From Dallas, Texas, USA
aka Liberty Mutual/Texas Instruments/REV Robotics/Vickery Meadows Foundation/The Boeing Company&Emmett J Conrad High School
Rookie Year: 2009
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Event Results

Team 3005 was 8-8-0 in official play and 18-14-0 overall in 2014.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 3005 was Rank 25 with a record of 8-8-0

Captain 1860
Pick 1 3005
Pick 2 3997
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1642 3355 2805 5272 4364 3005 14 195
704 3616 5242 3310 647 3005 70 85
3005 4206 3616 4335 231 457 36 110
4364 1296 2848 1477 4354 3005 72 122
3735 2158 3802 3005 1860 231 87 111
1642 3005 2415 3481 5057 3847 90 95
2950 4354 3043 2747 4192 3005 68 65
5242 3005 3043 359 4364 5212 75 155
3802 4063 3676 3005 3997 4589 145 36
1860 647 2587 4641 3005 148 48 190
3282 3005 3802 148 4192 4206 85 141
5212 3005 2587 3282 1477 3370 96 81
1477 1817 3735 3997 3005 1860 103 215
1817 1477 3735 3997 1860 3005 122 146
3481 2848 2158 3005 1860 3997 148 147
3481 2158 2848 3005 1860 3997 157 96

Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 3005 had a record of 10-6-0

Captain 1296
Pick 1 3005
Pick 2 2158
Pick 3 2805
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1477 3005 1296 3997 2468 3999 122 92
2587 418 2789 3005 1817 3735 27 161
3481 457 2721 2587 3005 3847 40 186
3005 5414 3999 2158 4610 4587 22 88
624 3005 2721 2805 2950 148 150 106
4587 2950 3005 5052 1817 3847 149 141
457 3310 3735 3005 2789 4610 121 30
2848 457 2583 3997 5287 3005 137 85
3481 3005 2881 118 624 4335 166 251
3005 4063 5052 5414 9999 3103 116 56
148 4063 3997 1296 2158 3005 104 100
3997 4063 4610 2158 3005 1296 57 140
3997 4063 148 2158 3005 1296 106 160
3735 1477 4587 2158 3005 1296 176 196
3735 1477 4587 2158 3005 1296 261 142
3735 1477 4587 2158 3005 1296 200 254

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