From Zeeland, Michigan, USA
aka Midway Machine Technologies/Gentex/Koops/Haas/ITW Drawform/Superior Cutting Services/JR Automation/Zeeland Farm Service/Mission Design and Automation/Disher Design/Royal Technologies/BoltBin/Holland Stitchcraft/R.S. Carpentry Inc/Orlando & Co Catering/Meijer/Townline Hatchery&Zeeland West High School&Zeeland East High School
Rookie Year: 1996
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Robot Name: BOB

Event Results

Overall, Team 85 had an average qual score of 121.19 and an average playoff score of 142.67 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 85 ranked 32 having earned 175 points.

FIM District - Kentwood Event

in Kentwood, MI, USA
to Week 2

Team 85 was Rank 3 with an average qual score of 72.75 and an average playoff score of 97.60 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 4967
Pick 1 85
Pick 2 244

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 50
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4381 5161 85 4337 5213 3886 40 20
5674 85 244 216 5745 2054 38 26
85 5473 2586 857 2767 2405 110 78
85 2054 4956 5486 5674 2586 64 24
5622 4956 3620 74 85 5574 80 88
5255 5574 5246 5213 85 3767 6 62
5161 2767 5574 85 5664 5486 34 64
4482 3767 5470 85 2767 2075 60 154
5745 85 3620 5248 5069 3767 64 12
2959 5473 3875 3886 85 4855 26 0
5248 5710 5161 3234 5246 85 67 103
5473 3458 5574 85 5056 2405 44 86
85 4967 244 3767 5069 5213 112 35
85 4967 244 5473 3875 74 92 37
85 4967 244 2959 4381 5710 67 112
85 4967 244 2075 5674 4956 116 50
85 4967 244 2054 3620 4482 101 87

FIM District - West Michigan Event

in Allendale, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 85 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 110.25 and an average playoff score of 122.80

Captain 85
Pick 1 74
Pick 2 5316

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 41
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4967 2054 5470 85 5173 4453 144 98
85 2075 4003 4337 4995 5473 142 45
141 4995 85 4568 2771 5448 28 30
858 3234 4003 85 4568 2405 98 110
247 1502 5173 85 3603 5559 22 62
2405 5448 1718 1502 2137 85 78 165
247 4956 85 3458 3357 3572 96 94
904 4004 85 141 3572 2771 136 104
5664 858 85 4453 5448 904 110 74
3572 2137 74 1918 85 5316 102 124
85 226 3572 5664 107 3234 142 152
85 5574 2771 4956 5162 5255 110 74
74 85 5316 1718 226 2771 124 89
74 85 5316 3234 2075 141 136 74
2137 1918 2405 74 85 5316 104 144
2054 4003 4956 74 85 5316 130 138
74 85 5316 107 4967 3603 72 175

FIRST in Michigan District Championship

in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 85 was Rank 16 with an average qual score of 160.75 and an average playoff score of 176.25

Captain 85
Pick 1 2054
Pick 2 2337

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 54
Alliance Points 30
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 84
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3452 5524 1918 1506 5562 85 98 130
3322 3570 4994 1711 548 85 49 150
5505 85 4130 217 123 2054 180 150
85 857 4003 4384 67 5053 140 155
85 141 1025 703 2405 4815 193 130
862 5498 4362 2834 85 573 59 198
85 3641 2767 1023 1 2337 200 149
2137 5155 70 2075 3536 85 136 130
5114 5603 85 2474 3618 33 116 180
494 3604 2959 2604 4815 85 204 144
503 1322 3538 85 3688 5046 150 178
3875 4391 85 3547 3770 5712 170 78
469 70 4003 2054 85 2337 98 208
548 1023 1711 2054 85 2337 238 150
1918 33 4130 2054 85 2337 152 180
548 1023 1711 2054 85 2337 232 167

Carson Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 85 was Rank 3 with an average qual score of 186.10 and an average playoff score of 198.20

Captain 85
Pick 1 16
Pick 2 1501
Pick 3 203
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4028 85 203 3339 418 20 184 147
5655 5338 3256 4980 2905 85 18 148
246 3946 1501 3478 254 85 180 263
5625 173 1511 85 236 5406 160 178
4574 3880 4818 1629 85 1325 158 247
85 5254 1711 67 5510 2601 220 104
2377 3604 85 5122 60 1510 190 158
2521 375 85 399 4215 1885 120 80
5549 3547 1306 1885 1058 85 136 149
5053 2471 85 2085 3478 2075 162 156
16 85 1501 1519 399 5254 220 159
16 85 1501 67 225 4488 193 250
16 85 1501 2085 1730 558 196 168
16 85 1501 3339 1325 20 166 198
67 4488 225 16 85 1501 246 216

West Michigan Robotics Invitational

in Zeeland, MI, USA

Team 85 was Rank 20 with an average qual score of 62.43 and an average playoff score of 99.00

Captain 2054
Pick 1 85
Pick 2 2075
Pick 3 5162
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4482 141 3620 1918 85 4967 106 112
5473 1918 2771 3546 85 3547 54 27
4482 904 2054 74 5710 85 60 164
85 5502 904 3875 2767 4003 40 116
2781 141 85 1502 2867 2075 25 94
85 3234 3357 858 2959 5502 4 39
5547 85 5162 4967 3547 5710 65 162
2781 2075 2867 904 85 3234 ? ?
4967 3547 858 85 2054 2075 130 110
1918 5710 3234 85 2054 5162 139 88

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