FIM District - St. Joseph Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5623 4409 5502 2474 5501 5194 71 88
5610 1940 5182 3620 5745 4395 26 44
4855 4325 5674 4237 494 5069 84 126
5227 5246 5152 469 5056 5676 50 70
3547 70 4368 4377 3875 3452 120 130
5462 468 5204 3688 2959 2767 38 124
1254 1677 1940 5675 5535 2474 63 112
70 5194 4855 4409 5227 3547 118 94
3875 2959 4368 4325 3688 5745 90 126
5204 5674 494 1254 4395 5623 167 68
5535 5182 5056 5675 1677 5069 10 48
4377 5246 5502 3452 5610 469 86 120
3620 4237 5501 468 2767 5676 94 110
5462 5623 5069 5152 70 5056 82 132
5610 5227 1677 4368 494 4325 100 161
4377 3547 469 5182 5204 2767 99 126
5535 5502 5462 5745 2959 4237 84 80
468 4395 5675 5246 4409 1940 26 17
3452 1254 5194 3688 4855 5676 74 65
5152 3620 2474 5501 5674 3875 115 82
4237 5246 70 5204 3547 1677 136 71
5182 5194 4368 469 2959 5623 30 38
4395 5535 494 468 5501 4855 140 59
5610 5745 5502 5069 5152 1254 80 105
5676 4377 5462 5674 5056 2474 73 107
3620 3452 2767 5675 4409 4325 116 30
3875 1940 468 3688 5227 5194 84 98
1677 5502 2959 5610 5674 3547 104 125
469 2474 4237 3452 5056 4855 134 118
5623 70 4325 5227 1254 3620 92 66
3688 5535 4409 5069 4368 4377 92 118
5204 5676 5501 5675 3875 2767 32 76
5152 1940 5745 494 5182 5246 14 98
4395 3547 5069 5462 3620 4368 72 58
2959 5501 3452 2767 469 1254 96 80
5610 5676 5623 1940 4237 5535 34 46
5745 494 5227 5204 2474 4409 79 64
5674 5152 4395 3688 1677 70 89 143
3875 5182 4855 5462 4325 5246 52 62
5675 5056 4377 468 5502 5194 81 76
4237 2767 5152 5674 4409 4368 101 75
3452 5246 1677 5462 5501 5745 100 62
5535 4855 4377 2959 3620 5204 50 175
3688 4395 5056 3547 1254 5502 12 46
494 70 468 5675 5676 5182 66 8
5227 4325 469 2474 1940 5623 110 108
5610 5069 2767 3875 5194 1677 154 78
5056 5502 4368 4855 5246 3620 64 89
5674 5623 5745 3452 3547 468 72 100
2959 5675 70 5462 2474 5610 129 113
5152 469 3688 4237 4325 4395 122 82
5194 5069 5204 494 5501 1940 99 83
5676 3875 4409 5182 1254 4377 65 73
5227 5674 2767 5535 2959 5246 35 62
3547 5056 1940 4368 5610 5501 84 76
4409 469 468 5462 3875 1254 16 11
5676 494 5194 3620 4325 5502 59 33
5675 5623 4855 1677 4377 5152 36 24
4395 3452 2474 5535 5069 5227 101 78
5204 4237 3688 70 5182 5745 126 121
1254 468 5610 4855 2767 4368 18 78
5462 469 5194 5535 1677 5674 72 27
5501 4325 5056 5204 5745 3452 94 126
4237 5227 4377 494 3547 5152 110 138
5069 4409 2959 5676 1940 4395 97 24
2474 3688 5246 3620 5623 5182 46 35
5675 5502 5501 70 3875 5227 77 113
3452 4409 494 2959 5056 5610 117 74
1677 2474 4325 468 4377 3688 114 114
1940 5069 4855 2767 5462 70 20 110
5535 5204 4368 5674 5182 5502 80 71
3875 4395 5246 5623 4237 5194 73 93
5676 3547 3620 5675 5745 469 104 126
1254 2474 2959 5152 468 4368 134 82
3688 5501 5623 4409 5610 4855 101 58
5462 5182 1677 5676 5502 5227 12 44
1254 494 5675 5069 469 5246 98 154
5745 2767 5056 4395 70 4377 104 101
3620 1940 5194 3452 4237 5674 70 86
5535 3547 3875 5152 5204 4325 42 53


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 70 494 5623
Alliance 2 3452 469 5501
