From Sierra Vista, Arizona, USA
aka Cochise Robotics Association/Northrop Grumman/Sierra Vista Car Club&Buena High School
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: Big Ricky the Can Kicker

Event Results

Overall, Team 1726 had an average qual score of 88.88 and an average playoff score of 108.50 in 2015.

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 1726 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 48.78 and an average playoff score of 105.80 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 3314
Pick 1 1726
Pick 2 5572

Arizona West Regional

in Phoenix, AZ, USA
to Week 6

Team 1726 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 72.77 and an average playoff score of 110.43 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 3785
Pick 1 1726
Pick 2 2403
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4944 4735 5075 1726 991 5101 51 44
4146 4565 2844 1726 3309 1492 54 149
498 4985 1726 3321 4962 4841 64 10
991 4146 5218 1726 4944 2375 40 74
3133 2493 3669 1726 5218 5200 56 55
4565 1726 3785 4696 5059 3577 107 68
1726 2403 1290 3230 3187 498 30 110
4146 1726 3669 1212 5075 4629 100 0
2403 1212 1492 3321 1726 991 72 90
1290 3230 5200 4629 4696 1726 128 74
1290 3133 5059 4962 1726 3669 30 15
2493 5075 1726 1165 4985 2375 56 46
1165 3577 1726 2493 3309 2122 88 196
3187 4735 4985 1726 3785 2403 41 103
4146 1492 1212 1726 3785 2403 56 89
1165 3230 4565 1726 3785 2403 96 122
3309 2122 5059 1726 3785 2403 187 126
3133 2493 4944 1726 3785 2403 86 118
3309 2122 5059 1726 3785 2403 193 107
3309 2122 5059 1726 3785 2403 217 108

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 1726 was Rank 13 with an average qual score of 145.90

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Robot Name: Big Ricky the Can Kicker

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