Rhode Island District Event 2014

New England District Event
to Week 4
Bryant University in Smithfield, RI, USA
http://www.nefirst.org/ - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1350 125 4176 2168 2262 121 29 51
2079 1100 5163 4761 1519 1973 37 126
1757 3780 4048 5112 3719 138 52 95
2871 61 663 4905 246 3280 73 53
3623 3927 4796 1965 4311 78 29 95
4908 190 1517 2621 4474 5000 103 11
348 663 1350 2871 3719 1519 84 125
3280 4796 2079 2262 3780 4905 22 13
121 1100 61 3927 1973 125 177 65
78 4048 4176 348 2168 138 195 83
5000 4908 1757 190 3623 246 12 131
1517 5112 2621 4311 5163 4761 65 15
4474 2079 2168 1965 348 3719 59 66
4905 1973 1350 4048 4796 190 50 163
61 3280 78 4761 4176 1757 202 2
4311 3927 5000 4474 138 663 19 111
246 121 3780 125 3623 1100 34 145
1519 1965 5112 2262 2871 1517 112 28
2621 5163 3719 4908 78 1350 21 151
190 125 61 4048 2079 663 168 100
4176 4796 3780 1517 4761 121 5 64
1519 1100 4905 4908 3623 4311 129 59
3927 348 2621 2168 1757 5112 45 114
2262 3280 138 4474 1965 1973 145 5
5000 246 3719 5163 2871 121 41 12
2079 348 4908 2621 1100 4796 97 58
190 4474 4905 1519 3927 4176 47 118
61 3780 4311 5163 2262 663 51 19
246 1350 4761 1965 2168 125 139 107
1973 1757 3280 4048 5000 5112 41 141
138 1517 78 3623 2871 2079 132 38
4796 348 4761 61 1519 4908 70 218
663 246 2168 1100 5112 1973 48 74
2262 5000 1965 5163 4905 78 21 122
125 1517 4311 138 1350 190 111 75
3623 121 4048 4474 4176 3280 102 53
2621 2871 3780 3927 3719 1757 21 21
2168 1100 1517 663 4905 5000 187 55
4048 138 4761 190 1965 5163 102 23
4474 78 2262 3719 1973 121 26 12
3780 1519 125 4908 2621 3280 78 77
3623 5112 348 61 1350 3927 157 125
4311 1757 4796 2079 246 4176 10 27
2871 4048 1973 2168 4761 3780 77 83
121 2621 1965 348 1519 5000 36 131
246 78 1100 1350 5112 2079 112 82
4176 3623 663 3927 5163 4908 23 16
3719 125 2262 1517 1757 4905 70 51
138 4311 2871 4796 4474 61 53 47
190 2168 5000 3280 3780 3623 139 68
4905 2079 3927 1350 4048 1519 32 152
61 4761 2621 1100 1965 138 68 84
246 4908 1973 4176 1517 348 11 112
3280 125 5163 78 2871 4796 161 35
4311 663 3719 121 5112 190 22 168
2262 1757 1350 4474 3780 1100 30 58
1965 1517 2079 2871 4176 5000 33 25
138 1519 246 663 2621 78 181 107
121 4474 1757 5163 4796 2168 36 116
3719 4908 4905 4311 3280 4048 58 107
1973 190 348 2262 3623 61 146 135
3927 5112 4474 125 4761 5000 43 133
1965 2871 1350 4908 138 3780 29 106
4048 2168 3719 1519 4796 2262 220 101
1100 3927 3280 246 1517 61 82 93
4905 5112 125 4176 1973 2621 72 5
348 5163 1757 4311 2079 121 71 33
4761 663 190 78 3623 3719 52 161
4908 4176 5112 138 4796 4905 49 101
1517 5000 5163 348 125 4048 68 181
190 2871 3280 1100 4311 1350 106 130
3623 4761 4474 2621 246 2262 38 66
2168 3927 78 3780 2079 1973 141 17
121 1519 663 61 1965 1757 147 89


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1519 2168 5163
Alliance 2 78 125 4761
Alliance 3 1100 4048 663
Alliance 4 1517 348 4176
Alliance 5 5112 61 4908
Alliance 6 138 190 1350
Alliance 7 246 3623 3280
Alliance 8 3719 121 2079

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2168 1519 5163 121 2079 3719 142 39
1519 5163 2168 121 2079 3719 112 53
1517 4176 348 61 4908 5112 83 119
1517 4176 348 61 4908 5112 102 138
4761 125 78 3623 246 3280 171 88
125 78 4761 3280 3623 246 181 77
1100 4048 663 1350 190 138 92 216
663 1100 4048 190 138 1350 115 112
663 1100 4048 1350 190 138 105 88
2168 5163 1519 61 5112 4908 181 99
5163 1519 2168 5112 61 4908 144 88
4761 125 78 663 4048 1100 116 131
78 125 4761 663 4048 1100 215 119
125 78 4761 4048 663 1100 127 125
1519 5163 2168 78 4761 125 200 145
5163 1519 2168 125 4761 78 168 180
2168 5163 1519 78 4761 125 118 120

