From Puyallup, Washington, USA
aka OSPI/Puyallup School District CTE&Puyallup High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Robot Name: Thor

Event Results

Overall, Team 3393 had an average qual score of 77.86 and an average playoff score of 66.57 in 2015.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 3393 ranked 42 having earned 109 points.

PNW District - Auburn Mountainview Event

in Auburn, WA, USA
to Week 1

Team 3393 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 63.00 and an average playoff score of 39.50

Captain 3393
Pick 1 2557
Pick 2 3781

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 21
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 36
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PNW District - Auburn Event

in Auburn, WA, USA
to Week 5

Team 3393 was Rank 11 with an average qual score of 61.25 and an average playoff score of 77.40 and won the following awards:

  • Judges' Award

Captain 1899
Pick 1 3393
Pick 2 3684

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 43
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3393 4060 360 5683 3786 4579 58 26
5588 2555 4461 1899 3393 3237 85 71
2927 4980 2929 3393 5748 3781 18 44
2929 2980 3574 3393 4461 3786 102 59
948 3393 2555 2942 3684 360 96 61
2927 4304 3221 3393 1425 3574 31 67
5683 4980 3393 3219 4304 5748 18 32
2927 4469 3393 2942 4304 3237 85 36
1425 3049 360 2942 3393 2522 94 112
2522 1899 360 3393 5588 3221 146 56
3393 4579 2906 4304 3574 3049 55 66
1258 5683 2980 3219 3049 3393 30 14
3393 1899 3684 4060 4461 3049 62 26
3393 1899 3684 5683 5748 5588 87 61
4469 3574 2555 3393 1899 3684 102 76
360 2522 4304 3393 1899 3684 118 78
1258 2929 3221 3393 1899 3684 91 84

Pacific Northwest District Championship

in Cheney, WA, USA
to Week 6

Team 3393 was Rank 47 with an average qual score of 109.33

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 30
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
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Robot Name: Thor

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