From Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
aka Emabond Solutions/KLA Foundation&Avondale High School
Rookie Year: 2011
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Event Results

Team 3538 was 58-15-0 in official play and 165-44-0 overall in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 3538 ranked #3 having earned 386 points.

No matches played.

FIM District Rochester Event presented by Aptiv

in Rochester, MI, USA
to Week 2

Team 3538 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Engineering Inspiration Award
  • District Event Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 3538
Pick 1 1506
Pick 2 6085

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 8
Total Points 76
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7769 7762 3538 4130 5436 245 53 40
3538 7224 6099 4810 7597 4130 67 32
5467 1 3538 5926 51 7224 70 26
1506 6566 8854 3175 3538 51 43 79
818 4961 51 2604 3538 4130 57 93
818 3538 5436 4810 8774 6566 99 31
8774 2137 3175 4737 3538 4779 57 81
3538 4810 8728 6344 201 4737 63 50
4737 1506 7597 201 5167 3538 62 88
3538 7247 6566 8728 6085 5436 91 23
5436 5860 3539 3538 5926 4961 43 29
6120 6099 7247 6344 3539 3538 34 79
1506 3538 6085 7769 6120 2851 105 31
1506 3538 6085 7769 6120 2851 79 56
1506 3538 6085 6344 4779 6566 97 38
1506 3538 6085 6344 4779 6566 110 38
1506 3538 6085 818 3539 5926 113 49
1506 3538 6085 818 3539 5926 93 37

FIM District Saline Event presented by DTE

in Saline, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 3538 was Rank 1 with a record of 18-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 3538
Pick 1 1023
Pick 2 5559

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3538 8314 5530 503 6570 3619 64 59
6538 5046 5676 3604 3773 3538 39 79
5066 5559 3542 1076 3538 6538 50 63
2611 8895 7221 3538 217 8423 47 88
280 3619 3568 1023 6150 3538 25 115
6101 3538 5462 3542 1023 5756 98 69
8832 6101 8895 3619 7147 3538 14 66
3538 8297 8895 5144 6528 5530 76 24
3773 1502 8179 3568 3538 5067 60 84
8179 3538 8832 8314 8373 1528 75 36
3538 1502 5559 5462 5066 2611 89 60
217 8297 6556 5676 5612 3538 14 92
1023 3538 5559 2611 7147 1076 112 64
1023 3538 5559 2611 7147 1076 106 50
1023 3538 5559 3542 5462 5066 107 53
1023 3538 5559 3542 5462 5066 101 67
1023 3538 5559 503 1502 5144 101 69
1023 3538 5559 503 1502 5144 101 95

FIRST in Michigan State Championship - DTE Energy Foundation Division

in University Center, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 3538 was Rank 3 with a record of 15-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and won the event.

Captain 3538
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 3322

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 60
Alliance Points 42
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 15
Total Points 207
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2405 3538 3655 4384 201 3618 113 89
5660 1684 4779 2054 3538 245 98 114
3538 7191 3452 4384 6120 2834 78 57
7211 3538 4384 5980 5150 5660 120 62
4237 6642 4967 3538 5525 201 49 82
3452 4130 3322 3618 6642 3538 93 81
1684 4130 3538 4237 4362 5114 145 124
3538 74 2611 4384 5505 6088 154 49
5460 6088 6642 3538 1718 5505 96 123
5114 3538 2834 67 3322 1502 129 150
7211 5114 7244 1502 4779 3538 97 94
862 3618 240 3534 7244 3538 73 134
5460 3538 3322 5505 1189 1502 117 115
5460 3538 3322 5505 1189 1502 162 138
2834 4362 4237 5460 3538 3322 93 95
2834 4362 4237 5460 3538 3322 134 132
2834 4362 4237 5460 3538 3322 85 133
1718 2054 2611 5460 3538 3322 140 94
1718 2054 2611 5460 3538 3322 118 131
1718 2054 2611 5460 3538 3322 107 129

FIRST in Michigan State Championship

in University Center, MI, USA
Week 7

Team 3538 had a record of 3-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of DTE Energy and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 3538
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 3322

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 0
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5460 3538 3322 503 2767 5612 131 102
5460 3538 3322 503 2767 5612 123 102
5460 3538 3322 2337 27 5090 156 138
5460 3538 3322 2337 27 5090 146 152
5460 3538 3322 2337 27 5090 127 152

Hopper Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 39 with a record of 5-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 624
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 4421
Pick 3 4926
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Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition

in Monroe, MI, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 1 with a record of 20-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 3538
Pick 1 226
Pick 2 240
Pick 3 4395
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
240 217 226 4395 1023 3538 69 98
3641 548 51 5205 2834 3538 38 96
8423 1528 5205 226 3538 2851 53 110
3538 217 8332 2851 51 4395 81 46
548 3538 217 4395 302 1528 77 70
1528 51 3538 1023 302 2851 108 89
51 8423 3641 1023 4395 3538 122 95
2834 226 8332 2851 3538 302 106 126
3538 3641 1023 8423 302 548 118 74
3538 4395 240 2851 1528 8423 77 51
3538 51 5205 240 2834 302 127 58
217 3538 1528 8332 240 3641 28 83
217 5205 4395 8423 3538 2834 38 93
3538 5205 2851 548 8332 1023 129 107
8332 240 3538 2834 548 226 33 81
226 240 3538 2834 5205 1023 138 89
226 4395 3538 2834 1023 5205 100 99
226 240 3538 3641 302 217 112 88
226 240 3538 3641 302 217 138 98
226 240 3538 51 1528 8332 106 94
226 4395 3538 51 548 8332 93 81
226 240 3538 3641 2851 302 140 77
226 240 3538 217 3641 302 78 56

