From Rimouski, Québec, Canada
aka CSS des Phares/Boeing/AXSUB/UQAR/Cegep de Rimouski/ELLIPSE CONSERVATION&Ecole Paul-Hubert&Club de Robotique RIKITIK inc.
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Overall, Team 3996 had an average qual score of 95.35 and an average playoff score of 180.79 in 2015.

FRC Festival de Robotique - Montreal Regional

in Montreal, QC, Canada
to Week 4

Team 3996 was Rank 4 with an average qual score of 72.90 and an average playoff score of 144.88 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 3996
Pick 1 3117
Pick 2 5443
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3996 5441 3975 3533 4167 4950 44 41
3981 3988 3979 3996 4942 4952 0 0
3996 5443 5440 5441 5528 3379 124 46
4007 5570 3386 3988 5618 3996 87 103
5553 3360 3986 3996 5439 3550 56 56
4526 4594 2590 3996 3544 5570 36 18
4947 5528 3996 3981 4957 3532 115 0
5095 3533 3530 3996 4594 4491 18 78
1511 3996 3990 2626 3382 3985 114 58
3387 4491 5444 3996 5179 296 54 77
3117 3996 5443 5440 4952 3988 121 83
3117 3996 5443 3386 3990 3550 151 90
3117 3996 5443 5440 4952 3988 140 73
3117 3996 5443 3386 3990 3550 151 110
2590 3360 5528 3117 3996 5443 164 138
2590 3360 5528 3117 3996 5443 134 148
2590 3360 5528 3117 3996 5443 177 144
2590 3360 5528 3117 3996 5443 189 166

Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3996 was Rank 25 with an average qual score of 117.80 and an average playoff score of 195.29 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Winner

Captain 1023
Pick 1 2338
Pick 2 3996
Pick 3 1089
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4977 3996 3278 623 51 68 144 129
3996 4451 1640 314 691 2914 28 76
2907 3996 1538 280 135 836 106 120
2974 122 5692 51 5212 3996 89 100
1785 1572 1310 3996 5571 5162 164 122
201 3996 3238 1322 2220 2363 52 94
3322 188 3602 1700 931 3996 113 96
4334 2848 2383 1023 3996 2338 127 226
3996 503 5687 5464 1023 4364 180 172
3284 217 5667 3996 234 2605 56 124
1023 3996 2338 314 2974 4451 202 205
1023 3996 2338 3602 2342 4201 247 153
1023 3996 2338 188 503 234 43 185
1023 3996 2338 217 1310 1640 197 244
1023 3996 2338 314 2974 4451 274 108
217 1310 1640 1023 3996 2338 150 190
217 1310 1640 1023 3996 2338 208 214

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3996 had an average playoff score of 227.25

Captain 1023
Pick 1 2338
Pick 2 3996
Pick 3 1089
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1023 3996 2338 3476 2526 3132 265 156
1023 3996 2338 144 368 359 219 220
1114 148 1923 1023 3996 2338 272 210
987 2826 2512 1023 3996 2338 283 215

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