From Plano, Texas, USA
aka Plano ISD/Plano ISD Education Foundation/Titan Robotics Booster Club/FIRST In Texas/SOLIDWorks/Boeing/Texas Instruments/HAAS/Texas Workforce Commission/Poop 911&Plano Isd Academy High School
Rookie Year: 2015
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Robot Name: New Bot on The Block

Event Results

Overall, Team 5431 had an average qual score of 95.95 and an average playoff score of 92.33 in 2015.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 5431 was Rank 10 with an average qual score of 56.30 and an average playoff score of 62.00 and won the following awards:

  • Rookie All Star Award
  • Highest Rookie Seed

Captain 1477
Pick 1 5431
Pick 2 457
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Carver Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 5431 was Rank 26 with an average qual score of 135.60 and an average playoff score of 153.00

Captain 971
Pick 1 1717
Pick 2 2834
Pick 3 5431
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Robot Name: New Bot on The Block

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