From Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
aka TD Williamson / AEP-PSO / DOD STEM / RTI / SISU Engineering / Allied Fence Company of Tulsa / Delta Lodge #425 / Oklahoma Science & Engineering Foundation / Tulsa Engineering Foundation / Memorial Robotics Booster Club & Memorial High School
Rookie Year: 2002
Last competed in 2021
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Event Results

Overall, Team 932 had an average qual score of 72.21 and an average playoff score of 137.54 in 2015.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 932 was Rank 23 with an average qual score of 42.30 and an average playoff score of 91.60 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

Captain 3735
Pick 1 1296
Pick 2 932
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
457 5242 5411 1296 932 1642 0 8
4364 4641 932 5057 2613 2950 16 26
5417 148 4045 3676 932 5786 37 26
3355 5775 3282 3310 932 148 2 46
118 932 3350 4076 3370 3310 102 12
647 932 5057 4206 3037 2848 32 49
2468 932 3802 2897 5739 4641 78 10
3481 4045 932 4354 5431 647 12 30
1477 624 1296 932 3005 704 44 42
2897 3355 57 1477 4063 932 28 61
118 4499 3735 5775 932 2848
5431 1477 457 1296 3735 932 48 74
4499 4300 4364 1296 3735 932 74 79
987 148 3802 1296 3735 932 184 89
624 118 2613 1296 3735 932 107 110
1296 3735 932 2468 57 4063 106 98

Oklahoma Regional

in Oklahoma City, OK, USA
to Week 5

Team 932 was Rank 28 with an average qual score of 48.67 and an average playoff score of 166.25 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Regional Winners
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
  • Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

Captain 1806
Pick 1 4522
Pick 2 932
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2388 2986 5621 932 3163 4933 21 52
932 2354 5001 3172 2373 2950 45 6
1561 2395 932 1448 3931 31 58 67
4298 4523 2165 5006 932 5730 45 54
1742 2352 1561 5611 3169 932 52 25
2424 3507 2765 5578 5621 932 65 28
3660 5098 4522 932 3457 3507 91 34
932 3931 3465 2398 2795 2723 66 7
1209 3465 1750 3498 3160 932 93 76
4522 1806 932 1750 3465 3660 140 37
4522 1806 932 2395 2359 5006 159 97
4522 1806 932 2395 2359 5006 163 54
4522 1806 932 3931 4959 5098 146 94
1296 1775 3507 4522 1806 932 162 192
4522 1806 932 1296 1775 3507 207 194
4522 1806 932 1296 1775 3507 138 162
4522 1806 932 1296 1775 3507 185 143

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 932 was Rank 34 with an average qual score of 123.30

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