From Rimouski, Québec, Canada
aka CSS des Phares/Boeing/AXSUB/UQAR/Cegep de Rimouski/ELLIPSE CONSERVATION&Ecole Paul-Hubert&Club de Robotique RIKITIK inc.
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 3996 was 26-16-2 in official play in 2019.

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Troy, NY 12180, USA
to Week 2

Team 3996 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3996
Pick 1 639
Pick 2 7031
Backup for 7031 6463
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6880 6621 3044 514 3996 7030 30 33
7031 1493 3996 514 714 5964 32 20
333 5881 7400 1551 145 3996 40 49
7565 3996 20 1665 5943 145 44 56
3996 358 7718 1860 639 4508 27 47
5943 3996 639 2875 5881 5149 48 33
1551 1860 3799 3996 694 3044 48 75
3044 7030 334 3996 1860 7563 42 48
250 2875 3996 7030 7651 358 42 39
6484 3996 6880 7031 1551 7565 30 29
3799 7031 250 3996 1665 7400 52 46
7563 358 145 5964 6300 3996 52 41
639 3996 7031 1551 2875 3044 63 55
639 3996 6463 1551 2875 3044 56 54
2791 20 7651 639 3996 6463 83 54
2791 20 7651 639 3996 6463 86 47

Festival de Robotique a Quebec City Regional

in Quebec City, QC G1L 5A7, Canada
to Week 6

Team 3996 was Rank 3 with a record of 13-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and won the event.

Captain 3996
Pick 1 3386
Pick 2 2095
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3996 3986 4952 6622 5439 5952 87 15
5659 3996 3988 6431 5618 5179 60 47
7590 3386 5659 5528 2234 3996 63 33
4950 3996 3360 3510 3550 5910 57 46
6431 7251 4613 2626 3996 2095 58 75
2234 4955 2626 5095 3996 5439 53 46
3360 3985 3986 3996 5800 3975 69 48
6622 5618 3996 5910 296 5952 54 60
3996 5440 3117 7590 3988 4952 37 34
5439 3533 5440 4955 5179 3996 47 54
5570 4942 4955 3510 4613 3996 24 66
3386 3996 2095 5528 3117 3550 68 53
3386 3996 2095 5528 3117 3550 78 47
5659 5440 4955 3386 3996 2095 51 73
5659 5440 4955 3386 3996 2095 67 67
5659 5440 4955 3386 3996 2095 42 68
3986 5618 7590 3386 3996 2095 61 67
3986 5618 7590 3386 3996 2095 73 84

Archimedes Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 3996 was Rank 54 with a record of 3-5-2

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