Alliance 3 2474 2959 5462
Alliance 4 4237 3688 3875
Alliance 5 2767 5069 4325
Alliance 6 5204 3620 5152
Alliance 7 3547 5056 5745
Alliance 8 4377 5674 5610

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3688 4237 3875 5069 2767 4325 69 78
2959 2474 5462 3620 5204 5152 86 88
469 3452 5501 5056 3547 5745 148 89
494 70 5623 5674 4377 5610 98 88
3688 4237 3875 3620 5204 5152 120 77
2959 2474 5462 5069 2767 4325 40 154
469 3452 5501 5674 4377 5610 146 99
494 70 5623 5056 3547 5745 137 102
494 70 5623 5056 3547 5745 77 90
469 3452 5501 5069 2767 4325 127 132
494 70 5623 5069 2767 4325 136 106
469 3452 5501 5056 3547 5745 161 98
5069 2767 4325 5056 3547 5745 127 82
469 3452 5501 494 70 5623 156 158
469 3452 5501 494 70 5623 156 120
469 3452 5501 494 70 5623 134 132

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 3452, 469, 5501 147.00
2 70, 494, 5623 117.50
3 2767, 5069, 4325 116.00
4 3547, 5056, 5745 95.50
5 4237, 3688, 3875 94.50
6 4377, 5674, 5610 93.50
7 5204, 3620, 5152 82.50
8 2474, 2959, 5462 63.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 3452, 469, 5501 148.00
2 70, 494, 5623 123.67
3 2767, 5069, 4325 121.67
4 3547, 5056, 5745 90.00



Qual Avg.
1 70 115.1 340 134 424 284 205 0 12
2 494 111.0 300 220 356 306 156 0 12
3 3452 107.0 280 24 400 328 264 0 12
4 2474 103.0 400 16 264 242 320 0 12
5 4237 101.2 400 66 296 232 226 0 12
6 2767 101.2 180 4 372 296 374 0 12
7 2959 100.2 240 8 344 286 337 0 12
8 3688 97.4 320 28 396 274 157 0 12
9 5204 96.4 320 40 300 270 227 0 12
10 5069 96.1 360 24 268 346 155 0 12
11 469 95.1 320 0 336 288 203 0 12
12 3547 91.2 400 38 224 294 145 0 12
13 4377 88.2 420 10 252 234 149 0 12
14 4325 86.8 340 52 284 244 127 0 12
15 5745 86.2 340 48 216 276 166 0 12
16 4368 86.0 400 38 164 236 200 0 12
17 5152 85.4 360 58 248 224 153 0 12
18 5674 85.0 360 28 180 212 246 0 12
19 3620 83.2 260 0 300 248 191 0 12
20 5610 81.5 320 12 148 316 188 0 12
21 5227 81.4 320 68 232 220 149 0 12
22 5246 81.1 320 54 248 216 147 0 12
23 5194 79.6 300 24 212 202 223 0 12
24 5056 79.2 340 28 224 246 118 0 12
25 5501 78.7 400 28 184 202 130 0 12
26 3875 74.7 360 32 140 194 188 0 12
27 1677 73.7 320 20 216 196 138 0 12
28 5675 70.6 240 0 224 206 189 0 12
29 5502 69.7 380 0 112 174 170 0 12
30 1254 69.7 240 8 212 238 150 0 12
31 4395 69.3 300 28 136 240 128 0 12
32 5623 69.2 280 24 128 218 192 0 12
33 4855 68.9 320 4 164 190 155 0 12
34 5535 68.6 280 24 168 186 165 0 12
35 4409 66.3 240 28 152 236 140 0 12
36 468 65.8 280 12 148 188 167 0 12
37 5462 64.8 280 12 136 226 129 0 12
38 5676 57.3 220 24 140 164 140 0 12
39 5182 55.2 200 44 116 166 136 0 12
40 1940 53.2 200 28 92 196 123 0 12
Team Location Image
Goodrich, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Goodrich, Michigan, USA
Lawrence, Michigan, USA
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
Niles, Michigan, USA
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Coloma, Michigan, USA
Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA
Monroe, Michigan, USA
Saint Joseph, Michigan, USA
