From Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA
aka John Deere/REV Robotics/JW Faircloth & Son/Orange County Schools/Gene Haas Foundation/Kiwanis Club of Hillsborough/Fidelity Investments&Cedar Ridge High School&Family/Community&Orange High School
Rookie Year: 2001
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Robot Name: OCCAM XV: Jenga

Event Results

Overall, Team 587 had an average qual score of 64.76 and an average playoff score of 85.71 in 2015.

Palmetto Regional

in Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
to Week 1

Team 587 was Rank 46 with an average qual score of 31.89

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North Carolina Regional

in Raleigh, NC, USA
to Week 4

Team 587 was Rank 16 with an average qual score of 37.30 and an average playoff score of 85.71 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 3971
Pick 1 587
Pick 2 2640
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2890 587 3402 3661 3196 5543 48 62
587 3459 4533 3270 5607 900 34 12
587 4996 3763 2682 2642 3680 60 30
5607 2641 5511 3331 5543 587 53 20
5160 3215 4291 1413 1533 587 4 24
435 4816 587 1413 4290 3845 18 26
5190 435 5679 587 4829 5727 72 64
3822 5518 4534 587 4828 4290 24 26
3737 587 2059 4561 5446 5518 32 47
3336 1225 2640 587 3796 3270 84 47
1533 5511 3196 587 3971 2640 95 80
4533 3336 4996 587 3971 2640 59 77
2059 1225 900 587 3971 2640 76 101
5160 4073 5544 587 3971 2640 40 94
587 3971 2640 1533 5511 3196 93 70
587 3971 2640 2059 1225 900 90 93
587 3971 2640 2059 1225 900 65 72

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 587 was Rank 35 with an average qual score of 121.80

THOR - North Carolina Off-Season

in Reidsville, NC, USA

No matches played.

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Robot Name: OCCAM XV: Jenga

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