687 527 5030 1665 5236 57 112
145 116 3990 379 578 4508 100 96
1511 3044 3003 1126 20 1708 115 150
358 3193 229 3015 1493 2911 56 26
5236 145 379 4203 340 5149 71 93
3059 870 53 3936 2228 5030 51 66
4122 4975 4134 578 527 250 45 80
2791 1665 2053 174 3687 116 58 106
5030 4508 1511 3936 3193 5149 82 34
527 3990 5236 20 1493 2228 106 181
2911 3044 2053 2791 145 3059 41 66
1126 116 578 358 4122 3015 65 57
3003 4975 174 4134 3687 870 56 56
4203 1708 229 250 1665 53 34 93
340 4122 20 379 3193 3059 84 90
4508 5236 2911 174 5030 870 32 141
3936 1126 53 1665 4134 5149 60 36
4975 3990 250 2053 3003 4203 72 67
358 3687 1493 1511 116 1708 135 133
2228 578 340 379 2791 3044 37 130
229 3015 1126 527 145 870 65 122
5236 3687 20 53 4203 4134 156 67
1493 3936 116 2791 2911 4975 60 62
340 145 3015 3003 5030 250 37 90
3193 2053 174 1511 578 1665 93 112
2228 379 4122 1708 358 4508 81 39
229 5149 527 3044 3990 3059 11 44


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1126 20 229
Alliance 2 5030 340 1708
Alliance 3 250 3990 145
Alliance 4 3003 379 1493
Alliance 5 1511 578 3015
Alliance 6 174 3044 2228
Alliance 7 870 358 5236
Alliance 8 3687 3193 2791

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
229 1126 20 3193 2791 3687 248 136
229 1126 20 3687 2791 3193 69 52
379 1493 3003 1511 3015 578 57 152
379 3003 1493 1511 3015 578 230 107
3003 1493 379 3015 1511 578 111 152
340 1708 5030 870 358 5236 81 85
5030 340 1708 358 5236 870 13 95
250 145 3990 174 3044 2228 102 96
3990 145 250 2228 3044 174 136 167
145 3990 250 3044 2228 174 130 99
20 229 1126 1511 578 3015 169 121
229 20 1126 3015 1511 578 152 121
870 358 5236 3990 250 145 87 86
5236 358 870 3990 145 250 86 101
870 5236 358 250 3990 145 71 87
20 1126 229 145 250 3990 99 121
1126 20 229 250 145 3990 120 65
229 1126 20 145 250 3990 130 93

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1126 20 240 480 230 478 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
2 5030 20 200 290 220 592 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
3 250 20 70 415 220 352 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
4 3003 17 260 386 160 425 8-3-1 0 12 1.42
5 20 16 310 386 190 576 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
6 3990 16 250 485 160 244 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
7 1511 15 440 470 160 285 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
8 174 15 240 515 200 438 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
9 870 15 170 465 160 323 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
10 3687 15 160 415 180 285 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
11 53 15 150 316 100 384 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
12 3193 14 290 395 120 299 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
13 578 14 230 380 170 222 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
14 3044 14 220 285 150 452 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
15 4203 14 180 451 130 524 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
16 2228 14 170 481 180 294 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
17 145 14 130 475 110 416 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
18 358 14 120 335 170 414 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
19 3059 13 80 315 70 295 6-5-1 0 12 1.08
20 3015 12 250 505 130 161 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
21 340 12 170 391 170 266 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
22 379 12 130 325 170 414 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
23 2053 10 240 315 70 302 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
24 1493 10 220 371 240 395 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
25 2791 10 200 385 140 283 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
26 1665 10 150 390 160 129 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
27 5149 10 90 280 140 338 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
28 4975 10 30 306 80 354 4-6-2 0 12 0.83
29 5236 8 250 506 130 190 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
30 4122 8 100 341 100 174 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
31 116 8 90 365 130 272 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
32 3936 8 60 310 100 303 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
33 4134 7 190 370 140 140 3-8-1 0 12 0.58
34 2911 7 120 275 90 154 3-8-1 0 12 0.58
35 229 6 140 277 60 238 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
36 527 6 70 405 110 173 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
37 4508 5 120 236 150 334 2-9-1 0 12 0.42
38 1708 2 130 307 160 280 1-11-0 0 12 0.17

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Clifton Park, New York, USA
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Herndon, Virginia, USA
Norwich, New York, USA
Liverpool, New York, USA
Potsdam, New York, USA
Colonie, New York, USA
Churchville, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Girard, Ohio, USA
Massapequa, New York, USA
Fairport, New York, USA
Southold, New York, USA
Webster, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Hudson, New York, USA
McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Vestal, New York, USA
Honeoye Falls, New York, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Canandaigua, New York, USA
Spencerport, New York, USA
Ballston Spa, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
Schenectady, New York, USA
Michigan City, Indiana, USA
Montreal, Québec, Canada
Ossining, New York, USA
Amsterdam, NY, USA
Oneonta, New York, USA
Schuylerville, New York, USA
istanbul, 34, Turkey
Utica, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Cambridge, New York, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 340
Engineering Inspiration 1511
Rookie All Star Award 5030
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Paul Schoch (1493)
Volunteer of the Year Mary Burke
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Bethany Angeliu (20)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Chase Thomas (4203)
Regional Winner 1126
Regional Winner 20
Regional Winner 229
Regional Finalist 250
Regional Finalist 3990
Regional Finalist 145
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1126
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3193
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 145
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 174
Highest Rookie Seed Award 5030
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4203
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 250
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 250
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 20
Judges Award 4975
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 3990
Rookie Inspiration Award 5236
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3044

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
20 68.07
1126 59.69
1511 57.16
174 55.68
1493 50.75
4203 49.54
5030 44.68
3044 43.77
3193 42.21
3990 38.58
145 38.13
3003 37.54
250 33.99
2791 33.57
5236 33.52
3687 33.35
870 32.19
2228 31.68
379 29.17
340 28.74
358 26.93
53 26.86
578 24.93
3015 22.29
1708 18.13
2053 15.62
527 15.41
4134 14.77
4508 14.68
1665 13.18
116 13.17
4975 12.65
5149 9.02
3059 8.18
4122 4.75
3936 3.76
229 -1.69
2911 -6.64