PNW District - Auburn Mountainview Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4911 2046 2412 1294 4469 3393 0 24
1318 3237 3781 2605 3663 360 10 24
2907 5295 3684 3588 4579 2929 1 20
3220 4450 4726 3218 4131 3221 34 30
2557 3049 1983 3223 2927 3586 28 12
2976 2046 3237 2906 4131 3663 54 18
2605 1983 2927 3588 2907 3218 47 13
5295 4469 4579 4450 1318 3393 16 44
2929 2412 3223 3684 2557 2976 28 10
3781 3220 3586 3049 1294 2906 13 22
4726 3221 2976 360 4911 3684 17 18
3588 1294 1318 3393 2906 5295 55 41
3049 2412 4450 2929 3220 4911 23 32
2046 4726 3586 2907 2927 3237 57 63
4579 2557 360 3663 3781 3218 21 56
3221 3223 2605 4131 1983 4469 18 53
3684 3218 3237 2046 2929 3393 52 79
4131 3781 2605 3588 5295 2412 38 45
2906 4450 3221 4579 3223 3049 47 3
3663 1983 4911 2907 4726 4469 143 61
360 1294 2976 2927 2557 3220 23 24
1318 4726 5295 3586 3237 4131 40 33
3223 2557 4450 2976 2907 3220 97 70
4469 3218 2605 2906 3586 3684 70 30
1318 3049 2046 2412 1983 3781 52 30
3588 3393 360 4579 4911 2927 47 22
3221 3663 1318 2929 1294 3781 65 45
3684 3393 4131 3049 3220 2605 29 44
3218 4579 2976 2046 4450 4469 63 65
2927 2412 2906 3663 3237 2557 19 55
1294 2907 4911 3586 3221 5295 27 49
2929 4726 360 3223 1983 3588 25 59
2557 3218 1294 4469 4911 3221 51 44
4579 3684 2412 3237 3588 4726 16 42
3781 3393 2907 360 2906 3223 72 50
4450 2929 3663 5295 1983 2046 46 49
2927 3049 4131 1318 2976 2605 20 86
3586 3588 2557 3220 2046 3221 41 58
2929 4469 3049 3684 2927 4726 53 16
1983 3218 3393 3223 2976 3781 119 60
4579 3663 3220 2605 4911 2906 69 50
2907 4450 3586 360 2412 1318 42 63
4131 5295 3220 1294 3237 1983 27 85
4469 1318 2557 3588 3221 3684 74 63
3586 3393 4911 4450 4131 2976 106 63
3663 2412 1294 3218 2907 3223 91 70
2929 5295 2927 4726 3781 2906 17 54
3049 3237 360 4579 2605 2046 72 78
3781 4469 3684 2557 2412 4131 74 78
3221 4579 1294 2976 3586 2929 60 36
4911 5295 3237 3218 360 4450 74 74
1318 3223 3220 2927 2046 3663 30 65
1983 2906 2907 3393 2605 4726 101 80
3588 4911 3781 3049 3663 3586 64 18
2906 3218 2046 2605 5295 2557 48 56
1294 3684 3220 1318 1983 4579 34 98
4469 360 2927 2907 2929 4131 48 43
3393 3049 2976 3221 3237 2412 45 10
4450 3588 2605 4726 3223 1294 110 62
3586 4469 2412 360 1983 3220 37 89
2976 2927 3588 4911 3218 1318 16 77
2906 2929 3237 3221 3049 2907 52 74
2046 3223 3684 3781 4450 5295 26 18
4131 4579 4726 3393 2557 3663 14 70


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1983 1318 3049
Alliance 2 3393 2557 3781
Alliance 3 3218 4450 2906
Alliance 4 3663 4911 4726
Alliance 5 2605 4469 2412
Alliance 6 2907 2046 3221
Alliance 7 3237 2929 2976
Alliance 8 1294 360 3588

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4911 3663 4726 4469 2605 2412 57 60
4450 3218 2906 2046 2907 3221 68 64
2557 3393 3781 2929 3237 2976 48 39
1318 1983 3049 360 1294 3588 88 69
4911 3663 4726 2046 2907 3221 44 56
4450 3218 2906 4469 2605 2412 63 66
2557 3393 3781 360 1294 3588 31 48
1318 1983 3049 2929 3237 2976 79 54
4450 3218 2906 2046 2907 3221 66 93
1318 1983 3049 4469 2605 2412 124 69
4450 3218 2906 4469 2605 2412 84 63
1318 1983 3049 2046 2907 3221 92 89
4469 2605 2412 2046 2907 3221 91 103
1318 1983 3049 4450 3218 2906 97 64
1318 1983 3049 2046 2907 3221 133 68
1318 1983 3049 2046 2907 3221 102 58

