From Greenville, Texas, USA
aka Innovation First International/Bartlett & West &Greenville High School
Rookie Year: 1992
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Overall, Team 148 had an average qual score of 148.75 and an average playoff score of 190.30 in 2015.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 148 was Rank 1 with an average qual score of 116.10 and an average playoff score of 130.12 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 148
Pick 1 987
Pick 2 3802
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4499 4300 148 647 3370 3735 134 9
5431 148 704 3037 4300 4076 118 56
5417 148 4045 3676 932 5786 37 26
3355 5775 3282 3310 932 148 2 46
148 3481 457 3005 2613 5739 72 16
624 2613 4499 4354 3350 148 64 108
4354 5057 5417 3676 3005 148 42 158
1477 148 3037 5411 4192 3802 114 40
4641 5682 4354 3735 5411 148 38 178
457 5212 624 5057 118 148 76 196
5682 148 5212 1296 4364 4206
987 148 3802 3310 3005 2848 162 70
987 148 3802 2468 57 4063 82 66
987 148 3802 1296 3735 932 184 89
987 148 3802 2468 57 4063 28 128
987 148 3802 624 118 2613 149 170
624 118 2613 987 148 3802 186 140
624 118 2613 987 148 3802 149 215
624 118 2613 987 148 3802 130 81

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 5

Team 148 was Rank 1 with an average qual score of 136.83 and an average playoff score of 206.71 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 148
Pick 1 987
Pick 2 5012
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
148 2984 3577 3309 4415 5012 67 66
1251 3473 148 3309 4141 3495 136 79
5445 148 4792 812 341 1251 150 52
3019 5134 4141 148 1661 341 44 119
5429 687 5480 148 2034 4501 41 167
991 60 148 3577 2478 1828 208 114
5445 4501 3011 4322 987 148 58 184
4800 4792 5306 5480 148 4141 38 162
4322 5451 1160 5049 3245 148 26 0
987 5463 988 2478 148 3019 108 149
148 3009 597 5134 842 987 158 144
5199 585 148 3009 5480 3245 142 44
987 148 5012 3577 4141 5480 212 24
987 148 5012 4415 842 3495 228 128
987 148 5012 341 1251 4800 194 70
987 148 5012 4415 842 3495 226 117
987 148 5012 3309 60 4322 122 147
987 148 5012 3309 60 4322 233 112
987 148 5012 3309 60 4322 232 122

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 148 was Rank 1 with an average qual score of 195.70 and an average playoff score of 211.43 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 148
Pick 1 1114
Pick 2 1923
Pick 3 900
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5572 379 176 4355 148 1086 142 217
1506 148 5407 5586 120 5735 182 136
4498 948 3959 303 148 176 128 204
649 4048 701 610 228 148 196 218
339 4653 5737 5572 56 148 88 82
1319 4143 271 123 1816 148 169 169
900 148 1574 2457 3193 4593 122 74
3495 341 148 3937 3008 5472 222 154
148 369 1114 2994 4146 1816 278 145
57 4073 708 4613 148 230 94 263
148 1114 1923 4061 1318 4613 227 231
148 1114 1923 303 70 948 201 221
4061 1318 4613 1114 148 1923 158 113
303 70 948 1114 148 1923 158 240
1114 148 1923 1574 2046 3663 222 146
1114 148 1923 1574 2046 3663 258 184
1114 148 1923 1574 2046 3663 219 175

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 148 had an average playoff score of 234.00

Captain 148
Pick 1 1114
Pick 2 1923
Pick 3 900
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1114 148 1923 144 368 359 258 164
1114 148 1923 3476 2526 3132 240 210
1114 148 1923 1023 3996 2338 272 210
1114 148 1923 987 2826 2512 190 271
1671 118 1678 1114 148 1923 240 210

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