Winners advance to the Einstein Field
St. Louis, MO, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
999 60 4574 1519 67 2085 114 145
1730 236 3604 5053 1306 5059 174 58
4953 1511 4499 973 4587 3946 76 76
375 1058 1710 5625 3506 558 100 82
1458 5416 3256 2521 5549 3481 86 98
4028 85 203 3339 418 20 184 147
173 2534 246 225 1629 399 141 131
2075 1885 2601 5406 4818 2283 131 133
3728 254 5510 5655 5659 2471 174 97
2377 5254 1510 1241 2905 3478 132 166
5338 16 5122 4488 1711 1325 114 152
1296 4980 3880 1501 467 93 103 116
5719 3547 973 4215 225 2085 146 163
5053 418 2521 1519 246 4818 148 177
2075 4574 3481 3728 3339 399 56 125
20 2601 5625 5549 5059 2377 114 58
5406 4587 5122 5510 1730 1058 124 146
999 1711 3946 2471 1296 1241 154 169
4488 1510 375 4953 5719 3880 156 52
1710 5416 3604 4028 1885 173 126 100
236 1501 558 60 2283 1629 132 131
1458 3506 4215 254 1511 1325 118 188
5655 5338 3256 4980 2905 85 18 148
5254 467 3478 3547 203 16 133 186
1306 5659 67 2534 93 4499 148 140
1241 1710 1730 5719 1519 5549 163 159
225 2377 3880 418 3481 2283 76 50
5122 5053 558 2601 4028 973 139 194
4215 4488 3339 60 5625 4818 128 110
4574 3547 173 1510 1296 20 138 153
1325 999 2534 5406 93 5254 188 228
5510 1629 4980 5416 4953 2075 78 112
67 3506 3604 203 2471 2521 167 99
1306 1711 399 3256 1511 2905 110 127
246 3946 1501 3478 254 85 180 263
5655 16 4587 1458 375 5659 88 44
1058 3728 4499 5338 236 467 111 138
1885 2085 558 5059 5510 1519 150 139
4215 5254 3481 2075 1296 5053 172 206
3506 3339 3547 3880 1711 5549 124 70
4953 2601 2521 2905 1501 4574 74 90
2377 973 4980 1710 999 1306 42 108
418 5719 246 5659 467 5122 154 138
4818 16 225 67 5059 1510 158 146
1629 3946 3256 375 60 3728 70 24
2085 1241 5655 4499 4488 4028 50 142
203 1325 5416 1058 254 399 196 220
5625 173 1511 85 236 5406 160 178
93 5338 2283 3478 4587 3604 94 100
1885 2471 1458 1730 2534 20 98 142
5659 2905 3481 5122 3547 999 114 186
1519 1306 973 5254 3339 5655 228 170
5719 16 5416 1501 5053 2377 158 98
4574 3880 4818 1629 85 1325 158 247
5510 246 4028 3506 1510 3728 157 80
467 5549 2085 2283 399 4953 78 94
2601 1241 2534 418 5625 3604 128 111
2075 236 1710 3946 20 2521 134 62
5059 2471 93 1058 4215 173 94 83
1458 3478 5406 558 4488 3256 96 130
1711 203 60 4980 4587 225 183 128
1296 67 375 1730 5338 1511 64 181
254 1885 4574 4499 1241 3880 230 94
2534 2085 3481 3506 16 1501 90 182
399 236 1510 418 5655 93 125 59
4953 1058 20 3604 4215 3256 40 100
1629 5625 4587 4028 1306 5719 105 84
85 5254 1711 67 5510 2601 220 104
203 999 1511 2283 246 1885 160 80
254 5338 5406 5053 5549 1710 220 122
467 2471 4818 558 2377 1458 80 127
1519 375 5122 173 2075 4499 156 170
3478 1296 5659 1325 60 973 128 184
3946 225 3339 5416 2905 1730 202 210
2521 5059 3728 3547 4488 4980 79 232
1885 4953 1711 3481 236 5719 132 148
4587 3880 399 5254 2471 558 124 146
5338 2075 4028 1458 999 93 206 134
2377 3604 85 5122 60 1510 190 158
467 3339 5053 2534 375 3946 128 56
973 5059 5406 5416 418 4574 219 134
3728 2283 1241 1306 4215 16 44 122
2521 2905 254 2085 1730 5625 149 170
203 4818 4499 1710 3256 1501 156 132
2601 1511 1629 1058 5655 3547 110 52
1296 1519 4488 225 5659 3506 187 125
5549 67 20 246 4980 1325 188 162
5510 173 418 3478 1306 3946 114 40
2521 375 85 399 4215 1885 120 80
5416 5122 236 2085 4818 1458 180 169
254 467 5059 4587 999 3256 187 150
5053 203 4953 5655 1296 5625 136 8
3547 2075 1730 3604 558 246 235 134
93 5549 2905 16 60 1511 70 124
4488 67 1058 3481 973 173 212 194
1519 1711 3478 3880 2534 3728 166 96
4574 2283 4028 4980 5719 5254 100 130
1501 20 5510 225 5338 1241 130 120
1325 2471 3339 1710 2601 1510 228 58
4499 1629 5659 2377 5406 3506 148 168
5549 3547 1306 1885 1058 85 136 149
5655 246 375 5059 3481 1711 70 89
418 558 16 999 4953 254 186 242
1730 5254 3728 4818 1501 173 210 123
3256 5625 93 5122 4574 225 134 153
5659 1510 3880 5338 2085 203 102 192
399 1519 3946 4980 2601 1458 132 67
5719 1296 3339 5406 3604 5510 164 143
4488 2905 2283 20 2471 4499 180 178
3478 4215 1710 1629 67 5416 57 160
4587 1511 2534 2521 2377 2075 104 170
1241 3506 1325 236 5053 973 149 172
467 60 1730 4028 5655 3481 192 172
225 1501 254 375 3604 1306 238 108
5719 399 4818 999 5338 20 172 129
5406 1058 3880 3946 67 16 152 90
5625 2283 4499 5510 1458 3547 77 98
5053 2471 85 2085 3478 2075 162 156
558 2534 4215 4574 5549 203 88 104
418 3728 2905 1710 4587 1296 72 148
3256 2377 4028 1325 1519 236 163 248
93 2601 246 1885 5416 4488 132 219
973 1510 1629 2521 467 1711 220 112
173 4980 5659 3339 1511 1241 68 148
3506 60 5059 5254 4953 5122 146 63


