From Del Rio, Texas, USA
aka San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District/SFDRCISD Career and Technical Education Department/The Bank & Trust/Team 4063 Booster Club&Del Rio High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Robot Name: FrankenBunny

Event Results

Overall, Team 4063 had an average qual score of 56.00 and an average playoff score of 95.50 in 2015.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 4063 was Rank 29 with an average qual score of 38.40 and an average playoff score of 90.40 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 57
Pick 1 2468
Pick 2 4063
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3282 4354 2613 4063 3037 4364 0 28
3005 4063 4192 3310 5242 2897 26 16
704 1477 2468 3310 4063 647 30 9
4063 5411 704 5057 3350 3481 20 8
3735 5682 4300 4045 5057 4063 25 48
118 4063 5775 4364 3676 5411 24 40
118 987 1642 5431 3481 4063 60 34
624 4063 3355 5417 4300 5212 74 62
3676 4206 2950 4063 457 4300 0 60
2897 3355 57 1477 4063 932 28 61
4063 5739 3370 4045 4192 5786
624 118 2613 2468 57 4063 71 70
987 148 3802 2468 57 4063 82 66
624 118 2613 2468 57 4063 146 90
987 148 3802 2468 57 4063 28 128
1296 3735 932 2468 57 4063 106 98

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 4063 was Rank 12 with an average qual score of 46.11 and an average playoff score of 70.50 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 5754
Pick 1 4063
Pick 2 3997

Hub City Regional

in Lubbock, TX, USA
to Week 5

Team 4063 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 78.08 and an average playoff score of 110.60 and won the following awards:

  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 2158
Pick 1 4063
Pick 2 2657
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4852 2657 4570 5783 4063 4717 52 80
2468 4063 5212 1745 1817 5783 84 62
2164 4694 4842 4364 4153 4063 54 66
3481 2410 1745 4063 418 5320 105 98
4063 4694 5417 5454 5613 4734 84 93
4153 3666 5417 4063 1164 5780 30 44
4403 3626 3417 4300 4734 4063 97 44
4852 4403 4063 3366 5771 2815 114 46
3417 4063 3666 1164 5212 4799 46 8
4063 2848 4301 3417 2657 3481 89 96
2158 4063 3310 3417 4798 2468 140 105
4364 4301 3005 1745 647 4063 130 48
4063 2158 2657 2848 1817 5771 96 115
4063 2158 2657 2164 3005 4852 117 120
2848 1817 5771 4063 2158 2657 70 114
3310 2468 4799 4063 2158 2657 120 114
2164 3005 4852 4063 2158 2657 106 112

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Robot Profile

Robot Name: FrankenBunny

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