From Troy, Michigan, USA
aka Martinrea/Valeo/Beta CAE systems/Solidworks & International Academy East
Rookie Year: 2012
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: B2

Event Results

Overall, Team 4384 had an average qual score of 101.11 and an average playoff score of 108.93 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 4384 ranked 27 having earned 190.0 points.

FIM District - Howell Event

in Howell, MI, USA
to Week 1

Team 4384 was Rank 1 with an average qual score of 68.25 and an average playoff score of 105.38 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner

Captain 4384
Pick 1 4362
Pick 2 830

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30.0
Award Points 0
Total Points 68.0
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
302 1504 3668 5710 2771 4384 26 34
4384 3536 302 107 3357 4362 36 34
2611 4384 1189 141 3357 3536 54 22
5685 1918 5067 862 4384 4003 50 54
5530 4384 5685 4776 5710 302 40 14
3572 4384 3668 3655 5710 297 95 82
4776 4004 2771 1896 4384 1918 70 90
5114 3357 4384 494 5704 4325 112 72
830 4362 4384 4327 3658 5234 88 22
5256 1918 3655 4384 245 5561 60 50
5256 4384 5704 5436 5710 5685 60 58
4003 830 5561 4004 1076 4384 85 106
4362 4384 830 245 3668 3357 84 106
4362 4384 830 1504 494 5530 100 52
245 3668 3357 4362 4384 830 75 114
1918 862 3322 4362 4384 830 88 90
1189 4003 3536 4362 4384 830 86 114
1189 4003 3536 4362 4384 830 85 106
1189 4003 3536 4362 4384 830 117 115
1189 4003 3536 4362 4384 830 84 120

FIM District - Center Line Event

in Center Line, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 4384 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 58.33 and an average playoff score of 113.00 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 1189
Pick 1 4384
Pick 2 5711

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 59
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
68 4810 5068 4384 5225 2591 7 65
1941 4961 4851 2851 4384 4840 11 15
201 2834 4810 4384 5065 4507 34 40
1189 2834 4384 5065 5555 2604 139 30
5073 4384 1941 123 5214 1701 44 42
5711 3398 5073 5478 201 4384 22 89
3175 4779 4507 573 4384 1701 28 66
4384 3175 453 2604 3096 4815 80 19
123 4811 3098 4961 4384 5555 39 38
4384 818 4815 5068 4811 1701 18 62
4810 4384 123 573 3632 4815 46 4
5532 5239 4384 4380 5225 3619 60 26
4384 1189 5711 2673 453 2591 117 38
4384 1189 5711 3175 2851 1941 126 36
4384 1189 5711 68 573 5225 116 72
4384 1189 5711 123 818 5478 119 55
4384 1189 5711 3098 2834 4815 131 134
3098 2834 4815 4384 1189 5711 112 103
3098 2834 4815 4384 1189 5711 121 79

FIRST in Michigan District Championship

in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 4384 was Rank 28 with an average qual score of 147.50 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 48
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 15
Total Points 63
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Carver Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 4384 was Rank 25 with an average qual score of 136.20

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