FIM District - Woodhaven Event 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5531 469 201 3539 4405 280 28 62
5050 3542 5498 2676 5619 815 36 6
5685 5144 3322 5257 5577 1023 64 138
5263 5090 123 5756 4390 2612 22 28
2832 3604 5068 5688 4395 1076 43 27
27 5567 5523 835 3668 2611 54 64
2620 1941 280 240 1023 5050 23 99
3539 5688 5531 3542 469 1076 60 67
4405 3322 2612 5498 5144 5756 28 4
4390 2832 201 27 5619 2611 0 60
4395 5090 3604 1941 123 5523 56 30
5257 240 5263 2620 5068 3668 0 18
5577 2676 835 5567 5685 815 36 16
5756 2832 1941 5523 5531 5050 9 5
5498 2612 1023 280 5619 4390 120 34
815 240 5090 201 5688 4405 6 10
5068 5577 5567 1076 2620 123 9 18
5144 469 2611 5263 2676 4395 57 27
3539 5257 5685 27 3668 3604 84 116
3542 835 5619 3322 1076 280 60 60
123 5531 240 5756 5567 201 26 6
3668 2612 815 4395 5685 2832 28 52
3604 1941 469 2611 3322 4390 84 70
2620 2676 1023 835 5688 5498 76 46
3539 5263 5577 5257 5050 4405 50 9
5068 27 5144 3542 5090 5523 22 12
2612 1076 2676 201 1023 3604 56 134
123 5050 835 5257 469 3668 15 12
280 240 27 5619 5263 5567 36 28
5685 4390 5688 4395 5144 1941 32 12
3322 5498 5523 5577 2832 3542 56 22
5756 815 5531 2611 5090 5068 2 31
2620 4405 5263 3539 3604 5050 21 60
240 5685 3668 3322 123 1023 80 176
5577 5144 5531 4390 27 2676 48 46
2612 2611 2832 3539 3542 5068 34 28
5498 1941 4405 280 5567 4395 0 34
2620 835 469 5756 5090 1076 38 35
5688 5619 5523 815 201 5257 38 18
5050 5685 280 2612 4395 5531 48 43
469 123 2832 2676 240 5144 56 20
3604 2620 5567 3542 3322 815 92 70
5756 2611 4405 27 835 1023 10 90
5090 201 5619 5688 3668 5577 83 62
5257 1076 5068 4390 1941 5263 44 15
5498 123 27 5523 3539 835 104 114
5531 3668 280 815 5144 3604 104 125
4405 4390 4395 3322 2832 2620 22 56
2611 5577 1076 2612 5523 240 52 56
5756 3542 2676 1941 5257 5619 21 6
5688 1023 5567 5090 469 3539 100 34
5263 5050 5068 5498 5685 201 8 14
3604 4390 5257 240 1941 835 89 60
5619 3539 4395 5567 5144 4405 24 8
5688 2620 3542 123 5685 2612 39 87
815 2832 5523 469 1023 5263 19 136
3668 2676 3322 280 5068 5756 46 74
5050 5577 5090 2611 5531 5498 29 50
27 4395 3542 1076 201 240 18 59
815 4405 469 4390 5068 123 44 18
2611 5688 280 5756 5523 5685 66 32
5144 5619 1023 5531 5263 3604 104 86
1941 3668 1076 5498 5577 2620 77 92
3539 201 2612 5257 3322 835 123 94
5567 5050 2676 5090 2832 27 36 66
5756 5577 4395 280 123 3604 17 90
5523 2611 201 5257 2620 5531 47 15
240 3322 3539 5090 2676 5498 54 68
815 5688 1941 5263 2612 27 20 64
5685 1076 835 5050 2832 5144 90 16
4405 1023 3668 3542 4390 5567 112 39
469 5068 5498 5619 5577 3604 6 53
5756 5263 835 2620 240 4395 33 27
5523 4390 1076 2676 5685 4405 46 18
3542 201 5144 5068 815 1023 20 98
5090 5257 280 2832 5567 5531 74 44
5050 27 3322 5688 2612 469 116 62
5619 123 3668 1941 3539 2611 38 24
835 4390 3539 2832 2676 5531
280 123 815 3668 5068 5577


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1023 3604 4405
Alliance 2 3322 3539 5263
Alliance 3 27 469 3542
Alliance 4 3668 1076 2832
Alliance 5 835 2612 5756
Alliance 6 280 2611 5688
Alliance 7 123 5685 5090
Alliance 8 5577 5498 201

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1076 3668 2832 2612 835 5756 85 50
469 27 3542 2611 280 5688 94 50
3539 3322 5263 5685 123 5090 72 28
3604 1023 4405 5498 5577 201 134 52
1076 3668 2832 2611 280 5688 64 40
469 27 3542 2612 835 5756 92 68
3539 3322 5263 5498 5577 201 97 86
3604 1023 4405 5685 123 5090 130 55
469 27 3542 1076 3668 2832 104 96
3604 1023 4405 3539 3322 5263 121 107
469 27 3542 3539 3322 5263 100 76
3604 1023 4405 1076 3668 2832 160 32
3539 3322 5263 1076 3668 2832 41 101
3604 1023 4405 469 27 3542 148 48
3604 1023 4405 469 27 3542 182 110
3604 1023 4405 469 27 3542 162 79

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 1023, 3604, 4405 132.00
2 27, 469, 3542 93.00
3 3322, 3539, 5263 84.50
4 3668, 1076, 2832 74.50
5 5577, 5498, 201 69.00
6 835, 2612, 5756 59.00
7 280, 2611, 5688 45.00
8 123, 5685, 5090 41.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1023, 3604, 4405 143.00
2 27, 469, 3542 84.00
3 3668, 1076, 2832 76.33
4 3322, 3539, 5263 74.67