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 1983, 1318, 3049 83.50
2 3218, 4450, 2906 65.50
3 2605, 4469, 2412 63.00
4 2907, 2046, 3221 60.00
5 1294, 360, 3588 58.50
6 3663, 4911, 4726 50.50
7 3237, 2929, 2976 46.50
8 3393, 2557, 3781 39.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1983, 1318, 3049 104.33
2 2907, 2046, 3221 95.00
3 2605, 4469, 2412 74.33
4 3218, 4450, 2906 71.33



Qual Avg.
1 1983 75.1 120 0 312 278 191 0 12
2 3393 63.0 200 0 168 204 202 0 12
3 3218 60.2 160 0 240 182 141 0 12
4 3663 60.0 80 0 248 236 174 0 12
5 2605 58.4 120 0 164 252 165 0 12
6 1318 57.8 0 8 296 244 146 0 12
7 4450 55.2 160 0 188 188 133 0 12
8 4911 54.8 120 0 200 170 168 0 12
9 2907 53.1 240 0 96 164 143 0 12
10 2046 52.6 120 0 176 180 156 0 12
11 4469 51.6 80 0 220 184 165 0 12
12 2557 50.4 80 0 136 196 199 0 12
13 3237 50.2 160 0 148 156 156 0 12
14 1294 48.2 80 12 148 152 211 0 12
15 3588 47.9 40 4 176 208 171 0 12
16 360 46.2 120 4 172 208 80 0 12
17 2976 45.2 120 0 148 190 109 0 12
18 3221 44.6 0 8 184 192 169 0 12
19 3781 44.5 120 0 136 148 136 0 12
20 2906 44.3 80 0 108 206 144 0 12
21 3220 43.7 40 0 132 156 196 0 12
22 3223 42.9 200 0 96 144 87 0 12
23 4726 41.8 160 0 68 138 136 0 12
24 4579 40.0 40 8 156 162 114 0 12
25 2929 39.7 40 0 100 202 164 0 12
26 3586 39.5 80 0 104 118 178 0 12
27 3049 37.8 40 0 140 134 164 0 12
28 4131 37.2 80 0 52 154 160 0 12
29 2412 36.7 80 4 128 134 143 0 12
30 5295 36.1 40 0 108 160 137 0 12
31 3684 30.8 80 0 88 122 91 0 12
32 2927 30.8 40 0 96 156 95 0 12
Team Location Image
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Issaquah, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Maple Valley, Washington, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Spanaway, Washington, USA
Auburn, Washington, USA
Graham, Washington, USA
Puyallup, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Bremerton, Washington, USA
Bonney Lake, Washington, USA
Spangle, Washington, USA
Team Location Image
Kent, Washington, USA
Silverdale, Washington, USA
Spanaway, Washington, USA
Puyallup, Washington, USA
Reardan, Washington, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
Olympia, Washington, USA
Federal Way, Washington, USA
Federal Way, Washington, USA
Asotin, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Shelton, Washington, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 2557
District Engineering Inspiration Award 3588
District Event Winner 1983
District Event Winner 1318
District Event Winner 3049
District Event Finalist 2907
District Event Finalist 2046
District Event Finalist 3221
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1318
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3781
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4911
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3663
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2907
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2046
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 4450
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4469
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1983
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 360
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1983 22 30.0 16 5 73.0
2 1318 17 30.0 16 5 68.0
3 2907 16 20 11 5 52
4 2046 15 20 11 5 51
5 4450 17 10 14 5 46
6 3218 20 10 14 0 44
7 4469 15 10 12 5 42
8 2605 18 10 12 0 40
9 2557 15 0 15 10 40
10 3049 8 30.0 1 0 39.0
11 3221 12 20 6 0 38
12 3663 19 0 13 5 37
13 3393 21 0 15 0 36
14 4911 16 0 13 5 34
15 3588 13 0 8 8 29
16 360 13 0 9 5 27
17 2906 11 10 3 0 24
18 3237 14 0 10 0 24
19 1294 14 0 9 0 23
20 2412 7 10 5 0 22
21 2929 9 0 10 0 19
22 2976 12 0 7 0 19
23 3781 12 0 2 5 19
24 4726 10 0 4 0 14
25 3220 11 0 0 0 11
26 4579 10 0 0 0 10
27 3223 10 0 0 0 10
28 3586 9 0 0 0 9
29 4131 8 0 0 0 8
30 5295 6 0 0 0 6
31 3684 5 0 0 0 5
32 2927 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1983 44.05
3393 29.69
3663 27.35
2605 25.74
4450 24.50
3218 23.15
1318 22.88
2907 22.68
4911 22.01
3237 21.05
4469 20.98
2046 20.18
2557 17.76
2976 15.78
3588 15.60
1294 14.74
3221 13.83
3220 13.41
2906 12.83
4726 12.70
3223 12.54
360 12.07
3586 10.85
2929 10.78
4579 9.48
3781 9.44
2412 6.95
4131 5.39
3049 3.20
5295 3.19
3684 1.89
2927 0.04
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