From Dallas, Texas, USA
aka Liberty Mutual/Texas Instruments/REV Robotics/Vickery Meadows Foundation/The Boeing Company&Emmett J Conrad High School
Rookie Year: 2009
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Robot Name: Surge

Event Results

Team 3005 was 59-10-0 in official play and 82-23-0 overall in 2024.

As a member of the FIRST In Texas district, Team 3005 ranked 1 having earned 365 points.

FIT District Waco Event

in Waco, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 3005 was Rank 2 with a record of 15-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2468
Pick 1 3005
Pick 2 2158

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 21
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 72
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3005 9533 5986 2789 2687 6377 51 31
8858 3743 6974 5613 3005 2848 28 29
3005 2950 1745 5212 6180 2881 67 13
6800 8088 7125 5212 3005 8874 52 28
3481 3310 8842 1164 3005 2158 38 78
4734 3802 2158 8842 9311 3005 24 58
2714 3005 6974 1745 9577 6800 60 51
3005 9577 5866 2689 9533 9655 77 22
9311 8528 3310 3005 8769 6377 50 81
8528 3743 3005 2468 2714 9655 72 92
5503 5866 9311 8088 2687 3005 34 68
6974 8842 8408 7125 9088 3005 13 57
2158 2468 3005 5866 1164 8842 107 36
2158 2468 3005 3310 8088 8528 125 69
2158 2468 3005 6377 9311 6800 97 64
2158 2468 3005 5212 2714 2687 117 56
2158 2468 3005 2687 2714 5212 76 48

FIT District Fort Worth Event

in Fort Worth, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 3005 was Rank 3 with a record of 15-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Engineering Inspiration Award
  • District Event Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2468
Pick 1 3005
Pick 2 7540

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 8
Total Points 74
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3005 8512 9156 4251 7492 5908 61 11
5411 9105 9080 7534 3005 4206 42 61
9081 2582 3005 7271 9080 9492 75 7
9407 6672 7492 418 2689 3005 7 76
5411 5908 418 3005 8088 3310 44 111
9492 7321 3005 9156 7534 9407 53 18
9080 9156 7321 7271 3005 2468 18 116
3005 4295 2687 9088 9081 7540 47 34
7506 7534 9081 4153 3005 7492 22 79
3005 9407 7503 2687 5411 9156 64 46
7540 9105 3005 7503 6672 2468 67 94
2582 9752 7503 5908 3005 9080 73 58
7540 2468 3005 9492 4153 418 132 56
7540 2468 3005 6672 4206 9080 113 55
7540 2468 3005 9752 3310 7492 90 85
7540 2468 3005 6672 4206 9080 92 45
7540 2468 3005 6672 4206 9080 126 71

FIRST In Texas District Championship - Mercury Division

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 3005 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner
  • Judges' Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 3005
Pick 1 118
Pick 2 5892

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 66
Alliance Points 48
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 15
Total Points 219
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3005 2583 2582 9407 9140 7503 115 30
3005 118 1477 9136 8598 4641 116 56
8019 2582 2881 3005 9105 418 86 89
1745 8732 3005 3561 4639 3676 83 85
8732 2582 5829 8573 6377 3005 64 69
8573 5892 118 4639 3005 2468 77 139
3005 7312 8598 5892 2468 231 94 57
7616 2158 3005 9752 9478 5503 88 78
8732 3735 5411 6357 8507 3005 80 86
8370 3676 3035 6672 3005 9140 58 145
3676 3005 4641 9140 2158 8507 140 48
9140 5103 9492 5892 3005 3735 60 98
118 5892 3005 6377 9136 9105 150 75
118 5892 3005 9752 4639 5829 127 82
118 5892 3005 6672 2468 6357 109 125
118 5892 3005 231 7312 8576 119 117
6357 2468 6672 3005 5892 118 107 85
6357 2468 6672 118 5892 3005 77 91
6357 2468 6672 118 5892 3005 78 96

FIRST In Texas District Championship

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 3005 had a record of 2-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Mercury and won the event.

Captain 3005
Pick 1 118
Pick 2 5892
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3005 5892 118 3310 2689 624 118 64
3005 5892 118 3310 2689 624 146 82

Galileo Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 3005 was Rank 2 with a record of 11-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 3005
Pick 1 176
Pick 2 5112
Pick 3 1732
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Texas Robotics Invitational

in Houston , TX, USA

Team 3005 was Rank 7 with a record of 12-4-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 3847
Pick 1 3005
Pick 2 5431
Pick 3 5414
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5431 3005 9418 323 4639 2881 152 36
624 2587 9418 3005 6369 1477 46 93
3005 1255 9121 9418 6377 118 52 102
8808 9998 3005 8370 1477 8088 90 61
3005 624 5892 7522 8088 5431 56 72
6369 9121 9752 5417 9448 3005 36 87
8370 9995 3005 9478 6357 1255 95 49
8808 9128 5414 3005 418 6357 90 77
7492 9995 4639 324 9985 3005 64 112
7492 3005 323 8879 8808 8576 86 29
456 3005 5829 9448 9418 6800 77 93
3005 5431 3847 9998 8370 1477 130 91
5431 3005 3847 323 5417 7522 134 88
5431 3847 3005 9995 118 6357 97 81
5431 3847 3005 6800 5427 624 95 70
5431 3847 3005 624 5427 6800 85 60

Kettering AllStar Alliance Invitational

in Flint, MI, USA

Team 3005 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-9-0

Captain 148
Pick 1 3005
Pick 2 3538
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3538 148 3005 118 3683 2468 131 143
3538 148 3005 1684 2337 5460 139 86
2767 2075 5712 3005 148 3538 151 159
5114 5166 3536 3005 148 3538 99 167
7421 4635 3478 3005 148 3538 72 143
2137 1506 3656 3005 148 3538 82 123
4362 27 33 3005 148 3538 175 165
3538 148 3005 7769 1701 4391 52 145
2468 3683 118 3005 148 3538 106 122
5460 2337 1684 3005 148 3538 108 64
3538 148 3005 5712 2075 2767 131 164
3538 148 3005 3536 5166 5114 115 107
3538 148 3005 3478 4635 7421 147 84
3538 148 3005 3656 1506 2137 134 100
3538 148 3005 33 27 4362 179 208
4391 1701 7769 3005 148 3538 118 109
3538 148 3005 1684 2337 5460 127 116
3538 148 3005 1684 5460 2337 126 104
4362 27 33 3005 148 3538 151 131
4362 27 33 3005 148 3538 179 158

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Robot Name: Surge