From Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
aka NASA Stennis Space Center/Mississippi Power/DoDSTEM/City of Gulfport/AVL/Solidworks/Geo Jobe/Betty Collins & Gulfport High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 364 was 21-5-0 in official play and 34-8-0 overall in 2014.

Bayou Regional

in Kenner, LA, USA
to Week 6

Team 364 was Rank 2 with a record of 15-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Judges Award

Captain 364
Pick 1 3937
Pick 2 3616
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2078 3350 1920 2973 364 4721 11 200
2080 3468 4721 2817 364 4209 38 115
364 590 3350 5325 1319 1730 85 160
945 3337 4336 3937 1311 364 23 195
4316 3227 364 3937 5028 5040 151 96
3783 4087 1311 364 5168 1818 37 100
2242 364 3612 4978 2221 1927 135 71
2918 364 1730 2183 1421 4316 226 131
364 2190 3753 2992 4053 34 186 77
3959 364 4832 3319 2918 5055 160 41
3616 3937 364 2190 2080 1912 126 116
364 3937 3616 2080 1912 2190 145 87
364 3937 3616 3991 1319 1730 156 130
3937 3616 364 1730 3991 1319 190 168
2468 3959 1927 3937 364 3616 192 195
1927 2468 3959 3937 3616 364 148 185

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 364 was Rank 37 with a record of 6-4-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
48 364 5052 5310 997 3260 145 146
3018 1806 1817 364 4941 1285 127 155
4069 364 910 610 4645 2035 153 172
1574 330 5291 3824 364 3313 142 181
525 597 364 3602 612 1592 251 122
368 364 1735 314 1983 3928 119 159
5010 868 2415 364 5016 1126 172 141
3847 78 364 5057 811 1305 146 123
1731 3539 3528 364 2877 4949 190 216
4391 2614 1294 971 1986 364 73 197

Red Stick Rumble

in LA, USA

Team 364 had a record of 13-3-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2221 4978 3337 364 3991 5259 112 155
1818 2183 5259 364 3847 1421 21 220
364 1818 4978 3753 1421 4209 71 58
364 456 3753 3847 1927 3337 105 46
3991 4587 4805 364 2587 1912B 73 165
364 3039 4805 5259 456 5168 70 97
3753 1818 3039 2221 4587 364 35 131
1912 2992 364 2080 1912B 5259 96 27
2080 364 3337 4532 2992 2221 105 25
364 1421 4978 1912B 1912 2080 95 52
364 1421 4978 1912B 1912 2080 110 37
364 1421 4978 1927 4209 3753 146 69
364 1421 4978 1927 4209 3753 166 104
2587 4587 1818 364 1421 4978 53 115
2587 4587 1818 364 1421 4978 151 106
2587 4587 1818 364 1421 4978 111 110

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