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1519 22 390 547 350 331 11-1-0 0 12 1.83
2 78 20 350 557 320 262 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
3 1100 18 410 464 320 80 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
4 1517 18 410 306 220 111 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
5 5112 18 400 422 220 130 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
6 125 18 360 486 220 254 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
7 4048 18 330 550 440 272 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
8 138 18 230 416 260 278 9-2-0 1 12 1.50
9 2168 16 340 499 340 179 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
10 348 16 340 421 250 232 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
11 246 16 290 315 100 231 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
12 3719 15 190 280 180 262 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
13 190 14 470 396 280 175 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
14 61 14 460 487 410 89 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
15 3623 12 420 336 180 150 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
16 121 12 270 405 140 57 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
17 4761 12 190 328 140 234 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
18 4311 12 140 244 170 151 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
19 3780 11 50 351 100 86 5-6-1 0 12 0.92
20 4908 10 380 319 120 138 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
21 3280 10 220 377 290 231 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
22 5000 10 210 311 190 85 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
23 4176 10 170 225 140 108 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
24 1965 10 100 329 180 91 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
25 2262 10 100 323 130 152 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
26 1350 8 370 387 180 139 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
27 663 8 240 393 120 88 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
28 4905 8 230 320 100 133 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
29 2079 8 150 338 50 40 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
30 5163 8 110 266 160 145 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
31 2871 7 70 253 130 169 3-8-1 0 12 0.58
32 4474 6 100 275 100 59 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
33 3927 5 160 299 170 118 2-9-1 0 12 0.42
34 1757 5 100 273 100 56 2-9-1 0 12 0.42
35 2621 5 80 293 120 87 2-9-1 0 12 0.42
36 1973 4 90 198 120 96 2-9-0 1 12 0.33
37 4796 4 20 227 160 136 2-7-0 3 12 0.33

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Upton, Massachusetts, USA
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Middletown, Rhode Island, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Amherst, New Hampshire, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Norwell, Massachusetts, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Westwood, Massachusetts, USA
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Holliston, Massachusetts, USA
Bedford, MA, USA
Roxbury, MA, USA
Providence, RI, USA
Leominster, Massachusetts, USA
New London , Connecticut, USA
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Weymouth, MA, USA
Westborough, Massachusetts, USA
North Easton, Massachusetts, USA
Swampscott, Massachusetts, USA
Kingston, Massachusetts, USA
Reading, Massachusetts, USA
Hyde Park, Massachusetts, USA
Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA
Hingham, Massachusetts, USA
Foster and Glocester , Rhode Island, USA
Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 1100
Engineering Inspiration 1519
Rookie All Star Award 5112
Volunteer of the Year Gary Gabriel (78)
Winner 78
Winner 125
Winner 4761
Finalist 1519
Finalist 2168
Finalist 5163
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4048
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 78
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 125
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 348
Highest Rookie Seed Award 5112
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5163
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 61
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 78
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2168
Judges Award 3280
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 190
Rookie Inspiration Award 4908
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1973
Rank Team Qual Points Elim Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 78 20 30 15 10 75
2 125 18 30 15 5 68
3 1519 22 20 16 8 66
4 2168 16 20 16 5 57
5 1100 18 10 14 10 52
6 5112 18 10 12 8 48
7 4048 18 10 14 5 47
8 4761 12 30 2 0 44
9 61 14 10 12 5 41
10 348 16 0 13 5 34
11 5163 8 20 1 5 34
12 138 20 0 11 0 31
13 1517 18 0 13 0 31
14 4908 10 10 5 5 30
15 190 14 0 11 5 30
16 246 16 0 10 0 26
17 3719 15 0 9 0 24
18 3623 12 0 10 0 22
19 3280 10 0 7 5 22
20 121 12 0 9 0 21
21 663 8 10 3 0 21
22 2079 8 0 8 0 16
23 1350 8 0 6 0 14
24 4176 10 0 4 0 14
25 4311 12 0 0 0 12
26 3780 11 0 0 0 11
27 1973 6 0 0 5 11
28 1965 10 0 0 0 10
29 2262 10 0 0 0 10
30 5000 10 0 0 0 10
31 4905 8 0 0 0 8
32 4796 8 0 0 0 8
33 2871 7 0 0 0 7
34 4474 6 0 0 0 6
35 3927 5 0 0 0 5
36 2621 5 0 0 0 5
37 1757 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1519 87.81
78 76.06
4048 75.89
61 73.80
2168 62.96
190 53.83
1100 51.10
348 50.79
125 48.66
3280 48.03
138 46.44
5112 40.34
3623 37.32
1517 34.11
1350 31.73
4908 23.53
121 23.12
3719 21.79
5000 18.78
4761 16.99
246 15.96
4905 13.34
5163 9.37
663 9.27
2621 5.71
4311 5.26
2262 4.62
2079 4.26
4796 3.68
1973 2.54
4176 2.03
3927 1.94
1757 -1.92
1965 -3.59
2871 -3.76
4474 -4.33
3780 -4.76
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