Winners advance to the Einstein Field
St. Louis, MO, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4536 4721 337 5458 128 5291 48 42
3802 1592 829 5465 144 3881 96 10
2852 5546 3352 1625 1868 4911 49 104
5402 2648 233 3844 4967 1884 122 88
3721 3507 2876 4915 4384 585 64 60
4001 216 3140 75 3512 126 95 108
172 4183 368 71 971 4039 162 140
1369 5515 1768 5442 5437 2491 42 65
3419 3324 66 1717 1024 193 188 150
5260 2337 2767 3653 4945 2834 190 94
329 2630 1986 4381 3504 5431 172 138
3566 4253 1425 3536 771 1718 126 161
359 5689 5291 2130 1208 4039 20 187
144 3140 4536 2648 1625 585 48 53
5402 1592 5515 3419 1868 3507 158 105
3324 4915 128 5465 5260 1884 99 130
5431 829 233 4183 2876 1768 184 104
75 3536 3721 5546 329 2834 134 53
368 2491 359 4384 4967 2337 218 206
5458 1425 3802 971 1369 5689 57 155
126 3352 1718 2130 4381 71 152 113
1024 4001 1986 1208 2767 5442 219 172
172 4945 3844 3566 193 4911 92 81
3881 66 3653 4253 3504 5437 88 107
337 3512 771 2852 1717 2630 14 182
4721 368 585 216 3324 1592 80 58
3140 1868 4381 2876 3802 971 170 121
359 1718 5458 2491 1625 4915 126 98
5442 1768 5402 5291 126 1425 143 120
4384 66 172 75 1208 2648 164 96
1369 5546 2337 233 1986 128 105 166
2630 4536 5515 4911 4945 4253 70 52
3721 2767 1884 337 3536 829 159 128
3512 5465 4183 3653 5689 193 152 97
771 3881 3844 2130 329 1024 77 180
4721 144 71 4967 5431 3419 135 191
3352 3566 5260 216 1717 3504 82 106
2852 5437 2834 4001 4039 3507 100 127
5402 1369 4915 585 2337 4381 98 106
1592 3536 1208 2491 4945 971 122 137
4384 1718 5442 329 1868 5465 170 90
2130 193 5458 3653 5546 2876 120 40
3802 3844 3504 5291 75 3324 40 70
4911 4039 3881 128 2648 1717 128 142
337 2834 233 368 3566 144 181 156
1986 5689 126 4967 771 4536 190 119
3512 1024 829 4253 172 3352 159 75
3507 5431 2630 5260 66 4001 116 136
1768 359 3419 1884 216 2852 132 142
4721 4183 1625 1425 3721 5515 92 88
2767 3140 5465 5437 71 4911 136 103
1868 5458 1986 585 2834 75 93 117
3536 2130 5442 4967 3324 3802 185 106
66 5431 3566 4039 3512 5402 156 185
2337 1592 5291 4253 1884 193 163 174
3352 2648 1768 2630 3721 1718 90 134
3881 2491 1717 4721 4001 2876 120 90
5546 144 128 5515 771 4381 60 49
3140 829 4384 2852 3504 4945 123 66
1024 71 1425 3507 216 3653 150 60
329 1369 359 2767 4183 4536 132 174
5260 233 5437 172 5689 1625 169 160
126 4915 1208 3419 368 337 180 162
971 585 4253 3844 5546 1768 176 92
5458 2648 3324 2337 4001 3352 45 162
4384 1884 4721 4381 2834 3512 88 184
3566 71 5515 829 66 359 125 189
4536 1024 4039 3802 233 2630 124 145
4945 2130 4915 5431 4183 216 150 120
971 1717 337 5442 3507 5689 268 64
1369 1625 771 4911 1592 75 42 150
3844 5291 3721 3140 2491 3419 38 94
128 3653 5437 329 4967 126 132 144
5402 3881 172 3536 1986 5465 106 224
193 2767 3504 1868 1425 368 115 137
1718 2852 144 2876 1208 5260 119 131
5546 4915 2648 71 1592 5442 78 158
4911 216 3721 66 233 5458 78 136
4945 75 5689 1024 1884 2491 104 126
2337 3536 3802 337 5431 5515 182 79
172 3512 1717 2767 128 3844 130 69
829 4001 3419 585 1425 329 140 16
3140 4253 5260 1868 359 4721 144 137