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Columbus, IN, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 10 with a record of 10-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 2767
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 1023
Pick 3 1732
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3538 1987 1339 2614 3357 2539 110 77
3940 2363 1706 3538 1023 180 125 185
503 234 1732 4099 3538 4635 86 120
3176 5010 1730 234 4499 3538 91 140
1706 3175 3538 2075 4265 1024 119 97
195 3538 2075 2056 4028 587 115 160
4143 3538 5484 195 1023 694 104 137
1730 3538 325 2468 4635 33 111 158
1533 624 1730 3538 1732 829 107 147
829 1720 67 5712 340 3538 97 137
67 195 2539 2767 1023 3538 136 177
67 195 2539 2767 1023 3538 131 129
2363 195 2539 2767 1732 3538 111 151
5712 1706 33 2767 1023 3538 159 154
5712 1706 33 2767 1023 3538 156 174
5712 1706 33 2767 1023 3538 173 139

WVRoX 2022

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 2 with a record of 28-4-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 3260
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
456 686 3504 2614 9999 3538 46 95
3940 3538 2051 4991 686 9999 130 23
3940 686 2363 346 5811 3538 115 71
5811 3940 2614 3538 1732 2363 76 146
2363 346 5811 456 325 3538 45 97
3504 9985 2363 5740 7515 3538 67 105
3538 3492 3504 5740 4265 7515 8 32
3492 4467 5740 3538 5811 7515 77 83
3538 4265 686 117 9999 325 83 51
4265 325 48 346 3538 9985 70 91
3492 117 346 3260 3538 325 56 48
325 3538 5811 3260 3504 117 62 24
3504 9999 3538 5740 117 5811 77 56
2051 346 4991 5740 3538 2656 63 106
2363 2656 2051 117 3538 3260 56 67
48 9999 117 3538 2051 3940 51 122
3504 1732 2051 3538 2363 4467 105 112
5740 1732 3260 3538 48 3940 131 115
2614 2656 346 48 686 3538 68 228
3538 9999 1732 7515 3260 48 127 51
9985 3260 4467 4991 48 3538 38 87
456 3940 4991 4265 3538 3492 43 100
4265 9999 2656 3538 3492 7515 50 93
325 2614 9985 1732 3538 4467 90 128
7515 9985 456 346 2051 3538 34 105
7515 4991 4265 456 3538 9985 46 84
3538 1732 3260 7515 4991 3492 133 26
3538 1732 3260 7515 4991 3492 124 47
3538 1732 3260 4265 5740 5811 114 94
3538 1732 3260 4265 5740 5811 120 109
3538 1732 3260 2614 3940 3504 154 107
3538 1732 3260 2614 3940 3504 133 106

Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition II

in Dundee, MI, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 2 with a record of 17-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Go Go Gadget MARC at MARC Award (quality)

Captain 33
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 8832
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3538 3175 1528 226 503 4130 59 108
4395 3538 8424 8332 3604 6120 55 24
68 3538 226 3604 3641 4395 87 40
2834 8332 8832 240 3538 3604 46 97
3641 68 8728 3538 3655 8332 44 86
3175 68 503 6120 226 3538 85 93
9998 2834 3538 226 4395 3655 97 69
3641 3538 8832 830 1528 2834 113 34
8424 830 503 3538 8728 2834 79 121
9998 33 68 3604 503 3538 64 134
3538 830 33 3655 9998 8832 99 14
1528 33 8332 4395 4130 3538 72 93
3538 33 8832 1528 8424 3655 149 0
3538 33 8832 1528 8424 3655 283 256
3538 33 8832 503 2834 4395 119 98
3538 33 8832 503 2834 4395 96 98
3538 33 8832 503 2834 4395 110 59
3175 226 9998 3538 33 8832 89 139
3175 226 9998 3538 33 8832 72 0
3175 226 9998 3538 33 8832 77 82

Goonettes Invitational

in Brownstown Charter Twp, Michigan, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 2 with a record of 11-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 5050
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 4390
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Bloomfield Girls Robotics Competition

in Bloomfield Hills, MI, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 20 with a record of 3-4-0

Captain 51
Pick 1 3538
Pick 2 2960
Pick 3 3707
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8728 245 3539 469 3538 2137 36 42
245 302 3538 68 5436 1023 58 52
3641 910 7598 3538 3414 201 48 81
910 3538 226 5712 1506 33 76 93
3322 51 302 2834 3641 3538 76 50
2137 503 2834 3538 4810 2832 102 48
245 1322 1506 3538 2960 51 65 54

Great Lakes Bay Bot Bash

in Midland, MI, USA

Team 3538 was Rank 2 with a record of 9-5-0

Captain 3538
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 6642
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