From Clifton, New Jersey, USA
aka Clifton Public Schools/Hobin Engineering/Picatinny STEM & the Department of Defense/Montclair Society of Engineers/The Warehouse @ 308 Colfax/L3Harris/ Martin & Clifton High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Robot Name: The Scorpion aka Tom the Giraffe

Event Results

Overall, Team 3314 had an average qual score of 85.58 and an average playoff score of 100.00 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST Mid-Atlantic district, Team 3314 ranked 45 having earned 98 points.

NE District - Waterbury Event

in Waterbury, CT, USA
to Week 1

Team 3314 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 50.67 and an average playoff score of 60.60 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 2067
Pick 1 3314
Pick 2 1099
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5142 1124 3314 195 3525 155 2 12
3525 3314 4572 236 4628 237 28 57
3314 3464 3718 155 5129 3104 62 42
2170 2064 3314 3718 4055 4628 60 10
3314 230 5686 176 2170 2836 50 96
558 5142 3634 3314 1991 4055 49 94
1099 2064 237 5746 3314 1071 62 14
5686 4572 2067 3314 4557 5129 20 18
228 3780 558 3314 3461 176 10 32
4572 3654 228 999 3314 237 11 68
4628 230 5746 3314 228 2067 88 108
3634 3654 3314 3461 4055 1099 72 68
176 2170 3718 3314 2067 1099 60 60
558 237 4557 3314 2067 1099 82 78
3314 2067 1099 558 237 4557 54 53
3314 2067 1099 228 2064 155 56 55
230 236 3464 3314 2067 1099 76 55

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 3314 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 50.11 and an average playoff score of 105.80 and won the following awards:

  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 3314
Pick 1 1726
Pick 2 5572

MAR District - Bridgewater-Raritan Event

in Bridgewater, NJ, USA
to Week 5

Team 3314 was Rank 11 with an average qual score of 78.92 and an average playoff score of 113.00

Captain 3314
Pick 1 1228
Pick 2 3142

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 9
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 35
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4475 222 224 3314 2554 714 55 56
3314 5310 75 1626 4361 896 92 62
613 75 4035 3314 5732 102 94 75
193 293 1228 3314 1370 1676 49 134
4035 4281 3314 1811 222 3142 54 126
1811 4035 1302 293 3314 896 18 46
2070 714 4573 5490 613 3314 20 40
3142 102 1672 3314 193 4653 54 64
3515 869 3314 5732 2577 1672 102 46
5624 3314 1811 3515 293 4653 58 52
3314 1279 56 555 5490 5310 106 2
193 1279 5732 3314 2016 555 48 120
1403 1676 4653 1228 3314 3142 128 108
2016 56 714 1228 3314 3142 103 104
2016 56 714 1228 3314 3142 142 113
1403 1676 4653 1228 3314 3142 138 116
1811 75 1370 1228 3314 3142 119 124

MAR District - North Brunswick Event

in North Brunswick, NJ, USA
to Week 6

Team 3314 was Rank 11 with an average qual score of 81.67 and an average playoff score of 99.00 and won the following awards:

  • District Engineering Inspiration Award

Captain 3314
Pick 1 1391
Pick 2 2458

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 10
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 8
Total Points 33

Mid-Atlantic Robotics District Championship

in Bethlehem, PA, USA
to Week 7

Team 3314 was Rank 37 with an average qual score of 112.67

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 30
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
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Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3314 was Rank 21 with an average qual score of 146.00

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BattleCry 16

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 3314 was Rank 29 with an average qual score of 78.44 and an average playoff score of 126.25

Captain 3314
Pick 1 501
Pick 2 3236
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Robot Name: The Scorpion aka Tom the Giraffe

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