126 2876 1625 3504 4039 1986 184 214
3653 3324 1718 5402 971 144 144 159
2834 5465 3352 4183 771 5291 133 102
4381 4536 4384 1768 2130 5437 128 186
2630 4967 368 1369 3566 2852 232 150
193 3507 3140 1208 3881 1884 70 120
1868 3844 585 337 66 126 90 176
1024 3504 172 144 4915 359 103 182
4911 3653 971 1986 5291 4721 170 69
3419 3512 2130 2648 2337 5437 92 85
368 4001 1625 1768 4945 128 176 150
2630 75 4253 2876 71 5465 125 98
193 216 2834 1369 1718 829 116 70
1208 329 2852 3324 233 5515 224 79
4381 3566 3721 3881 4536 5442 124 108
1717 3802 4183 5402 5546 4384 171 142
4039 1425 4967 5458 5260 1592 143 70
2491 3507 2767 3352 5431 771 126 76
5689 2876 4911 3536 359 4001 78 177
4721 1768 329 1868 144 66 140 130
585 71 3504 5442 3512 233 142 186
4381 216 1208 1625 3844 3653 94 116
3324 4384 4039 4253 337 1369 134 68
5260 5291 2648 5546 1024 3566 47 81
971 4915 4967 3881 3352 2767 265 80
3419 1986 4945 3507 1718 3802 116 88
128 2834 5431 1592 5689 3140 132 96
5437 75 771 829 193 5402 125 142
3536 4183 1884 2630 126 5458 172 104
2130 5515 5465 1717 3721 368 84 130
2491 2337 1425 2852 172 4536 121 143
4945 233 1868 3881 4915 5291 165 103
66 5442 128 3419 2834 2876 178 170
5437 1592 3352 3844 359 1986 174 181
5458 3653 4039 771 1768 3140 52 130
5689 2630 144 4384 2767 216 138 147
193 2852 126 3721 3802 4253 172 61
1717 5546 829 5431 368 4536 200 164
1625 4381 3507 3324 3536 3512 79 168
4001 585 1884 5515 1718 172 90 84
75 1425 971 2130 2337 3566 224 123
2491 71 329 4911 5402 5260 148 126
5465 1208 3504 2648 1369 4721 69 36
4967 337 2876 1024 4183 3140 101 220


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 971 1717 2834 5431
Alliance 2 3536 2337 3419 1884
Alliance 3 1986 1625 4253 193
Alliance 4 368 359 337 144
Alliance 5 4967 2767 2852 1768
Alliance 6 66 1024 1592 4911
Alliance 7 233 1718 4039 1425
Alliance 8 126 329 3512 172

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
337 368 359 2767 4967 2852 168 189
1625 1986 193 1024 66 1592 225 183
3536 2337 3419 1718 233 4039 148 199
971 1717 5431 329 126 3512 153 148
144 368 359 1024 1592 66 245 180
1625 1986 193 2767 4967 2852 68 144
3536 2337 3419 329 126 3512 138 193
971 1717 2834 1718 233 4039 204 202
1718 233 4039 971 1717 2834 186 86
144 368 359 1024 1592 66 191 158
1718 233 4039 1024 1592 66 176 196
144 368 359 971 1717 2834 161 204
1024 4911 66 971 1717 2834 206 205
144 368 359 1718 233 4039 212 208
1718 233 4039 144 368 359 190 223
1718 233 4039 144 368 359 189 230

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 368, 359, 337, 144 206.50
2 233, 1718, 4039, 1425 200.50
3 66, 1024, 1592, 4911 181.50
4 971, 1717, 2834, 5431 178.50
5 126, 329, 3512, 172 170.50
6 4967, 2767, 2852, 1768 166.50
7 1986, 1625, 4253, 193 146.50
8 3536, 2337, 3419, 1884 143.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 233, 1718, 4039, 1425 190.00
2 368, 359, 337, 144 188.00
3 66, 1024, 1592, 4911 186.67
4 971, 1717, 2834, 5431 165.00



Rank Team Qual Avg. Coopertition Auto Container Tote Litter DQ Played
1 971 181.5 160 160 764 532 205 0 10
