From Galena Park, TX, USA
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2014
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Event Results

Team 1429 was 13-12-0 in official play and 19-16-0 overall in 2014.

Hub City Regional

in Lubbock, TX, USA
to Week 2

Team 1429 was Rank 12 with a record of 8-7-0

Captain 4694
Pick 1 1429
Pick 2 3507
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1429 2965 2468 3931 4183 4298 170 6
4852 2965 2773 4102 1429 3741 57 81
1429 4298 3497 5320 2972 2439 81 111
2439 4587 1429 4206 4153 3626 73 38
4587 4694 5047 3417 1429 4798 117 20
4570 4301 4798 1429 4799 5302 6 75
1801 2914 245 4063 4734 1429 51 75
4853 4694 1429 4717 4102 2468 51 56
1429 5047 4183 5301 245 4799 106 85
2657 3507 192 4717 245 1429 87 50
2461 4153 1429 4063 1817 2613 27 115
5301 4206 5304 1429 1817 1164 23 158
5320 2468 1817 3507 4694 1429 127 149
1817 5320 2468 3507 4694 1429 126 52
5320 1817 2468 1429 4694 3507 156 88

Lone Star Regional

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 1429 was Rank 26 with a record of 5-5-0

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