From Auburn, Washington, USA
aka The Boeing Company/SPEEA/OSPI/LCNW/Boeing Professionals & Auburn Mountainview High Sch
Rookie Year: 2009
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Robot Name: Lion Robotics 6

Event Results

Overall, Team 2907 had an average qual score of 88.02 and an average playoff score of 89.71 in 2015.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 2907 ranked 22 having earned 163 points.

PNW District - Auburn Mountainview Event

in Auburn, WA, USA
to Week 1

Team 2907 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 53.08 and an average playoff score of 75.86 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

Captain 2907
Pick 1 2046
Pick 2 3221

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 52
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2907 5295 3684 3588 4579 2929 1 20
2605 1983 2927 3588 2907 3218 47 13
2046 4726 3586 2907 2927 3237 57 63
3663 1983 4911 2907 4726 4469 143 61
3223 2557 4450 2976 2907 3220 97 70
1294 2907 4911 3586 3221 5295 27 49
3781 3393 2907 360 2906 3223 72 50
2907 4450 3586 360 2412 1318 42 63
3663 2412 1294 3218 2907 3223 91 70
1983 2906 2907 3393 2605 4726 101 80
4469 360 2927 2907 2929 4131 48 43
2906 2929 3237 3221 3049 2907 52 74
4450 3218 2906 2046 2907 3221 68 64
4911 3663 4726 2046 2907 3221 44 56
4450 3218 2906 2046 2907 3221 66 93
1318 1983 3049 2046 2907 3221 92 89
4469 2605 2412 2046 2907 3221 91 103
1318 1983 3049 2046 2907 3221 133 68
1318 1983 3049 2046 2907 3221 102 58

PNW District - Mount Vernon Event

in Mount Vernon, WA, USA
to Week 3

Team 2907 was Rank 6 with an average qual score of 76.42 and an average playoff score of 85.20 and won the following awards:

  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Captain 2907
Pick 1 2046
Pick 2 4060

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 45
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2930 4683 2903 4205 2907 2976 52 67
2046 4180 2907 3070 1318 4060 78 15
4911 3968 3575 2907 3663 2660 91 83
2907 4918 2605 4173 1983 2980 94 127
5748 3218 2928 4654 3826 2907 18 34
2980 3218 4683 2907 4542 2928 54 86
4173 2046 2907 4180 4205 1258 67 25
2907 1258 4060 2605 2811 4683 113 97
4980 2907 3575 4542 2976 3826 65 33
3218 3663 4173 2811 5748 2907 64 68
2907 3968 3218 4180 4911 3826 96 121
4180 5748 1318 2903 2907 4980 78 66
2046 2907 4060 2976 4180 3218 124 74
2046 2907 4060 4918 4205 3968 58 98
4911 3663 5748 2046 2907 4060 149 72
1318 1983 4654 2046 2907 4060 180 80
4918 4205 3968 2046 2907 4060 92 92

Pacific Northwest District Championship

in Cheney, WA, USA
to Week 6

Team 2907 was Rank 34 with an average qual score of 116.83 and an average playoff score of 149.50 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Jasper Lommen)
  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

Captain 3674
Pick 1 1595
Pick 2 2907

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 36
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 15
Total Points 66
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Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 2907 was Rank 40 with an average qual score of 109.30

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Robot Name: Lion Robotics 6

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