From Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
aka Quantum Valley Investments/Melitron/Benmur Precision Tooling/Mitchell Plastics/First General Waterloo/Miovision&St. David Catholic Secondary School
Rookie Year: 2011
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Robot Name: Blaine

Event Results

Overall, Team 3683 had an average qual score of 125.48 and an average playoff score of 141.19 in 2015.

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 3683 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 113.77 and an average playoff score of 131.29 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Samuel Delattre)
  • Regional Finalists
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 5406
Pick 1 3683
Pick 2 1334
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4618 1334 244 1114 4617 3683 53 192
2935 2702 3683 1305 1114 329 86 142
4678 3683 4907 2702 1334 1241 65 15
5719 4083 288 865 216 3683 10 46
1676 3683 4939 4308 1241 4943 152 15
2702 5158 4917 4083 329 3683 83 80
288 4039 1334 4308 3683 3161 55 114
3683 4943 5406 4083 4039 1676 134 130
4678 5406 4618 3683 4308 1285 126 180
3683 1241 1305 1334 1285 865 108 41
3683 1305 865 4678 1241 5719 94 54
5719 4617 3683 4678 1676 4807 74 120
1285 4943 2056 288 244 3683 118 154
3683 5406 1334 1241 1305 329 116 106
3683 5406 1334 4617 4308 2935 174 40
3683 5406 1334 1241 1305 329 136 110
3683 5406 1334 4917 4678 3161 131 116
2056 1114 5719 3683 5406 1334 226 138
2056 1114 5719 3683 5406 1334 228 126
2056 1114 5719 3683 5406 1334 264 98

Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional

in Windsor, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 3683 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 118.20 and an average playoff score of 153.86 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 1325
Pick 1 3683
Pick 2 216
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
244 3571 1114 3683 4923 4907 73 176
5426 3683 4814 5033 4716 4595 65 42
3683 288 3175 4907 2056 1325 130 198
4903 4595 5689 1285 3683 4936 19 117
3598 3756 3181 5288 3683 4343 35 110
4357 244 3683 4920 4617 5483 76 14
4617 3683 4940 4525 771 4976 156 94
4814 4357 865 4903 3683 5039 106 146
4343 4932 5024 4595 3683 4618 102 78
5024 3683 3598 4938 4519 4940 128 98
3683 1325 216 2959 4343 5024 138 118
3683 1325 216 3175 4519 288 152 68
2056 1114 4903 3683 1325 216 264 169
4976 2852 1285 3683 1325 216 154 154
3683 1325 216 2959 4343 5024 134 136
2056 1114 4903 3683 1325 216 251 178
2056 1114 4903 3683 1325 216 233 152

Hopper Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3683 was Rank 12 with an average qual score of 148.00 and an average playoff score of 131.50

Captain 4362
Pick 1 3683
Pick 2 3098
Pick 3 103
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Robot Name: Blaine

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