FIM District - Center Line Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1189 5239 453 5214 2834 3632 28 50
4961 3098 5065 3096 1701 3175 34 14
4811 2673 3619 201 1941 3398 10 24
68 4810 5068 4384 5225 2591 7 65
2851 4779 5555 2604 5711 573 18 42
4840 4815 5532 4851 818 4380 1 36
5478 4507 5225 123 5073 3175 14 0
3632 453 2604 2591 68 1701 22 17
2673 5068 201 4779 5239 4811 53 12
4815 5065 1189 3619 5478 5711 57 38
2834 573 5073 3098 818 5214 92 54
1941 4961 4851 2851 4384 4840 11 15
4507 123 3096 5555 4810 4380 38 7
5532 2604 1701 3398 5214 4815 32 0
3098 5225 2673 5073 68 3619 31 1
201 2834 4810 4384 5065 4507 34 40
3096 573 1189 3398 4851 4840 89 10
4811 818 5555 4779 5478 5532 34 59
2591 5068 3632 123 2851 4961 9 61
453 1941 5711 5239 4380 3175 61 37
573 201 5532 4840 68 5478 42 30
1189 2834 4384 5065 5555 2604 139 30
3632 3398 3619 123 453 4779 2 77
818 2591 5711 4507 2673 5214 54 32
1701 2851 3098 5239 4815 5225 110 18
3096 5073 4380 4811 4810 4961 6 14
3175 4851 5478 5068 1941 2834 59 111
3632 5225 68 5532 2673 5065 44 12
5711 4380 4961 818 3619 573 60 85
2851 3175 2591 1189 5555 3398 40 18
4507 4811 201 5068 4851 2604 4 32
4840 3098 5239 3096 4810 453 26 67
5073 4384 1941 123 5214 1701 44 42
4779 4380 68 4815 2834 2851 104 106
4810 818 5225 1189 2604 3175 66 90
1701 4851 3619 5555 3632 3098 37 76
4815 123 5068 2673 5239 1941 39 54
5065 2591 573 5532 4811 3096 50 0
5711 3398 5073 5478 201 4384 22 89
5214 4779 4961 453 4507 4840 60 25
2851 4810 3619 1941 4811 5065 16 10
123 4851 68 3096 2834 818 95 94
3175 4779 4507 573 4384 1701 28 66
5532 453 4961 1189 5478 2673 56 80
5555 5239 201 2591 4815 5073 14 29
4840 5711 3632 5225 5068 3398 19 18
4380 3098 5478 2604 5214 2851 21 44
4810 4851 573 2673 5073 4961 67 80
1701 4840 1189 4811 5711 2834 106 84
68 5532 5214 201 3619 123 40 38
3632 5239 5065 4507 1941 818 12 50
4384 3175 453 2604 3096 4815 80 19
2591 3398 4380 5068 3098 4779 9 78
5225 1941 2851 5555 4507 5532 46 16
818 2604 68 1189 4851 5711 42 26
4380 4815 2673 2834 5065 3398 91 52
123 4811 3098 4961 4384 5555 39 38
5239 2591 3619 573 4840 3175 34 70
5068 5478 5214 3632 1701 4810 21 56
3096 201 4779 5225 5073 453 56 52
1941 4380 1189 68 573 3098 24 97
4384 818 4815 5068 4811 1701 18 62
5555 3175 2834 3632 201 4961 44 58
123 5532 3398 5239 4810 5711 30 28
5073 5478 5065 4840 2591 4779 8 42
3619 2604 4507 2851 2673 3096 19 38
5225 5214 5711 453 4851 4811 13 18
4810 4384 123 573 3632 4815 46 4
2834 5478 2604 3619 1941 3096 77 20
5239 3398 4961 4851 5065 4779 69 51
5555 5214 4840 68 2673 3175 0 60
5068 5073 4507 1189 5532 3098 18 126
1701 818 453 4380 201 2851 72 44
5225 2834 4851 2591 5478 4810 94 18
4840 4961 2604 68 4507 4815 58 69
5065 3096 5214 5068 5711 2851 28 30
5532 5239 4384 4380 5225 3619 60 26
1701 1941 4779 2591 123 1189 82 116
3398 3175 4811 3632 818 5073 10 36
2673 5555 573 201 3098 453 45 73


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2834 3098 4815
Alliance 2 1189 4384 5711
Alliance 3 573 68 5225
Alliance 4 1701 4961 2604
Alliance 5 4779 201 4810
Alliance 6 818 123 5478
Alliance 7 453 2673 2591
Alliance 8 2851 3175 1941

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4961 1701 2604 201 4779 4810 90 61
68 573 5225 123 818 5478 82 84
4384 1189 5711 2673 453 2591 117 38
3098 2834 4815 3175 2851 1941 78 36
4961 1701 2604 123 818 5478 53 82
68 573 5225 201 4779 4810 96 87
4384 1189 5711 3175 2851 1941 126 36
3098 2834 4815 2673 453 2591 107 48
3098 2834 4815 123 818 5478 127 86
4384 1189 5711 68 573 5225 116 72
3098 2834 4815 68 573 5225 110 63
4384 1189 5711 123 818 5478 119 55
68 573 5225 123 818 5478 95 56
4384 1189 5711 3098 2834 4815 131 134
3098 2834 4815 4384 1189 5711 112 103
3098 2834 4815 4384 1189 5711 121 79

