From Deming, New Mexico, USA
aka NASA-White Sands Test Facility/Rocky Mountain Transport/Renegade Construction/Pepper's Supermarket/575 Graffix/United Country Real Estate/Deming Dental/5R Travel Center&Deming High School
Rookie Year: 2008
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Robot Name: Thundertank

Event Results

Overall, Team 2657 had an average qual score of 62.17 and an average playoff score of 110.60 in 2015.

Hub City Regional

in Lubbock, TX, USA
to Week 5

Team 2657 was Rank 21 with an average qual score of 62.17 and an average playoff score of 110.60

Captain 2158
Pick 1 4063
Pick 2 2657
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4852 2657 4570 5783 4063 4717 52 80
4852 3005 4300 2410 2657 4734 88 84
4734 1745 4717 2657 2158 3666 10 49
2468 2657 4403 5212 5780 5613 76 14
3417 2848 3545 5212 2657 4842 62 4
4301 2657 1817 3735 2815 4842 60 27
2164 647 3666 4694 3310 2657 36 66
3310 2468 3626 2657 1164 4717 173 78
5454 4717 5320 4798 2657 5780 24 33
4063 2848 4301 3417 2657 3481 89 96
5613 2164 2657 647 1164 418 110 105
4153 2848 2657 4403 3366 4364 38 31
4063 2158 2657 2848 1817 5771 96 115
4063 2158 2657 2164 3005 4852 117 120
2848 1817 5771 4063 2158 2657 70 114
3310 2468 4799 4063 2158 2657 120 114
2164 3005 4852 4063 2158 2657 106 112

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Robot Name: Thundertank

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