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 254 973 999 4499
Alliance 2 1325 3339 20 1711
Alliance 3 85 16 1501 203
Alliance 4 1730 2085 558 4028
Alliance 5 4488 67 225 5659
Alliance 6 1519 5254 399 5122
Alliance 7 5406 1885 60 1511
Alliance 8 236 2471 4818 375

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1730 558 2085 67 225 4488 185 242
16 85 1501 1519 399 5254 220 159
3339 20 1325 60 1885 5406 218 132
999 254 973 2471 236 4818 171 88
1730 558 2085 1519 399 5254 200 223
16 85 1501 67 225 4488 193 250
3339 1711 1325 2471 236 4818 192 170
973 254 999 60 1885 5406 143 120
16 85 1501 2085 1730 558 196 168
67 4488 225 3339 1325 20 246 218
16 85 1501 3339 1325 20 166 198
67 4488 225 2085 1730 558 242 152
3339 1325 20 2085 1730 558 223 166
67 4488 225 16 85 1501 246 216
67 225 4488 3339 1711 1325 126 174
67 225 4488 3339 1711 1325 228 220
67 225 4488 3339 1711 1325 215 227

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 4488, 67, 225, 5659 246.00
2 85, 16, 1501, 203 206.50
3 1325, 3339, 20, 1711 205.00
4 1730, 2085, 558, 4028 192.50
5 1519, 5254, 399, 5122 191.00
6 254, 973, 999, 4499 157.00
7 236, 2471, 4818, 375 129.00
8 5406, 1885, 60, 1511 126.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 4488, 67, 225, 5659 244.67
2 1325, 3339, 20, 1711 213.00
3 85, 16, 1501, 203 192.67
4 1730, 2085, 558, 4028 162.00



