From Dallas, Texas, USA
aka Jesuit College Prep of Dallas&Jesuit College Prep School
Rookie Year: 2009
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 2848 was 35-19-0 in official play and 42-27-0 overall in 2014.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 2848 was Rank 4 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 2158
Pick 1 2848
Pick 2 3481
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2747 3043 2789 3802 2848 2950 15 117
3355 4192 3370 2848 4641 2415 55 75
5212 2848 5272 3802 2587 5057 122 12
4364 1296 2848 1477 4354 3005 72 122
3282 3043 2848 2805 2415 4335 141 110
3282 4589 2805 1817 5242 2848 12 165
148 2848 704 457 1642 3735 255 65
4641 3847 5272 3616 2848 3310 27 58
359 2848 1860 3355 5242 4206 146 28
231 4364 3310 2747 3481 2848 66 120
3676 3481 5212 4063 2848 2789 123 195
3413 3997 2848 1817 5057 2789 31 71
3481 2848 2158 5057 2789 2587 73 53
2158 2848 3481 5057 2587 2789 214 57
3481 2848 2158 3005 1860 3997 148 147
3481 2158 2848 3005 1860 3997 157 96
148 457 359 3481 2848 2158 160 76
148 359 457 2848 2158 3481 261 102

Lone Star Regional

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 2848 was Rank 20 with a record of 7-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Judges Award

Captain 231
Pick 1 2848
Pick 2 3999
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4570 2848 3997 3335 3834 5070 61 46
418 4280 1255 1745 2848 148 21 205
1477 5287 4587 2848 653 118 209 145
4328 3481 2848 4610 441 3847 117 166
4346 5093 2234 5261 2587 2848 77 63
2897 4155 3999 2882 1801 2848 112 155
4639 2585 2848 4295 2587 3028 58 141
2881 3545 5308 231 4589 2848 98 200
2848 2234 5307 4639 4842 3735 255 174
2848 3728 1429 4735 457 3103 37 128
3999 231 2848 2234 4589 457 145 101
231 2848 3999 4589 457 2234 80 108
231 3999 2848 2234 4589 457 191 105
3997 624 1477 3999 231 2848 275 118
624 1477 3997 3999 2848 231 189 61

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 2848 was Rank 72 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

Captain 254
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2848
Pick 3 74
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3478 2848 2468 1311 4969 1723 126 52
3042 1718 5191 5024 2848 2013 126 100
5172 624 573 1902 3843 2848 255 68
987 4161 4901 2848 4362 5179 141 100
28 3301 2848 3990 447 118 166 206
3812 2848 2080 865 772 74 195 168
1714 68 222 4171 2848 5125 230 42
4055 2848 2619 4935 254 5076 71 225
2073 125 2169 5093 135 2848 96 205
2848 359 4486 5326 3660 4125 205 62
469 2848 254 624 987 3476 270 175
2848 469 254 624 987 3476 270 185
469 2848 254 359 118 4334 201 125
469 2848 254 359 118 4334 270 206
469 2848 254 1718 2451 573 231 226
469 2848 254 1718 2451 573 270 215

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 2848 had a record of 4-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

Captain 254
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2848
Pick 3 74
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1477 2590 1625 469 2848 254 235 320
1477 2590 1625 469 2848 254 245 261
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 236 361
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 240 153
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 250 280

Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 2848 had a record of 7-8-0

Captain 3310
Pick 1 2848
Pick 2 457
Pick 3 4335
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2848 2587 4610 2789 624 2950 47 225
2805 3999 5052 2848 3310 148 205 53
3103 2848 3999 2805 3735 5414 76 29
3847 4587 2881 3735 2848 4063 109 111
4610 118 1817 1296 2848 5414 300 176
2805 2468 457 2848 2881 418 156 95
2848 2950 9999 2721 1296 3997 135 145
2848 457 2583 3997 5287 3005 137 85
1817 2805 2848 4610 3103 2583 181 97
1477 3997 3310 2721 2848 2158 155 107
3310 2848 457 3999 1817 2468 317 132
3310 2848 457 3999 1817 2468 241 150
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 171 101
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 92 201
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 182 115

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