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 1189, 4384, 5711 121.50
2 2834, 3098, 4815 92.50
3 573, 68, 5225 89.00
4 818, 123, 5478 83.00
5 4779, 201, 4810 74.00
6 1701, 4961, 2604 71.50
7 453, 2673, 2591 43.00
8 2851, 3175, 1941 36.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 2834, 3098, 4815 123.67
2 1189, 4384, 5711 122.00
3 573, 68, 5225 76.67
4 818, 123, 5478 65.67



Qual Avg.
1 2834 81.4 200 0 320 276 205 0 12
2 1189 74.9 80 6 336 258 237 0 12
3 3098 63.8 0 20 328 268 167 0 12
4 573 62.4 0 20 292 282 167 0 12
5 4384 58.3 0 4 280 236 216 0 12
6 1701 58.0 40 0 260 242 184 0 12
7 4779 55.6 40 6 268 242 141 0 12
8 818 53.4 80 0 124 162 311 0 12
9 453 52.6 0 0 204 196 249 0 12
10 123 51.8 40 0 224 208 161 0 12
11 68 50.5 80 28 228 186 96 0 12
12 4961 49.9 0 0 208 232 183 0 12
13 2673 48.8 40 6 152 198 202 0 12
14 2851 47.3 40 0 148 200 186 0 12
15 1941 44.8 40 0 120 260 159 0 12
16 4851 44.7 80 0 156 160 170 0 12
17 3175 44.3 80 0 148 176 128 0 12
18 201 44.1 0 6 136 276 135 0 12
19 5478 42.8 40 6 136 178 178 0 12
20 2604 42.2 40 0 124 152 233 0 12
21 5225 40.6 40 4 136 178 135 0 12
22 2591 40.2 0 0 144 168 183 0 12
23 5068 39.8 40 0 108 166 170 0 12
24 5711 39.8 40 0 84 210 149 0 12
25 5532 39.5 0 12 188 162 153 0 12
26 3096 39.1 40 6 144 174 140 0 12
27 4380 38.8 80 4 84 158 151 0 12
28 4815 37.6 80 0 132 134 150 0 12
29 4810 35.5 40 0 108 154 136 0 12
30 4840 33.5 40 0 132 162 86 0 12
31 5239 32.7 0 4 112 190 134 0 12
32 3632 32.3 0 0 132 152 110 0 12
33 5073 32.3 0 0 96 146 164 0 12
34 5065 32.0 40 0 104 188 100 0 12
35 5214 32.0 0 8 124 158 127 0 12
36 4507 29.4 0 0 68 176 121 0 12
37 5555 28.3 0 0 76 162 132 0 12
38 3619 27.2 0 4 68 166 106 0 12
39 4811 24.8 40 0 68 124 124 0 12
40 3398 22.0 40 0 60 128 63 0 12
Ortonville, Michigan, USA
Hamtramck, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Clinton Township, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Capac, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Marine City, Michigan, USA
Clinton Township, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Center Line, Michigan, USA
Redford, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Almont, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Eastpointe, Michigan, USA
Harper Woods, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Mt. Clemens, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 68
District Engineering Inspiration Award 123
Rookie All Star Award 5532
District Event Winner 2834
District Event Winner 3098
District Event Winner 4815
District Event Finalist 1189
District Event Finalist 4384
District Event Finalist 5711
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 201
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4779
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3098
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2604
Highest Rookie Seed 5478
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1701
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4384
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 68
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2834
Judges' Award 5239
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 4961
Rookie Inspiration Award 5478
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1189
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 2834 22 30.0 16 5 73.0
2 3098 20 30.0 16 5 71.0
3 1189 21 20 15 5 61
4 4384 19 20 15 5 59
5 68 16 10 14 15 55
6 123 16 10 11 8 45
7 573 19 10 14 0 43
8 4815 10 30.0 1 0 41.0
9 818 17 10 11 0 38
10 1701 18 0 13 5 36
11 4779 18 0 12 5 35
12 4961 16 0 13 5 34
13 5478 13 10 6 5 34
14 5711 12 20 2 0 34
15 201 13 0 12 5 30
16 453 17 0 10 0 27
17 2673 15 0 10 0 25
18 5225 12 10 3 0 25
19 2851 15 0 9 0 24
20 3175 14 0 9 0 23
21 1941 14 0 8 0 22
22 2604 13 0 4 5 22
23 2591 12 0 7 0 19
24 5532 11 0 0 8 19
25 4810 10 0 5 0 15
26 4851 14 0 0 0 14
27 5239 9 0 0 5 14
28 5068 12 0 0 0 12
29 3096 11 0 0 0 11
30 4380 11 0 0 0 11
31 4840 9 0 0 0 9
32 3632 9 0 0 0 9
33 5073 8 0 0 0 8
34 5065 8 0 0 0 8
35 4507 7 0 0 0 7
36 5214 7 0 0 0 7
37 5555 6 0 0 0 6
38 3619 6 0 0 0 6
39 4811 5 0 0 0 5
40 3398 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2834 59.69
1189 44.32
3098 32.77
573 31.89
4779 31.69
4961 28.13
1701 27.43
818 26.52
4384 26.34
2673 24.92
68 23.72
123 23.71
453 23.09
2851 15.97
201 13.41
5711 12.25
5225 12.25
1941 12.01
5478 11.95
2591 11.43
2604 11.34
3175 11.26
5068 10.92
4851 10.23
4380 10.15
5532 8.47
4815 6.97
5239 6.84
3096 6.61
4507 6.06
3632 3.82
4810 3.20
3619 2.36
4840 1.81
5065 1.73
5073 0.14
5214 0.09
3398 -1.41
5555 -4.36
4811 -6.71
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