From Romeo, Michigan, USA
aka Romeo Community Schools/General Motors/Avery Real Estate/JSP/Winter Sausage/Printbed/Buzz Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund&Romeo High School
Rookie Year: 2011
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Event Results

Team 3539 was 44-19-0 in official play in 2014.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 3539 ranked 13 having earned 202 points.

Waterford FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Waterford, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 3539 was Rank 3 with a record of 13-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Captain 3539
Pick 1 573
Pick 2 5224

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 51
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4851 2137 3539 5238 3538 4758 152 65
2612 4680 3539 5216 3302 4851 161 17
3707 5216 573 1718 5081 3539 156 171
4998 3098 3539 1 5216 5048 175 63
5225 1 5239 5197 3632 3539 29 140
3539 4994 469 5224 3535 1 165 122
5239 4758 2612 5224 3302 3539 160 121
3539 5073 67 5084 3538 3096 180 105
3539 3773 3096 5008 4998 5050 140 27
4998 3302 3632 3539 5144 240 42 181
5233 3302 67 573 3539 51 115 201
3539 302 3538 68 3096 240 162 95
573 5224 3539 5048 3535 4851 240 191
5224 3539 573 4851 3535 5048 160 97
67 4994 51 3539 5224 573 205 161
51 4994 67 3539 573 5224 285 141

Troy FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Troy, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 3539 was Rank 2 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 2337
Pick 1 3539
Pick 2 3302

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 61
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3539 5193 3398 322 4854 5223 172 27
3539 2337 2960 5226 226 2591 221 52
3539 2832 226 4961 245 469 160 126
217 4815 4779 5046 3539 910 68 170
4130 5197 5193 5214 3539 818 134 128
2591 5048 818 3538 3539 5223 99 181
5214 226 1941 5201 2224 3539 88 177
5214 5053 2337 3534 322 3539 137 220
3539 2673 5197 3302 4737 3398 155 75
4810 818 3534 3539 5226 4507 164 140
4961 3539 217 33 2591 2604 172 140
2832 3538 4961 3539 453 4815 81 170
3302 2337 3539 4779 5046 5201 175 114
3539 2337 3302 5046 5201 4779 156 103
3302 2337 3539 4854 217 2960 220 130
2337 3302 3539 217 2960 4854 185 103
3539 3302 2337 5193 910 33 150 166
3539 3302 2337 33 5193 910 182 185

Michigan FRC State Championship

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 3539 was Rank 15 with a record of 7-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Captain 1023
Pick 1 3539
Pick 2 573

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 42
Alliance Points 33
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 15
Total Points 90
Watch All Matches

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3539 was Rank 14 with a record of 10-5-0

Captain 4039
Pick 1 3539
Pick 2 25
Pick 3 1817
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
525 5016 3539 3824 4039 1678 58 231
190 4464 111 1710 687 3539 208 103
623 2283 3539 3260 4997 78 215 212
4269 4645 2614 3928 3539 133 136 142
5310 3539 1114 3880 1126 3847 276 69
3539 3238 5124 5291 4481 5057 256 26
1014 2035 120 1592 368 3539 168 220
4391 610 2522 3539 1640 1507 178 225
1731 3539 3528 364 2877 4949 190 216
3539 1983 868 330 997 3147 250 145
16 868 340 4039 25 3539 137 192
868 16 340 4039 25 3539 228 246
4039 25 3539 971 341 1983 195 222
4039 25 3539 971 341 1983 215 151
4039 25 3539 971 341 1983 147 171

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