From Irvine, California, USA
aka Code Orange Robotics, Inc./Applied Medical/Lasergraphics/Gene Haas Foundation/Niagara Cares/Edward Lifesciences/Boeing/Western Digital/Parker Meggitt /Taco Bell/Qualcomm&Neighborhood Group
Rookie Year: 2011
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Robot Name: Cloud 9

Event Results

Overall, Team 3476 had an average qual score of 118.51 and an average playoff score of 174.30 in 2015.

Inland Empire Regional

in Rancho Mirage, CA, USA
to Week 1

Team 3476 was Rank 12 with an average qual score of 45.42 and an average playoff score of 87.88 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Andrew Hedge)
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Chetana Piravi)
  • Regional Finalists

Captain 3250
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 5136
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1148 5136 3470 3476 359 4913 4 38
4114 1836 3476 2496 4984 4413 78 47
1644 1572 1836 5025 3562 3476 56 22
3562 1572 4161 4140 3476 2375 54 22
1644 3021 100 3476 399 3250 92 118
3021 3408 359 2493 3476 3965 55 28
5107 3476 3470 3965 1197 3562 6 46
4574 5012 294 3328 3476 597 8 62
3128 5136 3476 5012 4114 3328 23 0
3476 4574 4056 4161 5107 3473 30 14
1572 3473 3476 973 3965 4984 68 55
1148 2485 3476 2375 5012 4913 50 34
3476 3250 5136 5012 597 4413 86 15
3476 3250 5136 3408 1644 100 110 46
3476 3250 5136 1197 294 3328 107 65
3476 3250 5136 3128 2496 2493 73 48
359 1572 3562 3476 3250 5136 91 70
359 1572 3562 3476 3250 5136 134 74
359 1572 3562 3476 3250 5136 111 119
359 1572 3562 3476 3250 5136 130 64

San Diego Regional

in San Diego, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 3476 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 113.10 and an average playoff score of 149.86 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Regional Finalists

Captain 1538
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 4486
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1772 2658 3967 702 3476 3491 6 34
5772 3476 4139 1266 3704 5025 101 28
5199 4078 3255 5089 3476 1622 34 110
3749 1572 4139 3021 5137 3476 56 117
5089 4014 812 3453 3476 5765 16 110
3476 3749 1538 4486 4498 5514 144 47
2485 4160 5627 4583 3476 5124 98 90
2029 3476 399 841 2496 2339 208 91
3647 3476 5768 5765 3952 3491 101 22
4470 3476 4984 2543 2827 4616 116 36
3476 1538 4486 4470 4984 2984 154 49
3476 1538 4486 3128 3965 2496 178 118
3476 1538 4486 1572 5124 841 168 117
3476 1538 4486 2485 2102 1266 143 88
3255 399 2339 3476 1538 4486 164 94
3255 399 2339 3476 1538 4486 157 126
3255 399 2339 3476 1538 4486 187 186

Tesla Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3476 was Rank 15 with an average qual score of 145.20 and an average playoff score of 203.88 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Winner

Captain 3132
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 1255
Pick 3 2526
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3476 1658 1403 2992 4003 3941 164 83
1523 624 1836 612 5415 3476 115 111
1255 3476 706 3656 2930 2191 84 168
668 5422 3476 2062 292 2960 130 120
2059 5730 5582 3476 2062 4050 52 179
5314 1323 3476 358 1647 2122 54 72
3360 2415 1515 3476 2658 2950 111 154
58 1225 5072 5678 2526 3476 104 168
3476 171 340 5528 4481 5712 216 94
4571 319 2587 3476 58 4481 170 192
3476 1255 3132 2062 3656 1806 236 154
3476 2526 3132 340 319 1658 162 187
3476 1255 3132 3360 2960 2122 215 216
3476 1255 3132 340 319 1658 193 183
2137 1323 3824 3476 2526 3132 214 168
2137 1323 3824 3476 2526 3132 193 210
2137 1323 3824 3476 2526 3132 214 208
2137 1323 3824 3476 2526 3132 216 239

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3476 had an average playoff score of 183.00

Captain 3132
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 1255
Pick 3 2526
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1023 3996 2338 3476 2526 3132 265 156
1114 148 1923 3476 2526 3132 240 210

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 3476 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 184.91 and an average playoff score of 263.14 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Quality Award

Captain 3476
Pick 1 971
Pick 2 968
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
254 649 3476 3859 1671 5012 238 108
399 1836 1678 3476 696 2135 198 176
3859 115 968 1868 3476 5499 94 96
3256 3309 3476 254 973 2073 176 260
971 3476 399 2135 1983 4543 286 54
1678 3476 1351 766 670 971 200 146
766 1983 1671 604 670 3476 206 176
3476 1671 4543 687 5499 3256 124 52
254 687 2135 846 3476 2085 140 214
687 3476 1983 5026 971 1678 210 228
5499 3309 696 3476 5012 841 120 138
3476 971 968 5499 649 670 194 94
3476 971 968 5499 649 670 282 84
3476 971 968 1671 5012 1678 276 124
3476 971 968 1671 5012 1678 284 194
604 254 973 3476 971 968 270 186
604 254 973 3476 971 968 288 302
604 254 973 3476 971 968 314 318

Fall Classic (Saturday)

in Placentia, CA, USA

Team 3476 had an average qual score of 107.50 and an average playoff score of 171.60

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2493 3255 4 330 687 3476 46 61
1138 330 1197 4276 3309 3476 58 128
4079 585 3476 3473 4470 4619 112 11
331 3476 4 1452 4470B 4276 142 14
3759 599 330 4486 585B 3476 74 92
3476 597 4470 331 1138 585B 110 8
3309 3476 981 4486 4 687 178 106
3309 3476 981 3255 331 1138 156 44
3309 3476 981 3476B 330 597 230 156
3309 3476 981 3476B 330 597 176 140
3309 3476 981 3476B 330 597 118 88

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Robot Name: Cloud 9

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