2 3536 165.3 240 40 672 422 285 0 10
3 1986 164.4 280 66 632 416 250 0 10
4 368 161.7 280 20 720 476 121 0 10
5 1717 159.9 240 128 668 464 111 0 10
6 4967 159.5 400 120 516 356 209 0 10
7 66 154.1 280 20 572 448 227 0 10
8 233 153.3 320 164 532 392 149 0 10
9 126 153.0 320 40 572 352 258 0 10
10 1024 151.2 240 68 612 436 162 0 10
11 359 149.4 280 0 596 432 186 0 10
12 4183 146.9 320 20 572 364 205 0 10
13 2337 144.3 200 32 552 362 303 0 10
14 4039 143.4 120 0 628 476 210 0 10
15 829 143.1 240 40 576 422 153 0 10
16 5442 142.9 360 20 468 356 231 0 10
17 2130 142.0 240 20 552 392 216 0 10
18 2630 141.8 120 46 688 428 166 0 10
19 4001 141.2 80 40 636 450 212 0 10
20 1208 139.5 120 20 604 366 285 0 10
21 3419 139.0 240 20 536 392 208 0 10
22 5402 138.1 360 6 464 360 197 0 10
23 3512 137.8 200 20 596 398 176 0 10
24 2767 136.8 280 0 476 320 292 0 10
25 4384 136.2 240 0 536 366 226 0 10
26 5431 135.6 320 40 424 436 142 0 10
27 2852 134.7 160 0 596 444 153 0 10
28 4915 131.3 280 20 520 342 163 0 10
29 71 131.2 240 0 532 394 146 0 10
30 329 129.9 320 46 488 344 101 0 10
31 1884 128.9 320 0 464 314 215 0 10
32 2834 128.0 200 20 484 404 184 0 10
33 2491 125.3 160 20 572 340 179 0 10
34 75 125.3 80 48 556 402 173 0 10
35 1718 124.8 160 0 468 394 232 0 10
36 5437 124.6 240 50 428 330 198 0 10
37 1592 124.5 200 90 472 376 113 0 10
38 193 123.7 160 28 528 368 165 0 10
39 337 122.5 280 40 412 366 133 0 10
40 5260 122.5 240 24 396 336 229 0 10
41 1868 122.1 280 20 440 352 129 0 10
42 172 121.9 160 0 460 436 163 0 10
43 1768 120.9 240 0 436 368 177 0 10
44 3566 120.4 240 0 392 312 278 0 10
45 4381 118.5 240 6 416 332 197 0 10
46 1425 118.2 120 20 496 364 200 0 10
47 128 117.0 240 20 404 360 146 0 10
48 3140 115.6 120 0 504 386 152 0 10
49 144 113.7 200 0 440 384 113 0 10
50 4945 112.6 240 40 344 314 188 0 10
51 5465 112.6 240 20 440 284 160 0 10
52 4536 112.6 200 20 372 372 162 0 10
53 4253 110.8 160 20 400 368 166 0 10
54 1625 110.4 120 0 524 394 72 0 10
55 5689 110.2 200 40 392 330 140 0 10
56 3504 110.0 240 20 380 308 164 0 10
57 3324 109.1 200 64 376 304 153 0 10
58 3352 107.3 200 40 364 334 159 0 10
59 2876 106.0 160 0 428 308 170 0 10
60 3802 102.7 160 80 400 280 125 0 10
61 4911 101.8 40 44 428 328 190 0 10
62 216 101.6 80 40 452 322 140 0 10
63 3721 101.0 120 0 416 326 160 0 10
64 3653 99.3 200 20 376 282 121 0 10
65 3881 94.0 240 0 308 244 148 0 10
66 585 93.0 80 26 388 296 140 0 10
67 5546 90.0 160 20 288 314 130 0 10
68 3507 89.9 120 0 364 310 111 0 10
69 1369 89.8 120 20 324 292 160 0 10
70 771 89.5 240 20 284 268 89 0 10
71 3844 88.3 200 0 312 274 109 0 10
72 4721 86.7 160 0 300 294 119 0 10
73 5515 85.8 200 26 232 286 132 0 10
74 5458 84.5 80 20 336 288 121 0 10
75 2648 79.4 80 26 268 300 120 0 10
76 5291 77.4 160 4 248 230 144 0 10
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Hammond, Indiana, USA
Hillsborough, New Jersey, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Grandville, Michigan, USA
Rockledge, Florida, USA
Medford, New York, USA
Whitman, West Virginia, USA
