From Phoenix, Arizona, USA
aka Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Donors/Simrex Corporation/Shebbie Jacques/Southwest Fasteners/SOLIDWORKS/SolidCAM&Carl Hayden Cmty High School
Rookie Year: 2002
Last competed in 2021
Details on
Hall of Fame (2008): Video

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Robot Name: Lorenzo's Dream

Event Results

Overall, Team 842 had an average qual score of 78.29 and an average playoff score of 106.89 in 2015.

Arizona East Regional

in Chandler, AZ, USA
to Week 4

Team 842 was Rank 21 with an average qual score of 49.67 and an average playoff score of 68.50

Captain 3158
Pick 1 842
Pick 2 3019

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 5

Team 842 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 74.08 and an average playoff score of 96.80

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 842
Pick 1 4415
Pick 2 3495
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1661 5429 991 5480 842 597 45 31
1828 5429 3019 687 842 3011 73 48
2034 987 1828 4415 842 4800 139 64
5451 5012 842 5463 5199 4792 80 46
2478 4800 3309 991 842 3245 13 42
5049 4322 842 3495 341 3473 39 67
842 4141 2034 812 5306 3577 64 36
5445 1160 842 5199 4415 3019 69 44
60 5012 2478 842 3309 5199 74 161
3473 1661 842 585 3011 3309 40 84
148 3009 597 5134 842 987 158 144
3019 1251 842 5134 2984 4501 107 72
3309 60 4322 4415 842 3495 155 81
987 148 5012 4415 842 3495 228 128
3309 60 4322 4415 842 3495 145 102
987 148 5012 4415 842 3495 226 117
341 1251 4800 4415 842 3495 87 56

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 842 was Rank 45 with an average qual score of 117.70 and an average playoff score of 170.50

Captain 107
Pick 1 842
Pick 2 649
Pick 3 228
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
271 4073 900 4909 842 1318 35 168
702 3663 842 1816 610 88 96 120
230 2046 107 56 88 842 224 179
123 4593 3495 1506 5046 842 141 130
4355 842 228 4653 3452 3974 125 70
842 339 5585 948 4061 1305 14 76
842 3495 5572 5603 4080 1114 98 165
4146 120 701 2594 5737 842 118 113
4468 1923 3937 271 842 5407 98 111
842 341 4146 5407 2557 1156 143 122
842 649 107 303 70 948 175 208
228 842 107 4061 1318 4613 166 240

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Robot Name: Lorenzo's Dream

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