From San Diego, California, USA
aka Vivid-Hosting/Qualcomm/DOD/Gene Haas Foundation/Lockheed Martin/BlueChip Machine & Fabrication/Northrop Grumman/Westcoast Products/Dassalt Systemes/Coast Air Center/Berggren Family/Chau Family/Bassi Family/Tungend Family&High Tech High School
Rookie Year: 2005
Details on
Hall of Fame (2013): Video

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Robot Name: Daisy Quickstep

Event Results

Overall, Team 1538 had an average qual score of 114.97 and an average playoff score of 136.38 in 2015.

Arizona East Regional

in Chandler, AZ, USA
to Week 4

Team 1538 was Rank 1 with an average qual score of 92.17 and an average playoff score of 120.43 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 1538
Pick 1 60
Pick 2 4496
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1492 3133 1538 1700 2403 2486 114 88
1011 2662 1165 3158 1538 3853 34 122
4018 4146 1633 5465 1538 996 8 68
1538 2647 60 498 5475 3133 66 39
2840 1538 4146 3021 3048 1492 73 36
2449 1538 4018 1828 4111 2840 94 22
2478 3158 1828 1538 2375 2486 83 119
2647 3019 5539 3944 1538 1828 27 74
5207 498 1538 3187 2478 3853 94 12
1011 1538 4841 3133 4018 996 76 30
5465 4496 1290 3048 1538 5539 49 96
698 498 4183 1633 1290 1538 99 110
60 1538 4496 4160 1700 3785 119 36
60 1538 4496 3853 1290 3133 115 65
60 1538 4496 2486 498 1828 138 99
60 1538 4496 3021 1165 2647 151 70
3944 4183 4146 60 1538 4496 153 57
3944 4183 4146 60 1538 4496 168 146
3944 4183 4146 60 1538 4496 132 117

San Diego Regional

in San Diego, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 1538 was Rank 1 with an average qual score of 117.20 and an average playoff score of 149.86 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 1538
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 4486
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4919 2827 5209 5627 1538 2102 0 126
2102 4583 812 4984 1538 841 56 128
2543 3965 2029 1538 4498 4139 84 95
5089 1538 399 702 4014 2984 124 15
1538 1622 3952 3704 5627 3470 121 63
3476 3749 1538 4486 4498 5514 144 47
2543 4078 1538 399 4616 3491 114 58
1772 4470 3341 5025 3453 1538 36 82
3128 1538 1572 4160 3967 5199 134 78
5430 3021 2485 2029 4014 1538 120 104
3476 1538 4486 4470 4984 2984 154 49
3476 1538 4486 3128 3965 2496 178 118
3476 1538 4486 1572 5124 841 168 117
3476 1538 4486 2485 2102 1266 143 88
3255 399 2339 3476 1538 4486 164 94
3255 399 2339 3476 1538 4486 157 126
3255 399 2339 3476 1538 4486 187 186

Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1538 was Rank 6 with an average qual score of 140.10 and an average playoff score of 145.00 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 1538
Pick 1 2848
Pick 2 5048
Pick 3 360
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Robot Name: Daisy Quickstep

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