Waialua, Hawaii, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Tehachapi, California, USA
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Mountain View, California, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
O Fallon, Illinois, USA
Tampa, Florida, USA
Wilsonville, Oregon, USA
Cocoa, Florida, USA
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Goleta, California, USA
Armada, Michigan, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Mountain View, California, USA
London, England, United Kingdom
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA
Grand Blanc, Michigan, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Emek Hefer, HaMerkaz, Israel
Oakland, Maine, USA
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Belvidere, Illinois, USA
New York, New York, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Orcutt, California, USA
Hartland, Michigan, USA
Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Hollywood, Florida, USA
Pearl CIty, Hawaii, USA
Carrollton, Texas, USA
Corbin, Kentucky, USA
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Taipei, Taipei Special Municipality, Chinese Taipei
Richland, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA
Snow Hill, Maryland, USA
Belmont, Michigan, USA
Owosso, Michigan, USA
Eilat, HaDarom, Israel
Walton, Indiana, USA
Plano, Texas, USA
Booneville, Arkansas, USA
Washington, Illinois, USA
Woodland, California, USA
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Petersburg, Virginia, USA
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 771
Championship Subdivision Winner 368
Championship Subdivision Winner 359
Championship Subdivision Winner 337
Championship Subdivision Winner 144
Championship Subdivision Finalist 233
Championship Subdivision Finalist 1718
Championship Subdivision Finalist 4039
Championship Subdivision Finalist 1425
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3504
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 971
Highest Rookie Seed 5442
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1717
Judges' Award 3881
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 329

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
971 111.34
1986 85.26
1717 83.87
368 81.38
233 77.52
2337 76.78
3536 73.21
66 72.78
126 69.40
359 68.58
2767 67.80
4967 67.00
4183 66.02
1024 62.55
2834 61.49
2852 60.67
5402 59.44
1768 58.74
4915 58.70
1718 58.56
71 57.89
4039 56.15
2130 55.99
1592 54.32
2630 53.88
5431 53.59
1208 51.92
4384 49.79
1884 49.72
4001 49.20
75 48.73
5442 48.38
1868 47.02
829 46.87
1625 46.24
4381 46.15
3419 44.17
4253 43.85
3140 41.81
5260 41.24
329 40.33
5437 38.61
3566 38.26
193 37.66
3512 35.04
172 34.83
128 34.72
1425 33.74
3324 31.03
3653 30.04
5689 27.50
4536 24.94
5465 24.52
2876 24.40
3504 24.40
4911 24.24
3721 23.11
337 21.99
3352 19.93
2491 19.88
3844 18.79
144 18.23
3881 16.11
4945 15.81
771 15.31
4721 11.94
3507 10.40
216 9.88
3802 9.57
2648 5.76
5546 4.67
1369 3.95
5515 3.02
5291 -0.53
585 -3.32
5458 -7.77
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