From Phoenix, Arizona, USA
aka Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Donors/Simrex Corporation/Shebbie Jacques/Southwest Fasteners/SOLIDWORKS/SolidCAM&Carl Hayden Cmty High School
Rookie Year: 2002
Last competed in 2021
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Hall of Fame (2008): Video

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Event Results

Team 842 was 13-15-0 in official play in 2003.

Arizona Regional

in Phoenix, AZ, USA
to Week 2

Team 842 had a record of 4-7-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
842 80 991 498 24 45
498 812 696 842 11 36
842 64 1011 980 28 130
1181 988 842 991 7 100
898 842 1060 498 41 37
192 988 842 222 51 24
991 207 68 842 37 66
1212 60 842 1165 121 16
842 624 980 1150 7 77
989 842 222 698 1 65
192 57 842 968 29 12

Southern California Regional

in Los Angeles, CA, USA
to Week 5

Team 842 had a record of 7-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1047 842 867 1115 89 10
1149 1125 973 842 28 42
842 60 330 867 68 36
861 842 1149 362 93 24
1115 1138 867 842 41 55
702 1110 842 1115 59 65
1149 842 1047 981 58 65
842 8 399 980 70 53
968 696 842 8 66 6
968 696 842 8 57 30

Archimedes Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 842 had a record of 2-5-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
842 335 967 22 24 61
147 335 703 842 33 24
535 384 967 842 41 64
306 1158 1034 842 71 27
335 703 842 807 17 24
903 967 842 306 102 93
1158 190 842 335 134 28

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