Qual Avg.
1 1023 115.2 120 0 604 388 277 0 12
2 3604 85.7 240 8 328 226 262 0 12
3 3322 74.2 280 0 308 212 114 0 12
4 27 66.0 200 0 236 222 140 0 12
5 3668 63.1 280 12 192 176 127 0 12
6 835 61.7 160 0 236 228 128 0 12
7 2612 60.8 80 18 332 256 49 0 12
8 3539 59.8 200 0 168 262 87 0 12
9 280 58.8 120 8 232 208 149 0 12
10 123 56.7 80 12 236 236 122 0 12
11 1076 52.6 80 0 228 268 55 0 12
12 469 52.0 160 0 172 220 108 0 12
13 5685 51.4 120 12 168 236 105 0 12
14 5577 50.7 160 0 156 170 140 0 12
15 5498 49.7 80 0 208 208 154 0 12
16 5257 48.6 160 0 156 176 103 0 12
17 2611 47.1 80 10 124 188 163 0 12
18 5688 46.8 120 0 124 188 136 0 12
19 201 45.2 120 0 184 200 74 0 12
20 5619 44.5 80 4 156 184 116 0 12
21 240 43.6 80 4 180 146 119 0 12
22 5090 43.0 40 4 168 174 142 0 12
23 2620 42.9 80 4 140 180 129 0 12
24 5531 42.6 200 0 104 136 95 0 12
25 5523 42.4 80 4 140 242 49 0 12
26 5144 41.7 160 0 108 150 88 0 12
27 5263 40.8 40 4 180 176 96 0 12
28 5050 39.8 40 8 160 174 119 0 12
29 5567 38.8 80 4 124 168 114 0 12
30 2676 38.0 80 4 132 160 104 0 12
31 815 37.7 80 8 140 168 68 0 12
32 4390 36.6 120 0 108 136 75 0 12
33 3542 36.0 80 0 116 194 48 0 12
34 2832 34.8 0 14 124 198 99 0 12
35 5068 33.2 40 0 136 148 93 0 12
36 4395 29.9 0 4 100 182 85 0 12
37 4405 28.7 40 4 120 150 66 0 12
38 1941 24.8 120 0 48 84 70 0 12
39 5756 22.6 40 0 72 142 35 0 12
Team Location Image
Clarkston, Michigan, USA
Hamtramck, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Newport, Michigan, USA
Taylor, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Beverly Hills, Michigan, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Jackson, Michigan, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Southgate, Michigan, USA
Ecorse, Michigan, USA
Livonia, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Romeo, Michigan, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Whitmore Lake, Michigan, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Dundee, Michigan, USA
Canton, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Carleton, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Trenton, Michigan, USA
Adrian, Michigan, USA
Coleman, Michigan, USA
Riverview, Michigan, USA
Grosse Ile, Michigan, USA
Grass Lake, Michigan, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Milan, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Litchfield, Michigan, USA
Pittsford, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 280
District Engineering Inspiration Award 2611
Rookie All Star Award 5498
District Event Winner 1023
District Event Winner 3604
District Event Winner 4405
District Event Finalist 27
District Event Finalist 469
District Event Finalist 3542
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 27
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 123
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3322
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1023
Highest Rookie Seed 5685
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2832
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3539
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 201
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 469
Judges' Award 5068
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 3668
Rookie Inspiration Award 5756
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 5090
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1023 22 30.0 16 5 73.0
2 3604 21 30.0 16 0 67.0
3 27 19 20 14 5 58
4 469 15 20 14 5 54
5 3322 20 10 15 5 50
6 3539 17 10 15 5 47
7 3668 19 10 13 5 47
8 1076 16 10 13 0 39
9 280 17 0 11 10 38
10 4405 6 30.0 1 0 37.0
11 2611 14 0 11 8 33
12 3542 8 20 3 0 31
13 123 16 0 10 5 31
14 5498 14 0 9 8 31
15 2612 18 0 12 0 30
16 835 18 0 12 0 30
17 2832 7 10 4 5 26
18 201 13 0 8 5 26
19 5685 15 0 10 0 25
20 5577 15 0 9 0 24
21 5090 12 0 7 5 24
22 5263 10 10 2 0 22
23 5688 13 0 6 0 19
24 5756 4 0 5 5 14
25 5257 14 0 0 0 14
26 5619 13 0 0 0 13
27 240 12 0 0 0 12
28 2620 12 0 0 0 12
29 5068 7 0 0 5 12
30 5144 11 0 0 0 11
31 5523 11 0 0 0 11
32 5531 11 0 0 0 11
33 5050 10 0 0 0 10
34 5567 10 0 0 0 10
35 815 9 0 0 0 9
36 2676 9 0 0 0 9
37 4390 8 0 0 0 8
38 4395 6 0 0 0 6
39 1941 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1023 85.86
3604 55.50
3322 38.10
280 30.55
3539 30.49
27 29.85
2612 26.97
835 26.53
1076 25.15
3668 24.21
5685 24.18
5577 17.92
5498 17.51
123 16.59
2611 16.37
469 16.28
5090 15.27
5531 13.27
5523 13.02
5688 11.65
5257 11.38
5144 11.37
3542 10.62
201 10.25
5567 9.63
5263 9.41
4390 7.67
2620 7.22
5619 6.54
2832 6.41
815 5.17
240 5.14
2676 4.79
1941 0.99
4395 0.41
5050 0.26
5756 -1.91
4405 -4.57
5068 -4.98
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