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
Kentwood, Michigan, USA
Stevensville, Michigan, USA
Cassopolis, Michigan, USA
Vicksburg, Michigan, USA
Boyne City, Michigan, USA
Dundee, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Niles, Michigan, USA
South Haven, Michigan, USA
Buchanan, Michigan, USA
Edwardsburg, Michigan, USA
Otsego, Michigan, USA
Dowagiac, Michigan, USA
Gobles, Michigan, USA
Three Rivers, Michigan, USA
Schoolcraft, Michigan, USA
Hartford, Michigan, USA
Paw Paw, Michigan, USA
Burr Oak, Michigan, USA
Jonesville, Michigan, USA
New Buffalo, Michigan, USA
Saugatuck, Michigan, USA
Augusta, Michigan, USA
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA
Mattawan, Michigan, USA
Hillsdale, Michigan, USA
Three Oaks, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 3547
District Engineering Inspiration Award 2767
Rookie All Star Award 5745
District Event Winner 3452
District Event Winner 469
District Event Winner 5501
District Event Finalist 70
District Event Finalist 494
District Event Finalist 5623
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 494
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4377
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2474
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3688
Highest Rookie Seed 5745
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5069
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 469
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2959
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3875
Judges' Award 70
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 3452
Rookie Inspiration Award 5675
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 4325
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 3452 20 30.0 15 5 70.0
2 469 16 30.0 15 5 66.0
3 70 22 20 16 5 63
4 494 21 20 16 5 62
5 2767 18 10 12 8 48
6 3547 16 10 10 10 46
7 5501 11 30.0 2 0 43.0
8 5069 16 10 12 5 43
9 5745 14 10 7 8 39
10 2474 19 0 14 5 38
11 2959 18 0 14 5 37
12 4325 15 10 5 5 35
13 3688 17 0 13 5 35
14 5056 12 10 10 0 32
15 4237 19 0 13 0 32
16 5623 9 20 1 0 30
17 4377 15 0 9 5 29
18 5204 17 0 11 0 28
19 3620 13 0 11 0 24
20 5674 13 0 9 0 22
21 5610 13 0 8 0 21
22 5152 14 0 6 0 20
23 3875 11 0 4 5 20
24 5675 10 0 0 5 15
25 4368 14 0 0 0 14
26 5246 12 0 0 0 12
27 5194 12 0 0 0 12
28 5227 12 0 0 0 12
29 1677 11 0 0 0 11
30 5502 10 0 0 0 10
31 5462 6 0 3 0 9
32 4395 9 0 0 0 9
33 1254 9 0 0 0 9
34 5535 8 0 0 0 8
35 4855 8 0 0 0 8
36 4409 7 0 0 0 7
37 468 7 0 0 0 7
38 5676 6 0 0 0 6
39 5182 5 0 0 0 5
40 1940 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
70 63.97
494 63.33
2474 54.21
3452 48.74
5069 45.94
2767 45.33
3688 44.71
469 40.15
5204 39.10
4377 38.93
2959 38.40
3547 36.01
4237 34.90
3620 33.90
5610 33.06
4325 30.22
3875 30.04
5674 30.03
4368 27.83
5502 27.26
5745 26.71
5194 22.34
5246 21.76
5501 21.72
5152 21.41
5056 20.99
5227 19.23
5623 16.61
5675 15.96
4855 15.88
1677 14.96
5535 14.35
1254 13.09
4395 8.77
468 8.67
5462 8.14
5676 6.96
4409 6.85
1940 5.36
5182 2.18
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