Qual Avg.
1 254 211.1 320 186 880 546 179 0 10
2 1325 194.2 240 40 852 580 236 0 10
3 85 186.1 280 20 808 510 243 0 10
4 1730 182.3 240 180 744 498 173 0 10
5 4488 173.8 240 0 760 492 246 0 10
6 1519 173.7 320 160 644 432 187 0 10
7 973 167.5 240 60 688 488 205 0 10
8 5406 166.1 280 20 712 480 169 0 10
9 236 162.9 240 80 636 444 229 0 10
10 5254 160.4 280 20 692 438 180 0 10
11 203 159.6 280 0 636 460 220 0 10
12 5416 158.1 300 46 540 454 241 0 10
13 2075 157.6 280 20 664 464 148 0 10
14 999 156.5 240 20 644 426 235 0 10
15 3339 156.4 120 0 776 454 220 0 10
16 3547 153.3 260 26 616 412 225 0 10
17 4028 150.2 240 6 648 436 178 0 10
18 225 149.4 280 40 572 388 232 0 10
19 4818 143.6 260 20 528 442 186 0 10
20 67 142.4 220 86 540 378 206 0 10
21 1501 142.1 200 26 620 370 205 0 10
22 5338 141.2 160 40 620 404 200 0 10
23 5122 141.1 320 40 520 358 185 0 10
24 16 140.8 40 0 672 436 266 0 10
25 1629 140.0 280 86 384 460 190 0 10
26 1711 138.8 280 20 540 396 164 0 10
27 246 138.7 320 52 508 308 205 0 10
28 1511 137.8 220 40 608 396 138 0 10
29 1885 136.9 280 20 552 342 193 0 10
30 5053 136.9 160 20 588 444 157 0 10
31 5719 136.7 240 20 540 368 211 0 10
32 60 136.6 160 40 584 386 208 0 10
33 2085 136.3 160 40 564 448 163 0 10
34 3604 135.3 160 60 532 356 245 0 10
35 2471 135.1 180 0 632 394 151 0 10
36 3506 134.1 200 20 540 312 269 0 10
37 1510 133.0 240 40 488 422 146 0 10
38 1296 133.0 160 0 584 412 174 0 10
39 2905 132.6 200 40 564 356 166 0 10
40 558 131.4 260 20 492 310 232 0 10
41 399 131.3 120 20 536 442 195 0 10
42 3478 130.5 140 40 544 422 159 0 10
43 467 130.2 180 40 560 380 154 0 10
44 4499 129.2 280 20 512 402 114 0 10
45 173 129.1 240 0 496 362 199 0 10
46 20 128.3 160 20 548 390 165 0 10
47 4574 127.7 240 20 472 346 205 0 10
48 1058 126.5 260 40 464 376 131 0 10
49 1241 123.1 160 20 496 428 145 0 10
50 2377 122.4 220 0 476 380 148 0 10
51 5059 121.5 120 60 484 374 177 0 10
52 93 120.1 200 0 496 276 241 0 10
53 3481 118.3 240 0 448 332 169 0 10
54 418 117.5 200 0 460 328 187 0 10
55 2534 117.3 200 0 448 352 185 0 10
56 4980 115.8 200 20 452 324 180 0 10
57 1710 114.8 180 20 404 386 158 0 10
58 4587 114.7 120 20 488 386 157 0 10
59 1306 114.2 200 26 412 298 212 0 10
60 5510 113.7 160 32 456 322 167 0 10
61 5659 111.2 280 20 376 284 158 0 10
62 2601 111.2 180 0 412 356 170 0 10
63 2521 111.1 240 20 376 334 153 0 10
64 4215 111.1 140 0 420 338 213 0 10
65 5549 108.3 200 46 376 312 161 0 10
66 5625 106.3 120 20 400 302 233 0 10
67 3946 106.2 120 26 440 334 148 0 10
68 1458 103.7 180 0 396 310 157 0 10
69 3880 102.7 200 0 380 376 95 0 10
70 3256 102.4 160 20 384 296 170 0 10
71 4953 102.1 160 20 396 348 133 0 10
72 3728 101.5 200 26 352 308 135 0 10
73 2283 98.3 200 20 292 342 135 0 10
74 375 89.8 160 20 348 258 118 0 10
75 5655 78.4 140 0 328 212 122 0 10
Team Location Image
Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
Clifton Park, New York, USA
Kingman, Arizona, USA
Commerce Township, Michigan, USA
Zeeland, Michigan, USA
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Sicklerville, New Jersey, USA
Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, USA
Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Lancaster, California, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Atascadero, California, USA
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Rockwall, Texas, USA
Middleton, Wisconsin, USA
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Danville, California, USA
Huntington, Indiana, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Accident, Maryland, USA
Olathe, Kansas, USA
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Vacaville, California, USA
Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Team Location Image
Camas, Washington, USA
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Baltimore , Maryland, USA
Flushing, New York, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
San Jose, California, USA
Kfar Yona, HaMerkaz, Israel
San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Monroe, Michigan, USA
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA
Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Eagan, Minnesota, USA
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Fullerton, California, USA
Jersey Village, Texas, USA
West Fargo, North Dakota, USA
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Kettle Falls, Washington, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Globe, Arizona, USA
Old Town, Maine, USA
Trumansburg, New York, USA
Leesburg, Virginia, USA
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Katy, Texas, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Wailuku, Hawaii, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Bridgehampton, New York, USA
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 3478
Championship Subdivision Winner 1325
Championship Subdivision Winner 3339
Championship Subdivision Winner 20
Championship Subdivision Winner 1711
Championship Subdivision Finalist 4488
Championship Subdivision Finalist 67
Championship Subdivision Finalist 225
Championship Subdivision Finalist 5659
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1730
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2601
Highest Rookie Seed 5406
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 254
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1710
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 973

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
254 129.34
1730 97.26
85 86.00
1519 85.34
5254 83.43
4488 83.41
973 79.55
999 73.44
1325 72.94
5406 72.66
2075 72.64
3339 72.26
4028 66.43
246 65.44
203 63.04
225 61.75
3547 60.86
5416 60.70
16 60.42
67 57.44
1629 54.80
1501 53.88
4818 52.60
236 51.50
2085 51.20
1296 51.06
3604 49.27
5053 48.20
60 47.18
1711 47.03
399 46.97
4499 46.34
5122 45.79
20 45.51
1510 44.91
3506 43.85
418 43.34
2471 43.32
1241 42.87
173 42.66
93 42.39
5659 40.52
2905 40.02
558 39.26
1885 39.18
3481 37.22
1058 35.98
5719 35.50
2534 35.10
5338 34.62
1511 34.47
3256 33.48
4587 33.41
2521 30.15
3478 29.45
2601 28.96
3880 28.49
5059 27.67
1710 26.44
5549 26.08
1306 24.93
467 24.81
1458 23.98
2377 23.84
5625 23.72
4574 22.12
5510 22.02
4215 19.08
4980 13.94
2283 11.22
3728 8.01
3946 6.51
375 6.50
4953 1.46
5655 -14.45