From Elkhart, Indiana, USA
aka Elkhart Community Schools/Indiana Department of Education/Lippert/Patrick Industries/Gene Haas Foundation&Elkhart High School
Rookie Year: 2009
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Event Results

Overall, Team 2867 had an average qual score of 106.59 and an average playoff score of 107.00 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST Indiana Robotics district, Team 2867 ranked #12 having earned 166 points.

IN District - Kokomo City of Firsts Event sponsored by AndyMark

in Kokomo, IN, USA
to Week 3

Team 2867 was Rank 19 with an average qual score of 60.92 and an average playoff score of 100.40

Captain 71
Pick 1 829
Pick 2 2867

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 12
Alliance Points 4
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 26
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
292 68 3180 2867 3494 1760 28 34
3147 71 2867 1501 4824 4791 79 41
1720 292 2867 4234 3936 4103 74 17
829 3147 2197 4926 2867 4234 38 26
4008 4824 2867 4982 3494 1720 10 116
1529 4982 2867 4485 3147 4824 40 22
1024 2867 4485 45 3936 4580 76 33
2197 2867 1501 107 3494 292 64 120
4485 1529 4103 3940 829 2867 84 62
3865 4008 829 2867 4791 3180 59 31
45 2867 107 4791 1024 5402 137 120
3940 3936 71 234 135 2867 98 98
829 71 2867 4103 3940 45 98 82
829 71 2867 1760 1529 3180 114 37
135 234 3865 829 71 2867 141 75
1024 1501 4926 829 71 2867 94 117
3494 5402 4982 829 71 2867 72 98

IN District - Purdue Event

in West Lafayette, IN, USA
to Week 4

Team 2867 was Rank 10 with an average qual score of 86.25 and an average playoff score of 89.00

Captain 2867
Pick 1 5484
Pick 2 1018

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 10
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 26
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Indiana FIRST District Championship

in Indianapolis, IN, USA
to Week 6

Team 2867 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 127.07 and an average playoff score of 124.00

Captain 1720
Pick 1 2867
Pick 2 3940

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 48
Alliance Points 36
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 114
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3947 1747 1741 1646 3865 2867 178 106
135 1529 71 4485 2867 5484 160 114
2867 45 447 3494 5402 5403 82 74
3940 461 868 5403 2867 3947 110 130
5188 4272 2867 4982 461 1529 116 86
234 3865 2867 868 4982 447 124 84
868 1018 2867 4485 292 829 112 114
292 5484 71 5188 2867 3940 122 160
3940 5403 45 2867 1720 1501 126 197
461 135 3865 3176 2867 1024 148 132
2197 3947 2867 1018 5402 45 88 104
3494 2867 4982 4272 829 71 144 164
1747 135 2867 5188 829 1501 138 208
3947 3494 5188 2867 292 1741 140 136
1747 1741 4982 2867 1720 3940 49 134
71 1501 5402 2867 1720 3940 167 128
71 1501 5402 2867 1720 3940 172 103
5188 135 4485 2867 1720 3940 125 131
2867 1720 3940 1024 234 292 124 144

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 2867 was Rank 64 with an average qual score of 165.67

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1619 330 1657 1711 2867 3641 118 124
107 48 2867 16 226 68 194 99
2867 118 1806 234 379 316 240 132
1218 2502 4039 3824 2614 2867 250 136
4143 2867 27 225 233 2826 128 296
33 2867 2056 340 1114 118 230 312
1756 67 111 217 2867 384 290 170
1024 2590 503 225 2867 1657 166 158
5188 2867 3015 1730 548 1640 111 218

West Michigan Robotics Invitational

in Zeeland, MI, USA

Team 2867 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 102.86 and an average playoff score of 99.00

Captain 2867
Pick 1 1502
Pick 2 2771
Pick 3 2781

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