From Lubbock, Texas, USA
aka CMS Properties / Texas Tech University / Bezos Family Foundation / Texas Workforce Commission / Altice / Dell & Lubbock-Cooper High School & Talkington Sch Young Women & Premier Hs-Lubbock & All Saints Episcopal School & Lubbock Senior High School & Coronado High School
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Overall, Team 1817 had an average qual score of 88.93 and an average playoff score of 107.50 in 2015.

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 1817 was Rank 16 with an average qual score of 43.00 and an average playoff score of 101.71 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 233
Pick 1 1817
Pick 2 2158
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3999 3561 3997 1817 4597 231 48 21
1817 4696 1868 2881 4332 3700 49 32
3035 2805 1817 2583 5639 3103 14 26
1296 5681 1817 1255 3961 4219 76 12
4734 5726 4670 499 3345 1817 0 18
3679 3043 2721 457 1817 4412 18 50
5754 5047 1817 3240 3305 2833 57 57
1726 5047 4335 3366 1817 4378 51 72
4641 2969 1817 457 3481 4989 30 6
1817 233 2158 2881 3103 1868 66 9
1817 233 2158 1255 231 457 119 73
2468 1296 2415 1817 233 2158 82 88
1726 3314 5572 1817 233 2158 102 101
1817 233 2158 1255 231 457 133 108
2468 1296 2415 1817 233 2158 149 147
2468 1296 2415 1817 233 2158 132 58

Hub City Regional

in Lubbock, TX, USA
to Week 5

Team 1817 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 84.25 and an average playoff score of 117.38 and won the following awards:

  • Volunteer of the Year (George Tan)
  • Regional Finalists
  • Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

Captain 1817
Pick 1 2848
Pick 2 5771
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4694 3366 3005 5212 3626 1817 42 51
2468 4063 5212 1745 1817 5783 84 62
3481 4799 5771 1817 1164 4403 61 142
2848 3005 1817 2164 3417 4364 76 52
5320 4153 4852 1817 418 2468 88 164
4301 2657 1817 3735 2815 4842 60 27
5613 1745 2158 4153 1817 5771 59 124
2410 4798 647 4842 5417 1817 37 77
1817 4734 2158 3043 4301 5783 62 25
3545 1817 3666 3005 5454 4570 90 116
1817 4799 5320 3735 3666 4734 67 102
1817 4300 3310 4717 3545 418 36 75
4063 2158 2657 2848 1817 5771 96 115
2410 418 4364 2848 1817 5771 132 122
2848 1817 5771 4063 2158 2657 70 114
2848 1817 5771 2164 3005 4852 153 126
3310 2468 4799 2848 1817 5771 142 154
3310 2468 4799 2848 1817 5771 154 89
3310 2468 4799 2848 1817 5771 109 124
3310 2468 4799 2848 1817 5771 168 112

Hopper Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1817 was Rank 15 with an average qual score of 143.90 and an average playoff score of 168.00

Captain 469
Pick 1 2590
Pick 2 1817
Pick 3 11
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Texas Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 1817 was Rank 13 with an average qual score of 80.90 and an average playoff score of 75.60

Captain 2587
Pick 1 1817
Pick 2 647
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